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Stromspar-Check - ein innovatives Konzept zur Steigerung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit Arbeitsloser durch ihre Qualifizierung zum Stromspar-Helfer sowie zur Umsetzung von Energieeffizienzmaßnahmen in einkommensschwachen Haushalten
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Already in 2008 The EU brought its Climate Package on its way. With the 20-20-20 targets as relevant part of the Europe 2020 Strategy the CO2 emissions shall be reduced until 202 by 20 per cent, the share of renewable energies shall be raised by 20 per cent and the energy efficiency shall be increased by 20 per cent. Apart from increasing the efficiency in all energy applications and in energy transition as well as the extended replacing of fossil energy sources by Regenerative energy sources - as technological colums of climate protection - the behaviour of households and other user groups must change as well. Particularly households with a low income are not able to compensate the increasing prices for energy through the reduction of their energy consumption. However, they do also not have the financial means to invest in energy and power saving devices. Thus, relevant saving potentials remain unused. This is the starting point of our project that will be implemented by partner organisations from Germany, Spain, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy and Romania. The Power Saving Check that has been offered all over Germany since 2008 consists of the mediation of knowledge for users in households with low income for their conscious dealing with energy in heating, cooking, lighting and the use of electronical devices, media and communication devices and sensitises them for a raised awareness in the purchase of those items in relation to their energy needs. This knowledge and skill mediation is done in form of a free consultation - the Power Saving Check. Through the change in the user behaviour and low investive measures the power, water and heating energy consumption of those households can be relevantly reduced what is proven. The consultation is assigned to the so-called Power Saving Checkers - unemployed, particularly long-term unemployed and unemployed young people - and requires an according qualification. An adequate further education is not possible in the partner countries at the moment. Project results are: 1. The concept "Power Saving Check" including the curriculum for the training of Power Saving Checkers was transferred to ES, GB, HU, IT and RO. 2. 6 preparing and 12 special training modules generating the curriculum for the training of Power Saving Checkers was adopted in time and contents to the national needs in ES, GB, HU, IT and RO 3. The adopted curricula were translated into one blended learning course each. 4. A Power Saving Calculator (online-tool) for the investigating and visibility of power savings and CO2 reductions due to the work of the Power Saving Checkers was developed and can be used in the frame of the Power Saving Checks in ES, GB, HU, IT and RO 5. After the Pilot Training 20 experienced adult educators from ES, GB, HU, IT and RO are able to use the gained skills and competences in the education practise of their countries and to multiply them. 6. The adopted curricula for the training of Power Saving Checkers were tested in practise in ES, GB, HU, IT and RO. The trained Power Saving Checkers have implemented Power Saving Checks in ES, GB, HU, IT and RO. The achieved energy savings and CO2 reductions were examined with the Power Saving Calculator and are visible. 7. The Curricula have been acknowledged by the according institutions in ES, GB, HU, IT and RO. 8. Project results and products were disseminated and are available. In the long run POWER SAVING CHECK contributes to enabling relevant stakeholders and decision makers at national level to use the existing potentials and resources in the partner countries better, to extend their systems of general education (ET 2020), to raise the employment rate, to reduce CO2 emissions and to increase energy efficiency (Europe 2020).
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8 Partners Participants