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2016 Financial support to the EQAVET
Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

According to the EQAVET Strategy plan for 2016 and according to the objectives and priorities of this very restricted call we focused the project to two priorities: deepening the culture of quality assurance of VET – the importance of feedback loops and the review phase of the quality cycle and strengthening mutual cooperation among NRPs in order to address implementation – NRPs and the work with VET providers. The objective deepening the culture of quality assurance of VET will be followed by preparing manual/guidelines for Slovene VET providers according to EQAVET recommendations. The manual will focus on QA in VET in general and additionally with the focus on QA of work based learning. In the process of preparation the manual will be tested in two seminars for VET providers. Two cases of practise concerning QA of WBL and including all phases of quality cycle (plan-do-check-act) will be developed in practise, later on reflected and included into manual. Two prepare the manual also input from collaborating in PLAs organised by other NRPs will be used. The objective strengthening mutual cooperation among NRPs in order to address the work with VET providers will be followed by cooperation in 3 PLAs, organised by German NRP, Croatian NRP and Romanian NRP. The first two will be focused on transparency of QA in VET and QA of WBL (German PLA), QA of WBL and self-evaluation process (Croatian PLA) and visibility and awareness of VET (Romanian PLA). The results and insights of PLAs will be used as one of the sources for preparing the manual. The project is planned in a way that complement current efforts on national level, where we started with preparation of national framework for quality assurance in all areas and levels of education, from kinder garden to high school. This very project will emphasise the specifics of QA in VET, especially by exposing the QA of WBL.

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