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CRN MOVE 2015 Mobility for Reference Training Centers
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CRN MOVE 2015 project is an initiative of the Training General Directorate that is the government agency responsible for Vocational Training for Employment in the Community of Madrid. It depends on the Department of Employment , Tourism and Culture and inside its organizational structure is the Training Centres for Employment Network , whose mission is to improve the professional skills of workers in the Community of Madrid. To this aim, these centers are specialized by sectors and areas of vocational training such as information technology and communications ITC , insurance and finance , construction , aerospace , refrigeration and air conditioning , electricity, electronics - and they directly manage training courses for unemployed and workers training more than 6,000 students each year. These training centers also contribute to the improvement of the national system of vocational training through research, certification and upgrading of profiles and all of them are National Reference Centres for Vocational Training (CRN) in their respective sectors . This project shares the objectives of the Strategic Framework for Education and Training 2020 Enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship , through partnerships between industry and educational institutions. This collaboration is the key point of this project and it means the to resume the uninterrupted participation of Training Centres for Employment Network of the Community of Madrid in European projects and initiatives for Vocational Training in the last years. Specifically, this project proposes in one hand to send 35 students - all of them young unemployed- that have followed their training in various professional certificates of Level 2 and in the other to send 5 technicians from 3 Training Centres (TC) : Electricity , Electronics and Aeronautics TC of Leganés , Technologies Refrigeration and HVAC TC Moratalaz and Building and Civil Works TC Paracuellos . This is a project that brings together the different mobility flows from the 3 sending centers , with 7 host partners - companies , training centers and chambers of trades- that has already worked together before , and 3 different types of activity: vet learners in companies, vet learners in vocational institutes and companies and staff mobility. Regarding objectives and expected outcomes: in the case of students we know from previous experiences in mobility projects that practices in transnational companies TNCs exponentially increases the employability of those students. In the case of staff mobility expected outcomes are: the experimentation of tools and assessment procedure of transnational in company practices , worked out by the Paracuellos TC in the Transfer of Innovation Leonardo - Track project , the import of dual training methodologies and information exchange about professional qualifications with the aim of establishing ECVET MOUs . These results will give sustainability to the project at the national level because as CRN these results and products will be disseminated among the Spanish VET agents and could be developed in future Erasmus + calls for proposals.

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