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29 European Projects Found

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 FINISHED du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics). The project aims at improving the attractiveness of the construction trades through European mobility.With its enlarged partnership composed by 28 training centers (in the previous project BTP Mobilité + 2014, 2014-1-FR01-KA102-001471, 12 training centers were involved), this project represents a step forward of European mobility in the CCCA-BTP. This is not ...
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European Initial Vocational Placements 2016

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

...hed European models.6. Contribution to the implementation of the CLIL methodological approach for language learning in VET.Description of activities:In this consortium project for VET 69 centers throughout Catalonia are involved; 96 mobility flows to a total of 12 EU countries (Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, United Kingdom and Ireland) wi ...
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3SP: Special Sports for Special People

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

3SP: SPECIAL SPORTS FOR SPECIAL PEOPLE aims to:• Promote, between the YOUNG PEOPLE aged 14-18 involved in VET, voluntary activities in sport. • Develop EDUCATIONAL KITS (OeR) and common methodologies on:1) Education to Sport and Physical activities for the improvement of Health and prevention of diseases connected to sedentary lifestyle, obesity, stress or to the use of doping, awareness raising ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2016, End date: Dec 30, 2017,

...d inside its organizational structure is the Training Centres for Employment Network , whose mission is to improve the professional skills of workers in the Community of Madrid. To this aim, these centers are specialized by sectors and areas of vocational training such as information technology and communications ITC , administration, insurance and finance , construction , aerospace , refrigera ...
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CRN MOVE 2015 Mobility for Reference Training Centers

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

...d inside its organizational structure is the Training Centres for Employment Network , whose mission is to improve the professional skills of workers in the Community of Madrid. To this aim, these centers are specialized by sectors and areas of vocational training such as information technology and communications ITC , insurance and finance , construction , aerospace , refrigeration and air con ...
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European Initial Vocational Placements 2015

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

... European models. 6. Contribution to the implementation of the CLIL methodological approach for language learning in VET. Description of activities: In this consortium project for VET 50 centers throughout Catalonia are involved; 89 mobility flows to a total of 11 EU countries (Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Slovenia, United Kingdom and Ireland) will be carried out. ...
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School Culture Innovation Education Never Can End

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The project SCIENCE is born on the basis of previous projects, always in LLP-Leonardo da Vinci IVT contest, made by the Sarrocchi, and this year it involves all professional profiles of the school (chemical thecnician; construction technician; electronic technician; computing technician; mechanical and mechatronic technician) because of the widespread interest in the mobility proposed in previous ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

...tnership with 8 partners that are members of CONFAP (Confederazione Nazionale Formazione Aggiornamento Professionale), an association that joints 36 VET Organization, with a total amount of 285 VET centers, where 10.000 people work (8.000 trainers). Avery year more or less 70.000 students attend a course in one of CONFAP VET centers. The proposal starts from some common needs of the partners: a) ...
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TIrocini FORmativi in Mobilità Internazionale

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

...cation. The trainees will be selected within schools situated in the Regions of Veneto, Marche, Puglia and Sicilia, that is schools situated into three Italian territorial macro-areas (North – Center – South and Islands), involving classes of the second, third and fourth year. The project has been realised integrating scholastic realities as Italian vocational schools and VET centers and some Euro ...
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CRN MOVE Mobility for Reference Training Centers

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

...nside its organizational structure is the Training Centres for Employment Network , whose mission is to improve the professional skills of workers in the Community of Madrid. To get this aim, these centers are specialized by sectors and areas of vocational training such as information technology and communications ITC , insurance and finance , construction , aerospace , refrigeration and air con ...
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...prenticeship in the Construction Industry (CCCA-BTP, Comité de Concertation et de Coordination de l'Apprentissage du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics). Its network includes 103 vocational training Centers for Apprentices (CFA en French), that comprises 71% of the French apprentices of the construction sector. Its aim is to improve the attractiveness of the construction trades through European mobil ...
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Validare per l'occupabilita (VALID.O)

Start date: Feb 15, 2009, End date: Mar 30, 2011,

... finalizzati a garantire la trasparenza del mercato del lavoro insubrico, nei settori caratterizzati da un forte interscambio transfrontaliero. Il progetto vuole innovare i modelli di formazione, coerentemente alle sperimentazioni in atto in Svizzera e in Lombardia, sull'apprendimento collegato all'esperienza di lavoro (workplace learning) e sulla validazione degli apprendimenti comunque acquisiti ...
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To reduce the differences between business’ needs and the provision of training/qualification to construction workers, 4 training centers (France, Spain, Italy, Belgium) implement an European technical/vocational diploma of Finisher Painter Level II (Nomenclature EQF (European Qualifications Framework)). There was a double objective: on one hand, to allow people without qualifications on craftsman ...
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1. A research on former students about outcomes and methods to get a job was carried out by school institution partners. 2. A survey on companies of wood-furniture sector was implemented in order to identify specific needs about skills and apprenticeship (school-work alternation).On the basis of the 2 research outcomes, several instruments and suitable methods to satisfy the specific and emergen ...
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Il progetto ruota intorno a due assi :- lo scambio di pratiche professionali nei cantieri-scuola realizzati alternativamente in Corsica, Sardegna e Toscana- la formazione tecnica e didattica dei docenti che consiste:~ nella accompagnare la formazione dei giovani con la metodologia dei cantieri-scuola vissuti come un percorso dell'alternanza (centri di formazione, scuole, cantieri)~ nel creare una ...
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.... Ricerca intervento E stata effettuata un’analisi dei movimenti e dei flussi di competenze a livello macro sul versante svizzero, e sono stati individuati i settori maggiormente interessati dal fenomeno del frontalierato. Su questa base di dati sono stati indagati aspetti qualitativi che hanno consentito, attraverso interviste ad aziende ticinesi, di formalizzare dei repertori di competenze per 5 ...
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...and SMEs, who own machines and are working for others companies. So, the aim of this project was to design and apply a training system in basic machinery maintenance using a new technology called Augmented Reality (AR) which is the term to define a direct or indirect view of the physical environment in the real world, which elements combine with virtual elements in order to create a mixed reality ...
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SummaryIn countries participating in the project PCD, Possible Constructive Dialogue, the development of “environmental sustainable building” is insufficient, strongly affected by the lack of preparation and specific expertise in the field. There is lack of tools capable of creating cohesion and participatory planning between local stakeholders and public agencies.PCD aims where:to introduce a ...
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This project based on a transfer process of products created in the hygiene and safety at work field (HSW). This field is a transversal area, carrying out all the sectors of the economic, social and educational life. Thus, the transfer of products does not focus in a specific sector, but will support a dimensional component in a geographic level, which means that the products will be transferred t ...
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This project proposal is focused on some relevant common trends emerging at the European level in the building sector:-shortages of qualified workforce, and mismatch between supply and demand;- consequent increasing of mobility and temporary migration phenomena- need to improve transparency in the job market and to implement services aiming at managing mobile human resources -growing importance of ...
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As technological innovation and globalization modified the economic and productive systems of European countries in the last years, a closer collaboration is nowadays needed between the school/vet systems and the labour market.This collaboration can be fostered through:- integration of formal and non formal learning to induce a reciprocal contamination and valorization of the training capacities ...
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...m that Comp.Card has to face is the non recognition of competences acquired in contexts different from the formal one by workers who want to re-qualify themselves within training / education paths or enter the labor market or just valorize their professional path.A common problem for the Comp.Card partner countries of origin concerns the progressive increase in weakness situations caused by demogr ...
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The SI.SI.FO project responds to an identified lack of training, aimed specifically at rural communities and the related economic infrastructure and with a particular focus upon the use of new technologies. Project partners will initially analyse existing experiences with regard to e-training and e-learning across the partner countries and with regard to existing training infrastructures relying u ...
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The DREAM JOB project aims to create a common European model with regard to apprenticeship level training and will establish a permanent European Resource Centre for the collection, synthesis and transfer of approaches, methodologies, tools & experiences considered as best practice in the this field.The principal products of the project are in the establishment of a European Resource Centre Networ ...
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The EU.TE.YA project aims to satisfy the need for innovation with regard to guidance, training and skills-transfer in the archeological sector, with a focus upon restoration management. Project partners will initially undergo a state of the art analysis of sector regulations and practices, leading to a subsequent analysis of the training & skills gaps. Beyond this, an experimental model will be de ...
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The project will develop a European model for training quality assurance in the construction sector, introducing a new scheme on existing general quality approach in VET, improving and modernizing the European training system in this field. Starting from an analysis and benchmarking process finalized to map the different European experiences and best practices in the construction training sites, t ...
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LEARNPLACE aims to develop and implement both outline methodology & practical tools, able to empower SMEs (and micro-enterprises) in conversion of the 'workplace' into a 'learnplace'.In recent years there has been increasing interest in being known as a company where workplace policies and practices are viewed favourable by both current and prospective employees. These companies have viewed 'workp ...
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The Red AZUL project is based on the need to find a rapid, effective solution to the deterioration of the cultural heritage through the use of the innovative opportunities offered by new technologies. The project's initial aim, therefore, is to compile all existing know-how on the use of new technologies for the preservation and restoration of the cultural heritage (movable and immovable property) ...
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DearsNet is a transnational network which will primarily seek to enhance the skills and competences of teachers and trainers in the sectors of agriculture and rural development within the context of lifelong learning. Through already existing networks and in this new extended partnership, the project will promote new and more innovative approaches and best practice in these sectors. Best practice ...
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