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Strokovni razvoj CPI
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Mobility project coincided with activities and experience of the Natinal Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training (CPI) in the context of quality assurance and better efficiency of vocational education and training: - developing flexible learning pathways in line with learners’ needs and objectives (promoting development and introduction of learning achievement portfolios, and the drafting of personal education plans for students); - encouraging the development of didactic models with the use of digital learning and the development of key competences; - providing professional support for education and training providers in the implementation of development solutions in practice; - developing a coherent system of recognition and validation of non-formally and informally acquired learning outcomes at the national level, according to the EC recommendations and - establishing the system of quality assurance at all levels of vocational education and training. A1 Mapping mobility We wanted to extend the results and good practices of the Lifelong Learning programme Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation project Mapping on individualized learning in vocational education and training. In the Mapping project members observed and gathered methods and examples of good practice in accordance with the peer review method. Due to the great interest of experts in the participating countries, we wanted to, in the scope of the mobility project, expand the number of observers and use and upgrade the developed and tested tool with indicators of individualized learning for observing in other countries as well. For the mobility project CPI has chosen ROC West-Brabant from the Netherlands as a partner because they have a lot of experience in the areas which are of key importance for further development of the CPI : innovative approaches to individualization in vocational and technical education, use of ICT tools, identification and recognition of non-formally and informally gained knowledge, work based learning, prevention of dop-out. To Mobility we sent 5 CPI consultants who are actively engaged with the above mentioned mobility themes. Through their mobility, they enhanced their professional and key competences, gained new views on methods and approaches to quality education and training and established long-term international links with other institutions in the field of vocational education and training. A2 Peer review mobility As a part of establishing a system of quality assurance on all levels of vocational education and training CPI is putting an effort into developing recommendations and counselling for schools. The purpose behind these efforts is to ease implementation of quality assurance methods as a regular activity of the management of schools and school centers. CPI in partnership with the European Peer Review Association (EPRA) wanted to offer support to providers of vocational education and training for the implementation of the Peer Review as a method of quality assurance. Through these endeavours we followed the national guidelines for the development of quality as well as the EQAVET recommendations. We have already gained experiences with the Peer Review on a national level, but with the mobility project we added to the implementation of the method an international dimension. With this mobility project we made first steps towards our long-term goal and that is to make inclusion into Peer review at the European level possible for Slovene schools. Three experts from CPI who work in the development of quality in VET and who cooperate with slovene schools were chosen to attend the training. At the same time, teachers from some other Slovene schools were chosen to attend the same training, too. Activities were carried out in cooperation with EPRA, who developed and implemented a training program. Thus we allowed slovene schools to participate in the peer review activities at the European level.

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