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YouthPass plus Curriculum Vitae as Erasmus Plus Employability
Start date: Sep 9, 2014, End date: Jan 8, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the Puglia Region and particularly in the city of Manfredonia there is a high unemployment rate, especially among young and women , and the number of NEETs is high ( 32.8 %). Although there is a regional program on youth policies called " Bollenti Spiriti" and a tool called "Citizen Training Booklet " for the recognition of the competences acquired through non-formal education, the public institutions are struggling to recognize and certify the competences acquired by young people with volunteering in a non -formal education. For these reasons, the Ce.Se.Vo.Ca. considers it appropriate to carry out the project " YP + CV=E + E (YOUTHPASS plus Curriculum Vitae as Erasmus Plus Employability ) " consisting of a Seminar for the exchange of best European practices on the acquisition of competences through voluntary activities of young people, included in the Curriculum vitae and usable in the labor market, with a confrontation with the local institutions for the recognition and certification of these competences. The objectives of the project are: a ) to accompany political reforms at the local and regional level in the youth field and to support the recognition of non- formal and informal learning , b) to strengthen the international dimension of youth activities and the role of youth c ) to strengthen cooperation among organizations active in the youth field, d) to promote the concept of volunteering as a value and opportunities for the acquisition of competences can also be used in the labor market . Participants will be among 34 youth workers , volunteers and members of the executive board of youth organizations (and one Local Council) from 15 countries , half outside the European Union and for the other half belonging to neighboring countries. The main activity of the project will be a Seminar in Manfredonia, from 24 to 28 November 2014 named " YOUTHPASS plus Curriculum Vitae as Erasmus Plus Employability " in which participants will exchange best practices on the competences acquired through voluntary activities based on non-formal education, and share with the local institutions the procedures for the recognition of these competences and their development in the curriculum vitae, to facilitate the creation or job research by young people. The methodology used for the realization of the project will be based on non-formal education, which includes the planning of activities, the voluntary participation and especially the involvement and active participation of partner organizations and participants. The main impact of this project on the participants will be: - to share good practices for the recognition of voluntary activities based on non-formal education; - to learn a new digital tool, the platform for distance learning (named open software "Moodle "). Among the results of the project, all the best practices presented during the seminar will be shared with local institutions, and it will be the subject of an online publication , that each partner will translate into their language and will spread through all media. The main long-term benefits of this project will be: a ) the consolidation of the partnership, with the goal of starting a lasting collaboration within the program " Erasmus +" to promote the recognition and validation of volunteer experiences , acquired through non-formal education , b) the recognition and certification by the local institutions of the competences acquired through voluntary activities of young people.

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16 Partners Participants