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13 European Projects Found

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Establishing Skills Core for CVET Trainer

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

Continuing Vocational and Educational Training (CVET) is one of the major instruments to meet the challenges of the European 2020 strategy. The Bruges Communiqué invited the States Members to improve the training of CVET educators and trainers through flexible trainings to enable them to manage the educational and training tasks which are increasingly broad and complex.The market of continuing vo ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

... and university exams The learning resources will be used at school of for independent study. > Number and profile of participants The project will be carried out by the following partners: - Enaip Ente Acli Istruzione Professionale Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italy) - En.A.I.P. (Ente Nazionale Acli Istruzione Professionale) Veneto (Italy) - Fast Track into Information Technology Ltd. (Ireland) - Ber ...
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The adoption of competence based training design models implies a significant change in the way we specify the training objectives, described as activities the learner will be able to carry out at the end of the course, performances, instead of as a list of contents he/she will know at end of the training period. This is an outstanding step in terms of transparency of job descriptions and training ...
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As technological innovation and globalization modified the economic and productive systems of European countries in the last years, a closer collaboration is nowadays needed between the school/vet systems and the labour market.This collaboration can be fostered through:- integration of formal and non formal learning to induce a reciprocal contamination and valorization of the training capacities ...
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Building construction sector is the one of the key sector in the European economy and labour market. In recent years the construction industry has been highly concentrated in Polish economy. Around one quarter of all persons employed in the Polish non-financial business economy were employed within construction activities in 2007. Competition in this sector is global and skills of the workforce in ...
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... been working for years and refers to the organizations of the working process, the repertorire is not tied to the education and vocational qualifications system, making it more flexible and easy for enterprises to undestand and use. This “syntax” is an innovative practice that can be transferred for the codification of skills acquired during mobility combined with the validation of the acquired c ...
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The partnership is composed by schools and VET (Vocational Education and Training) centres involved in the study, development and delivery of training activities to increase the level of digital literacy and active citizenship of elderly people. The partners are interested in learning more about and then transfer and localize the methodology developed by the “G&G - Grandparents and Grandsons” ini ...
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This project aimed at:- increasing digital and pedagogical competences among teachers by fostering the combined use of the IWB and HIL/OER resources to teach key competences;- stimulating among teachers the inclusion of key competences in their lessons, particularly foreign languages, entrepreneurship, math and scientific disciplines, and learning to learn;- generating and sharing examples consid ...
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...allers of drywall interior constructors. We foresee that achieved results will be great support for the development of workers and contribute to increase the competitiveness of Polish and European enterprises.
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The project aims at developing the systems improving vocational teacher qualification in partner countries. The project goals are related with the improvement of interaction between VET institutions and world of work. It also aims at developing the methodology determining the curriculum of teacher qualification improvement. Additionally, it ensures the enhancement of social partnership in vocation ...
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The Grandparents & Grandchildren project is about adult digital literacy improvement: it was aimed to promote and facilitate digital active citizenship of elderly people.The project dream was to foster a process of local stakeholders involvement in supporting low cost training initiatives aimed to allow elderly people to gain full citizenship in the digit society.The original aspect of the initiat ...
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...ronments. Ideal target groups are secondary school and university students, vocational trainees, apprentices, workers and unemployed people participating in LLL actions. The seminars are oriented to fulfil non-formal and formal learning needs: they should integrate and enhance existing training paths or generate new ones.“Industrial Tourism” circuits encourage the discovery of an area’s economic f ...
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The realisation of Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation project no. 2008-1-PL1-LEO05-02057 showed the great interest from the companies side. The aim of this project was to transfer metholodogy, procedure and tools to evaluate and recognise competencies from companies point of view. During the dissemination activities the great demand for follow-up activities to transfer and adaptation of exis ...
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