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European Solutions in Quality Assurance
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The "European Solutions in Quality Assurance - ESQA" project will be carried out by a partnership of 4 institutions from Poland, UK, Estonia and Slovenia. It is focused on exchange of experience and information on quality assurance in partner countries in order to create the catalogue of good practice supporting VET schools and their supervising bodies as well as policy makers in performing their tasks connected with quality assurance. The project results should show them what a positive impact effective quality assurance mechanism and tools may have on schools, their students and the school surroundings, enrich their portfolio of quality assurance and evaluation tools and encourage to use them. The project is addressed to VET school headmasters and teachers who are responsible for school quality assurance and internal evaluation as well as the representatives of bodies supervising and running VET schools. Policy and decision makers will also be the target group of the project dissemination activities with the hope that the project results will help them to plan further development of existing systems of quality assurance. The project will consist of five main activities : Activity 1 : Analysis of quality assurance systems and mechanisms in partner countries and comparative analysis – in the form of 4 national reports on Quality Assurance Systems and Mechanisms and one Comparative Report on Quality Assurance in the Partner Countries Activity 2 –Sharing information and experience on good practices in quality assurance in partner countries – including 4 5-day study visits and collecting examples of good practice in quality assurance at the VET school level in the partner countries. Activity 4- Dissemination of the project results Activity 5 – Partners’ meetings Activity 6 – Management and implementation The main results of the project that will be used also after the project finishes include: -National Reports on Quality Assurance Systems and Mechanisms – the reports will be prepared by each partners according to commonly agreed structure. -Comparative Report on Quality Assurance in the Partner Countries – It will be based on the National Reports, it will compare the systems, mechanisms, methods and tools used in the countries of organisations participating in the project. -. Good Practice Catalogue- The database presenting examples of good practice in quality assurance at the VET school level in the partner countries, with description of methods and tools used. -principles for the "School caring for quality" competition for VET schools and providers. The project leader will assure the evaluation of the project and its results, budget monitoring and control, and monitoring of the indicatiors for achieving project goals and results.
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3 Partners Participants