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27 European Projects Found

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In the construction sector, there are special features that characterize it: high mobility of workforce among EU countries due to higher salaries and better working conditions across EU, the employers' need for highly skilled sectoral staff profiles, and project based employment. Proper awareness of sectoral skills being acquired through different VET systems in EU countries on 4th EQF level and c ...
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Eco-innovation Skills for European Designers

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

The ECOSIGN project will create an Eco-Innovation Skills Alliance in four European countries (Slovenia, Spain, Romania and Italy) with the goal of addressing the lack of knowledge of designers coming from three economic sectors: food packaging, electronic goods and clothing/textiles. These sectors have production-consumption systems with globalised supply chains and large shares of imports to the ...
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See the goal! - In-company learning outcomes as videos

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

BACKGROUND & NEEDSEuropean VET has its focus on WBL. It is the same for well-established dual systems and for countries newly implementing apprenticeships in formal VET. Quality assurance of WBL is therefore a central point. In this context, the students´ learning outcomes for in-company training periods are quality keys. These learning outcomes are also tools for enforcing the cut-face between VE ...
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Services For Apprenticeships

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

SMes often struggle to provide apprenticeship opportunities. Some of the most common reasons include: a lack of training infrastructure and personnel to supervise apprentices, as well as insufficient expertise and capacity to manage complex rules, employment law and administrative requirements. Nevertheless, SMEs are well placed to offer high quality apprenticeships, if the right conditions are me ...
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...ifficulties in accessing active and working life.ACTIVITIES:• Creating a Thematic Network , European Monitoring Centre for New Qualifications in the Forestry Sector and Resource Center Information and Online Learning, through which the integrated training, qualifications, monitoring, job creation system and will be organized tools to promote transparency of qualifications and the exchange of best ...
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Celostni pristop za uspešno integracijo migrantov

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

In the last year, migrant issues in the EU become global issue that requires a proactive response on national and transnational levels of various European and Slovenian institutions. In the next few months, individual countries, in accordance with the decision of the EU, will have to integrate a certain number of migrants (SI will have to integrate 576 migrants, DE 50 times, and HR 1.7 times the o ...
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New Models in Work-Based Learning

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

The aim of our project is to: - increase public awareness of work based learning models. - strengthen relationships among and within all sector stakeholders' groups. - fortify links between all actors working and interacting cohesively and collaboratively to create greater effectiveness of work based learning. - reinforce a dynamic and effective communications network. These goals we will achieve ...
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Guidance and Orientation for Adult Learners

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

Education and training have a crucial role to play in meeting socio-economic, demographic, environmental and technological challenges in Europe by enabling citizens to acquire, update and develop job-specific skills and key competences needed for their employability and to foster further learning, active citizenship and intercultural dialogue. However it is a general trend in Europe that only adul ...
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Skills in metal and electro industry

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

Never ending progress and development of manufacturing procedures demand continuous and up-to-date training which needs to be a response to industry's needs and has to enable the mobility of trainees and workers. Challenges of skill gaps, raising employment and employability rate, quality and efficiency of education and training and improving synergy between the worlds of education and work as pre ...
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Vocational Assessor Requirements in Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The "VARE" project aims to identify the requirements for assessment and assessors in vocational training programmes across the European Union to support the development of partnership working for the purposes of mobility in VET. At present, research has identified a lack of transparency in quality assurance in VET, especially in assessment and validation. Little attention has so far been paid to t ...
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Cooperative and Work Integrated Curriculum

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Nowadays Europe face a problem of high unemployment of young people. VET systems where student are more involved in practical training in companies are believed to be more successful when it comes to transition from school to labour market or employment. This project will focus on the implementation and quality of practical training in companies taking into consideration both content and length of ...
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2016 Financial support to the EQAVET

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

According to the EQAVET Strategy plan for 2016 and according to the objectives and priorities of this very restricted call we focused the project to two priorities: deepening the culture of quality assurance of VET – the importance of feedback loops and the review phase of the quality cycle and strengthening mutual cooperation among NRPs in order to address implementation – NRPs and the work with ...
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With this project we will: 1) Provide support for the implementation of the 2nd milestone of the EQF Recommendation; 2) Raise awareness among general public about EQF and NQF in Slovenia; 3) Develop guidelines for implementation of the NQF using learning outcome approach in all subsystems of formal and non-formal education; 4) Strengthen synergies between European transparency tools; 5) Prepare co ...
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The VET mission is to support learners in acquiring knowledge, skills and competences to successfully enter the world of work. Therefore work experience is a fundamental aspect of vocational training across Europe. The Skills4Work project aims to improve work experience pathways for VET students by creating and validating a Work Based Learning implementation model engaging VET organisations and b ...
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European Solutions in Quality Assurance

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The "European Solutions in Quality Assurance - ESQA" project will be carried out by a partnership of 4 institutions from Poland, UK, Estonia and Slovenia. It is focused on exchange of experience and information on quality assurance in partner countries in order to create the catalogue of good practice supporting VET schools and their supervising bodies as well as policy makers in performing thei ...
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ECVET Matrika kompetenc pri mobilnosti - 14/16

Start date: Aug 25, 2014, End date: Aug 25, 2016,

...her with Europass mobility certificate for the recognition of school obligations in accordance with the ECVET and with requirements of the curricula for each of the participants of mobility in School center Velenje. Learning Agreements will be used for recognition of new acquired competencies, where we will take into account current knowledge and experiences of participants of mobility, that will ...
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Sustainable Transfer in West Brabant

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

In the period 2009 - 2015 ROC WB highly deployed on internationalization. Investment in time, money and attention at various levels has also deliverd many results in the Call 2014. The current policy documents written in 2010 lifted internationalization to a strategic level and provide an agenda, where many gains were realized on. The image of ROC WB as a groundbreaking organization, with great ...
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Strokovni razvoj CPI

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016, recommendations and counselling for schools. The purpose behind these efforts is to ease implementation of quality assurance methods as a regular activity of the management of schools and school centers. CPI in partnership with the European Peer Review Association (EPRA) wanted to offer support to providers of vocational education and training for the implementation of the Peer Review as a meth ...
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From education to the labour market

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

The project's overall objective is to ensure that students, teachers and education managers achieve subject-related and intercultural competence through an individually planned and qualitative cooperation with the international partners. With this project we aim to help strengthen our VET-students' progress from being a student to enter the labour market by giving them access to practice-oriented ...
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Strategy EU 2020 and ET 2020 goals on the one hand and increasing level of youth unemployment in Slovenia on the other hand, challenge Slovenia to exploit all the available resources at the EU and national level to ensure successful transition of youth from education system to the labour market and to combat youth unemployment in an effective, efficient and sustainable way.The project is set to jo ...
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The project, Cross-sectoral cooperation focused solutions for preventing early school leaving – CroCooS focuses on the prevention and intervention levels of reducing early school leaving (ESL) with special focus on early warning systems (EWSs) building on a multi-sectoral and horizontal cooperation between all stakeholders.The general aim of the project is to contribute to the specification and to ...
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For many people with intellectual and learning difficulties, with migration background, for drop-outs and people from sectors of society with low educational achievement it is impossible to finish, even to enter formal VET programmes. But without recognised certificate access to the labour market is seriously compromised. To ease this target group’s access to VET and also to lifelong learning trai ...
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Improved training for adult education : The project responds to needs for better trained adult guidance workers by elaborating a programme for the training of instructors and producing multilingual educational materials in various formats. This project started in 2001 and lasted 30 months.
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The VirtuOrientation project will create a virtual environment in vocational guidance for use by young people, with a particular focus on the disaffected and those outside of traditional educational & training systems.The project will develop an interactive, multi-media (internet based) package allowing young people to further explore their interests and to compare these to the world of work befor ...
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The challenge that the glass industry faces is the fact that virtually no younger generation, which knowledge could be transferred to, exists within the scope of basic vocations involved in the glass industry. The traditional secondary school programmes have been recording a negative trend of enrolment, and furthermore do not provide for every competency required for employment in the economic sec ...
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Main aims and objectives of the project:To contribute to the Lisbon goal of making Europe the world’s leading economy by promoting the quantity and enhancing the quality of international entrepreneurs, by• encouraging (young) people in Europe to pursue an internationally oriented entrepreneurial career, by making clear and transparent in the European context the competences they need for internati ...
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ROQET aimed at supporting the Quality of the Vocational Education & Training systems in the participating countries (Spain, Slovenia, Portugal, Hungary, Greece and Germany) by the continuos improvement of teachers/trainers competences.The goals and objectives were the creation, development and implementation of a procedure for the self-assessment of competences, taking as a reference the European ...
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