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[ Go&Learn ] An international catalogue of study visits in SMEs
Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

The initiative aims to enhance certain aspects of the EU mobility program’s efficiency and efficacy: the low level of mutual interest in and understanding of a neighbouring country’s economic fabric and history; the inadequate support given to schools and VET bodies (most of which don’t have transnational mobility as a standard part of their curricula) in terms of reliable foreign partners able to guarantee quality in exchange activities and original learning proposals.Education and VET systems are finding it increasingly difficult, for a variety of reasons, to update curricula, laboratories and technologies, while for study purposes companies themselves can provide a broad, state-of-the-art, detailed view of local products and services, organization and technology, culture and experience.The Go&Learn initiative offers in-company guidance and training, the chance to access an international catalogue of themed training seminars and/or industrial tourism visits.“Learning in Company” circuits are planned training units carried out in non-formal learning environments. Ideal target groups are secondary school and university students, vocational trainees, apprentices, workers and unemployed people participating in LLL actions. The seminars are oriented to fulfil non-formal and formal learning needs: they should integrate and enhance existing training paths or generate new ones.“Industrial Tourism” circuits encourage the discovery of an area’s economic framework. They are an innovative, original form of professional guidance, open to a wide range of participants: not only schools and companies but also single individuals, whatever their working condition or age. The expected impact is to promote mutual knowledge of the economic cultures of neighbouring countries/regions, to foster transnational mobility, to exploit the companies’ training role, as real added value for the professional development of European students and workers.
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