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Strategische Kooperation zwischen Wirtschaft und Berufsbildung für duale Ausbildung
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The dual system in Germany and Austria is a factor for solving the European problems with youth unemployment. The parallel training in a company and in a vocational school has established itself and it became a winner of “the big hope” for the improvement of the quality of the vocational qualification.The project aims to support the actual political development and supporting reforms in the vocational training in Bulgaria, through a transfer of the good practices of these countries. In particular the issue is about strengthening the cooperation between vocational training and business and preparing the companies and training institutions for implementing the dual vocational training for persons over 16 years. The dual vocational training will react adequately to the labour market requirements.The dual vocational training is regulated by article 17a of the Vocational Education and Training Act from July 2014 and Regulation 1 from 8th of September 2015. But the key actors in this process are not active when using this regulation because they are not well prepared for it: there is no information, capacity, trained staff, and ext.The project covers the following activities and their results, which will remove the existing uncertainty:Activity 1. TtT Competencies strengthen Training of trainers from the training institutions like TtT – as trainers of mentors. Supported by the partners the project will: - develop a curriculum/ learning programme for training of trainers (O1)- test the programme when training a group of vocational trainers (mentors) C1 and C2- distribute the tested learning programme Activity 2. Preparation/Training of mentors Training of trainers/ mentors/ masters/ instructors in the companies to undertake complex tasks in the frame of the dual vocational training. It is:- developing of training programme for preparation of trainers in companies (O2)- implementing in Bulgaria a training of 40 learning hours with 8 trainers, in order to test the applicability of the learning programme. Activity 3. Trainer Competencies strengthenEstablishing guidelines/ instruction/ for training of trainers staff in the dual education (O3) – a valuable tool (supporting tool) for the entire target groups: mentors, trainers, employers, experts, and administrative staff. The guidelines/ instructions/ for training are definitely innovative for the Bulgarian educational reality. They will reflect the educational processes in the different phases; they contain valuable didactical methodological guidelines for the planning, implementation and evaluation of the dual system, they offer help in the development and application of teaching and learning materials. Easily understandable language and practical orientation contribute to the motivation of consumers.The guidelines/ instructions/ for training is a product in development – it may be supplemented in the working process, it can be changed, updated and refined.The instructions for the training will also contain managerial directive for the training companies and instructions for the administrative staff how to organize and finance the dual training.Activity 4. Supporting the dual VET Process. Developing a training programme for dual training in 5 companies in the aria of construction, wooden materials/ furniture, metal processing, tourism, ICT (O4), as an example and model for restructuring of the learning programme for other professions. The professions will be selected for exactly this moment, directly before the beginning of these project activities together with the chambers of commerce and according to the needs of every industry. The relevant chambers of commerce gave already their approval. When developing the learning programme the advisory support of the partners will be used. The learning programme will be presented to the German-Bulgarian training centers for testing and later development.This activity will also contribute for the innovative elements, because so far in Bulgaria there hasn’t been a learning programme for dual training for persons at the age of 16+.Activity 5. Communication an Networking: It will an open and transparent Communication encourage during:- Developing of interactive internet based platform (O5) for all the parties that are interested in the dual education: experts, trainers, mentors in the companies, employers, administrative staff, publicity – this is something new for Bulgaria. It will serve for distribution of the project results, common information, consultancy, exchange of experience and opinions. - Futureconference “Dual vocational training – new chance for the companies and youth”.Activity 6. Management and Coordination.The duration of the project will be 3 years.
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4 Partners Participants