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G&G enhancement

The partnership is composed by schools and VET (Vocational Education and Training) centres involved in the study, development and delivery of training activities to increase the level of digital literacy and active citizenship of elderly people. The partners are interested in learning more about and then transfer and localize the methodology developed by the “G&G - Grandparents and Grandsons” initiative co-financed by the e-learning programme (contract nr. 2006-4529/001 001 ELE ELEB11). Started in Italy the G&G experience is now disseminated at European level in other 7 countries (Estonia, Finland, Greece, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain) supported by a website and on-line training units available in 9 different European languages. The very friendly pedagogical approach, the low cost in the organization of the training seminars for elderly people, ensured by the role of students as volunteer “digital educators”, and the easiness in finding support and sponsorship by local stakeholders, guarantee to the initiative a significant social impact on the local communities and ensure high visibility and sustainability.Besides, the inter-generational learning process fosters a cultural encounter between young people, the “grandsons” and adult learners, the “grandparents” which transforms the “digital divide” in a “digital joining”. The partnership is interested in widen the G&G network, allowing new members to adopt the teaching materials and making them available in their own language, thus increasing the number of languages in which the G&G resources will be available (from 9 to 13). At the same time, the partnership will try to identify new areas of enhancement for the G&G initiative by defining specifications for new products and services to be developed in the future.
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3 Partners Participants