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EU.TE.YA – Technology at the Service of Artistic Heritage - an Innovatove Approach to Protection and Archeological Restauration - a European Network of Technological Sites

The EU.TE.YA project aims to satisfy the need for innovation with regard to guidance, training and skills-transfer in the archeological sector, with a focus upon restoration management. Project partners will initially undergo a state of the art analysis of sector regulations and practices, leading to a subsequent analysis of the training & skills gaps. Beyond this, an experimental model will be developed and itnroduced with regard to the certification of skills, virtual training modules will be developed and an interactive tool introduced with regard to skills assessment. Expected project results comprise an interactive and multimedia model of innovative skills analysis in the sector; examples of ‘good practice’; research documents in partner languages and in EN and validated virtual training models on DVD and CD-Rom. Primary beneficiaries of the project include vocational training bodies, sectoral associations, employees and employers (SMEs) in the field of artistic restoration management. Dissemination will rely upon the establishment of a dedicated project website, the hosting of workshops and seminars and the publication of a project newsletter.

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9 Partners Participants