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Mapping of competencies as a new tool of knowledge management in a company

The adoption of competence based training design models implies a significant change in the way we specify the training objectives, described as activities the learner will be able to carry out at the end of the course, performances, instead of as a list of contents he/she will know at end of the training period. This is an outstanding step in terms of transparency of job descriptions and training objectives among education and training sector, labour market, society. It has been adopted in the last years in many educational and training fields and also is the base for an effective use of the Europass and for the development of ECVET. Therefore, if we can state that in “training design” terms the training objectives specification techniques are consolidating and “metabolised” by the education/training systems, the same cannot be said as for the adaptations that the designing approach “forces” into the training settings and methodologies.The scope of the project is to improve the quality of training activities and interaction with companies, in particular in the sector of apprenticeship, in order to foster innovative practices in the management and design of competency-based training paths and develop therefore the transparency and recognition of professional qualifications and competencies. These results will be fostered through the transfer of an innovative model, piloted and recognised in Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, that describes the competencies in terms of “key activities” and provides for observation and assessment criteria able to set standard levels for the certification or recognition of the professional competencies. These results will be supported by the tool for competencies mapping designed and provided by Italian partner of the project. The partnership is composed by TNOiK (PL), Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute (Staff Education and Development Centre)(PL) and two international partners: ENAIP (IT), whose model will be transferred to the partners and Kenniscentrum (NL). All partners are training agencies currently dealing with the organization, design and development of training activities and have relevant connections with individuals, companies and the labour market. The main results foreseen are: diffusion of techniques and methods for the analysis of work processes and training need analysis and design training based on competencies; adoption and use of tools developed by EnAIP FVG; start-up of a community of practice allowing the exchange of materials at international level. A significant impact is expected on target groups, both in terms of improvement of their competencies in training design and on potential users in terms of improvement of the transparency of training programmes. The project intends to impact also on VET systems and practices by creating a common language among the different systems involved and through the adoption of the model as a standard for analysis and training design leading to the recognition of professional competencies.The tangible outcome of the project is MapCom software (professional competencies mapping) - an information tool which allows to apply a model of training needs analysis based on the work process analysis. The process analysis is carried out through the simplified schemes aiming at highlight the key steps in the transformation process analysed. The intangible outcome of the project is the elaboration of common standard of competencies certification, especially non-formal ones. This standard should be written in EQF and allow to proper use of Europass.We believe that elaborated outcomes will be the great element to support the development of employees and will bring the increase of competitiveness of Polish and European companies which will realize the strategic objective of European Community, i.e. Lisbon Strategy
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3 Partners Participants