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TKEY - Teaching EU Key Competence in High Interaction Learning

This project aimed at:- increasing digital and pedagogical competences among teachers by fostering the combined use of the IWB and HIL/OER resources to teach key competences;- stimulating among teachers the inclusion of key competences in their lessons, particularly foreign languages, entrepreneurship, math and scientific disciplines, and learning to learn;- generating and sharing examples considered to be good practice in using ITC to teach and assess key competences;- implementing professional networks in order to exchange and spread out ideas and good practices.CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CONSORTIUMThe partnership included - the Irish FIT (Fast Track Into Information Technology), a leading innovator in VET- a network of training institutions (Enaip, IAL and OSF in Italy), Italian secondary schools - a network of 80 training providers in Italian speaking Switzerland. FIT and CFC Switzerland transferred good practices in the use of IWB integrated with HIL/OER to teach and learn key competences; ENAIP FVG the know-how about IWB with concept and mind maps and action research methodology; EVTA ensured dissemination at European level.OUTCOMES- 1 course (training of expert trainers/facilitators) and 8 regional courses (training of teachers) on how to use IWB, HIL/OER tools and resources for teaching key competences.- collection of the best practices of teaching key competences using ICT tools carried out during the experimentation phase with their students during a whole school year;- handbook regarding teaching key competences with IWB, concept/mind maps and other HIL/OER tools;- dissemination and valorization of key competences teaching/assessing within school curricula and training paths.
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10 Partners Participants