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35 European Projects Found

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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

To react for the growing problems of the EU with immigration in Europe and the rising antipathy of EU citizens in relation to foreigners, Europejskie Forum Młodzieży has developed the project "YOUTH and DIVERSITY - EVS OpenMind ZONE", which very important aspect is to help young people to gain the ability to build their own opinion on diversity and problem of immigration, strongly connected with c ...
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Interculture and more - Interkulturelles und soziales Lernen

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

he KHG´s motto is "living together and learning from each other." The KHG is a meeting place for students and young academics. Nations and cultures from all over the world meet here. Students from different disciplines, students of the first year as well as students who are writing their thesis come together here. A diverse program is organized on a voluntary basis by students ( ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

Cesvov is the local centre of voluntarism in Varese, whose aim is the valorisation and promotion of the culture and work of voluntarism in our place. The city of Varese is a 80.000 inhabitants city North to Milan and the nearest city Malnate (17.000 inhabitants) 5 km far from Varese are the two territories involved in this project. In our local community, the activity of the associations, La Fine ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

The "Evangelischen Freiwilligendienste Diakonie Hessen" (the former "Zentrum für Freiwilligen-, Friedens- und Zivildienst") started in 2001 with EVS projects. The seat and working range of the project is the city of Kassel (appr. 200.000 inhabitants).Piano e.V. is active around the entire city, predominantly in those areas which count as socially disadvantaged and financially week. A high percenta ...
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Assistenz im Alltag Tagesförderprojekt Schulassistenz

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

The "Evangelischen Freiwilligendienste Diakonie Hessen" (the former "Zentrum für Freiwilligen-, Friedens- und Zivildienst") started in 2001 with EVS projects. This project is funded in the field of work to help physically and mentally challenged people. The three pillars of the project integrate various daily activities, like assisting in schools or planning an activity in a place for adult mental ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

GREEN WAYThe river bed was straighten out, meanders were crossed by levees. Industry and agriculture development and water pollution resulting from it as well as sewage.In frames of the project we plan to take comprehensive actions that will contribute to renovation and maintainance of oxbows values and strengthen their functions. We are going to take natural inventory, legal, educational, informa ...
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Internationale Aspekte kultureller Jugendbildung 2016

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

The basic concept of the project is the cultural educationial youth work of the Bad Harzburg Kunstkarussell Association. In cooperation with schools and kindergartens in the region, we teach with the aim of personality development in a variety of artistic skills. The main sphere of activity is in the area of non-formal education, incorporated within the schools timetable, and the free courses off ...
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Online Game for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Millions of users around the world are gaming regularly. Even though online gaming was primarily designed for entertainment and profit, quite recently it moved beyond private industry and turned into a research field in educational, training and learning disciplines. Gaming is based on interaction, collaboration, active and dynamic learning and an informal educational process that is invaluable. S ...
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Youth for change III

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

PROJEKTOR Ideell Förening coordinates a Erasmus+ project of EVS and mobility of youth workers (job shadowing) with partners from Italy, Germany, Portugal, Cyprus, Polen, Armenia, Spain, Hungary and France.The volunteers will use their skills and creativity in order to assist in local projects and will also develop new activities by putting their own ideas into action.The themes for this project a ...
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An European impact: from disability to ability through sport

Start date: Jan 5, 2016, End date: Aug 4, 2017,

Project took place at Volunteer Service Center in Cremona and involves one volunteer. Cisvol is a non profit organisation has as main objective the promotion and development of the voluntary sector. The Service lasts 12 mounths and the countries involved are Italy (Cisvol, Host and Coordinating Organisation), Hungary (Messzelátó Association). The main issue are: youth participation, European dime ...
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noprofit#euskills - No profit skills building inclusive Europe

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

the project, in line with the European strategy of CSV MARCHE, aims to implement part of it and to strengthen the path of internationalization already begun.The project aims primarily to pursue the goal of increasing the specific managerial skills of staff CSV Marche and other italian CSVs partners in European project planning and mnagement, with particular attention to the creation of relation s ...
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The BHH Sozialkontor gGmbH is a non-profit and non-confessional orientated organization for the care for persons with disabilities. It offers support to adults with or without handicaps. The objective of the BHH is to ease an existing handicap or its' consequences and to enable the disabled people to live and participate actively in our society. The BHH disposes of 6 accredited evs projects with ...
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This project “AFS: Intercultural learning experience for life: volunteer work at a local project and integration into a host family” aims to develop solidarity and promote tolerance among people with different cultural backgrounds. This is achieved by providing opportunities for intercultural dialogue, intercultural learning and integration in the local community. We do this by offering the volunt ...
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Youth Exchange 2016: Europa in der Flüchtlingskrise

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

The basis of the project is the cultural educationial youth work of the Bad Harzburg Kunstkarussell Association. In cooperation with schools and kindergartens in the region, we teach with the aim of personality development in a variety of artistic skills. The main sphere of activity is in the area of non-formal education, incorporated within the school's timetable, in addition to free courses off ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

The seat and working range of the project is the city of Kassel (appr. 200.000 inhabitants). Piano e.V. is active around the entire city, predominantly in those areas which count as socially disadvantaged and financially week. A high percentage of people living here are seen as "poor", at least living in poor conditions. Many inhabitants depend on the public minimum basic support or in addition on ...
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Enabling 80 young people with disabilities to profit from professional internships in four European countries, between June 2014 to May 2016. Thanks to its past mobility projects, which were supported by the sub-programme Leonardo da Vinci, the Volunteering Service Centre “Volontarimini” has enabled over 350 young people with special needs to enjoy internships which are beneficial to their profess ...
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Euro + Volunteering = Progress

Start date: Jan 5, 2015, End date: Aug 4, 2016,

Project took place at Volunteer Service Center in Cremona and involves one volunteer. Cisvol is a non profit organisation has as main objective the promotion and development of the voluntary sector. The Service lasts 12 mounths and the countries involved are Italy (Cisvol, Host and Coordinating Organisation), Federazione Russa (SFERA Movement ). The main issue are: youth participation, European ...
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OpportUNITY to grow

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

Presented project ”OpportUNITY to grow” involved volunteers from Croatia and Italy. Project took place between September 2014 and September 2016 and each of the volunteers spent a year in Newcastle upon Tyne. The main subject of the project and planned activities was the promotion of the European Awareness and the newly introduced Erasmus+ programme, as well as fighting against any forms of discri ...
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EVS for everybody

Start date: Aug 3, 2015, End date: Jul 2, 2016,

...s (planning and organization of celebrations, events, etc.). Spanish Partner in the project is Unidad de Acción Social Universidad Pública de Navarra. Italian partners are Movimentazioni and Centro di servizi pr il della provincia di volontariato Varese.
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Vivre et agir en rural

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Mar 1, 2016,

Contact person: Julien Trolong • Organisation: VASI Jeunes • Location: Vidaillat, France • Start: 01/06/2015 • End: 01/11/2015 OPEN CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS - EVS PROJECT 6 months. Organizer: VASI Jeunes Phone: +33 0555649462 Email: GENERAL INFORMATION Hosting organization: Valorisation Appui et Soutien des Initiatives de ...
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Start date: Aug 3, 2015, End date: Jan 2, 2016,

With this application, we wish to organise a contact making seminar, that will gather 14 organisations from 10 countries (Austria, Belgium, Greece, Finland, France, Italy, Macedonia, Poland, Czech Republic and United Kingdom) and will permit the sharing and development of awareness youth tools to the international voluntary projects and, at an extended level, to active citizenship. Our seminar wi ...
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Skills for life

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jan 1, 2016,

In this 6 month long EVS project two volunteers - one man (26) from Spain and one woman from Italy (28)- were involved in the project "Life Berlengas" (until 2018) coordinated by portuguese organization SPEA (a member of Birdlife International), in Lisbon and Berlengas island. Both volunteers had experience and academic knownledge in biology. SPEA's mission as an environmental NGO is to work towar ...
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Develop your skills through volunteering!

Start date: Aug 19, 2014, End date: Dec 19, 2015,

...nt countries are taking part in this project: 1. Volunteers Centre Skopje (Macedonia), 2. Gwenilli rencontres et echanges intercultureles (Prancūzija); 3. Fundacion Paideia (Spain); 4. Centro Servizi per volontariato della provincia di Varese (Italy); 5. Asociatia YMCA Baia Mare (Romania). Each organization will send 1 volunteer to this project and the each volunteer will make 12 months EVS.
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Skills in Action

Start date: Apr 6, 2015, End date: Dec 12, 2015,

CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES The project aims to train youth workers on the use of methodologies for the surfacing and validation of learning experiences of young people related to volunteering and social engagement. Volunteering and social engagement, in fact, have usually a strong impact in terms of learnings on young people; it is a heritage of values skills, knowledge, which often remains unexplore ...
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Una experiencia con la pedagogía Waldorf

Start date: Aug 2, 2014, End date: Oct 1, 2015,

Waldorf School Association of Villafranqueza (Coordinator, 2012-ES-110) is a nonprofit entity, belonging to the Waldorf school network Spain ( which in turn is integrated in the European Council Steiner Waldorf education (European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education) formed by 29 European countries. It is an Association with a school that follows the pedagogy of Rudolf St ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The cooperation in the frame of European Voluntary Service among the associations involved in this project produced a new way of managing project together,between coordinating organisation (CESVOV) and hosting organisation (LA FINESTRA), also regarding the issues and the realisation of activities. the good results of the last two projects done together, that are still ongoing, both regarding the ...
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In Advance!

Start date: Mar 3, 2015, End date: Sep 2, 2015,

In Advance !, is a Youth Exchange proposal than 5 European associations of Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Italy and Spain will develop in northern Madrid, in the municipality of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, during the days from 28 June to 7 July 2015. With this project we want to work on three topics of high relevance and concern for young people in our region, as they are: - Youth unemployment - The ...
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YouthPass plus Curriculum Vitae as Erasmus Plus Employability

Start date: Sep 9, 2014, End date: Jan 8, 2015,

In the Puglia Region and particularly in the city of Manfredonia there is a high unemployment rate, especially among young and women , and the number of NEETs is high ( 32.8 %). Although there is a regional program on youth policies called " Bollenti Spiriti" and a tool called "Citizen Training Booklet " for the recognition of the competences acquired through non-formal education, the public insti ...
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The project will last for 12 months. In this project, three volunteers will take place. The project is based on art and culture and also communication. We aim at providing the European awareness. We,as the coordinator, will cooperate with a partner from Latvia, France and a partner from Italy . The volunteers can attend the club's activities freely such as tracking, nature observation, meetings, p ...
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Leaders not followers

Start date: Feb 15, 2013,

Training course "Leaders not followers" will take place in Bitola, Macedonia and it will last for 7 working days during March 2013. Training will gather 46 participants, from 19 partner organizations from 12 countries, young people that are youth workers or volunteer coordinators involved in various forms of voluntary work and leadership.The main theme of this training course is young people’s com ...
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A close-up shot of solidarity

Start date: Dec 1, 2008,

Il numero dei partecipanti italiani è cambiato rispetto al numero iniziale di 7 giovani. Pur avendo partecipato a tutto il percorso di preparazione, un giovane ha deciso, una settimana prima dellasettimana di scambio, di rinunciare al progetto per motivi personali legati alla sua situazione scolastica. Abbiamo fatto la scelta di non sostituirlo non avendo abbastanza tempo per “integrare”un nuovo g ...
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A volunteer for other volunteers

Start date: Jul 1, 2008,

This is a group EVS project that includes 4 promoters from programme countries and a neighbouring partner country: 3 sending organisations from Germany, Macedonia and Spain, each sending one volunteer to a host organisation in Italy, that also acts as the coordinating organisation of the project. The 3 volunteers participate in the activity in Varese, Italy and the project lasts in total 20 months ...
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In an innovative approach to education, a curriculum for a pre-qualification course for migrant women in the health and care sectors will be developed and tested in 3 pilot-courses in Austria, Italy and Germany.
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2012 is declared as a year of solidarity of generations and activeness of the elders within Europe. One of the possibilities to pursue these goals is a chance to participate in LLP Grundtvig Senior Volunteering projects .We are U3A joining a big number of seniors who for various reasons lost their active role in job market but do not want to be isolated from everyday life and have energy enough to ...
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The online course was developed through consultation with the partners to ensure that the content successfully met the learning needs of volunteer managers in each of the partner countries and could be used more widely across Europe in future.
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