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39 European Projects Found

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Where the world meets

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2017,

...ted by eight organisations: Stowarzyszenie "Jeden Świat" (Poland) acting as coordinating, hosting and sending organisation, , Check-In (Portugal), Human Supporters Association (Palestine), The Center of Culture and Tourism of Kirov Region (Russian Federation) acting as receiving organisations as well as Sfera Movement (Russian Federation), Utilapu Hungary ( Hungary), Haus am Maiberg (Germany) and ...
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Santa Barbara

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

• Ansökarens namn: Föreningen Framtidståget • Deltagande länder: Armenien, Sverige, Belarus, Bulgarien, Estland, Georgien, Italien, Lettland, Moldova, Portugal, Rumänien, Ryssland, Spanien, Turkiet, Ukraina • Antal deltagare: 35 • Projektets mål/syfte: att visa hur viktigt det är med personliga och familjerelationer i en ungdoms framtid genom att självreflektera och se anknytning mellan det person ...
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Zavod O - Kids in Action 2

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

Longterm EVS project "Zavod O – Kids in Action 2"will connect five daily centers in the wider area of Škofja Loka, Slovenia: MDC Blok (Youth Daily Care Center Blok), PUM (Project learning of Youth), Daily Care Center DCΩ, Daily center Podlbnik (all in Škofja Loka) and Daily Care Center Škrlovec in Kranj. First two are run by the NGO, DC Škrlovec, DCΩ and DC Podlubnik work under the Center for So ...
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..., Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Turkey and organisations from the following four categories:- umbrella organisations & networks (African Diaspora Youth Network in Europe, UNCRC Policy Center, Youth for Understanding, EURO-NET and EuroDEMOS),- associations dealing with local participation (YouthNet - Confederation of Local Youth Councils, Adamastor, Youth and Civil Initiatives in the R ...
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Jeunes Talents Numériques

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

"Jeunes Talents Numériques " (Young Digital Talents) is a project lead by Urban Prod association, which aims to host 5 EVS during 12 months, coming from europeans countries or foreign partners. Sending organizations are already partners of Urban Prod, and were meet during previous seminars : Armenia, Russia, Germany, Belgium and Ukrain. Digital issue is very important nowadays ; rich of its experi ...
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This seminar, that will take place in Lviv (Ukraine) from September 1st to September 9th 2015, is aimed at experienced youth and social workers and volunteers, who want to acquire key competencies in promoting social inclusion processes by the employability of disadvantaged women and young girls and victims of violence. It will bring together 42 participants from countries representing Europe, Sou ...
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Culture of Democracy

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

The project was aimed at promoting a culture of pluralism, active citizenship and young people’s participation in civic and political structures. The project consisted of two activities: Activity 1 was a 10-day training course in the Republic of Moldova offering 24 youth leaders tools to promote active citizenship and transform that into active participation in civic and political structures. The ...
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Go Non-Formal: Volunteering for Employability

Start date: Aug 8, 2015, End date: Feb 7, 2016,

Youth unemployment is one of the most critical challenges the world is facing today: young people make up almost half of the world’s unemployed, despite accounting for only one quarter of the working population. Youth unemployment rates are historically four to five times more than the adult rates in every country in the world. In 2012, youth made up to 40% of the world unemployed. Close to 75 mil ...
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The project "East and West against youth unemployment" occurs after several successful projects of the Association ARAT- KORITEN following the need to consider the concept of employment in large scale, to overcome the problem of youth unemployment and the passivity of young people in rural areas through the promotion of entrepreneurship and creativity. The project objectives are: * To identify an ...
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Guide for Employment

Start date: Feb 28, 2014, End date: Jan 27, 2016,

Guide for Employment is a two stage project which focused mainly on supporting youth development and employment in the EU and EECA region. The first stage of the „Guide for Employment“ project was a Training Course known as „Employment+“ which took place in Georgia, specifically in the city of Bakuriani from 23.05.2015 to 30.05.2015. The second stage was a Youth Exchange known as „Inclusion+“ whic ...
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Social Entrepreneurship and Social media for youth Employability

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The current economic crisis is entailing an increase in unemployment rates across Europe, especially among young people. In such a context, greater attention is being paid to youth entrepreneurship as a tool with high potential for employment creation, as the “social entrepreneurship” model can appeal to young people and give them the chance to provide innovative responses to the current economic, ...
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Nature Friends

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The Study Visit “Nature Friends” will take place in Lecce from 1/04/2015 to 10/04/2015 and it will involve 24 Youth Workers from 12 different countries (2 for each country); 6 countries of the EU Programme countries (Italy, Greece, Czech Republic, Latvia, Portugal, Bulgaria) and 6 countries of the Caucasus Area (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Moldova, Ucraine, Georgia). This project gives the possi ...
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Technological Youth Work

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The project "Technological Youth Work" by the need to inform and educate young people youth workers to a conscious use of the Internet and new technologies for themselves and for the young people directly involved in their organizations. In an increasingly connected, especially at the youth level, there are daily confronted with high risks and a number of problems related to online life of young p ...
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Une année de volontariat européen au service des autres

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

VISA-AD is a non profit Union of Associations that, since its setting up in 1959, has been offering to young people a formative experience by engaging in a voluntary service project of discovery, experimentation and self-construction. For this project, we would like to host in Alsace 12 volunteers from 7 nationalities. The young people that will participate to this project do not have a specifi ...
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The eSw, protestant student work in Westphalia (BK) Inc. plans a youth meeting at the youth education center in Hagen/Berchum with 12 groups and all in all 60 participants under the topic “Let’s Deal with Our Past. 70 Years After World War II. Peacekeeping as a Challenge for Younger Generations in Europe” in the time from the 27th of March to the 4th of April 2015. The youth meeting is part of the ...
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We Live Healthy, We’ll Be Well

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

The project “We Live Healthy, We’ll Be Well - WeWeWE” will be held in Venetico (Italy) from 08th to 15th of June 2015, in the field of KA1 - Youth Exchange Partner Countries, Promoted by Centro Culturale Nikolaus. This initiative will engage 30 young people and 6 group leader from different nationalities, Italy, Bulgaria, Spain, Armenia, Russian Federation and Moldova. Starting from the main ...
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Sharpen Your Skills, brithen your career!

Start date: Feb 4, 2015, End date: Jul 4, 2015,

The labour market is increasingly demanding in the evaluation of young candidates. High competition has led to situations in which students accumulate degrees, masters, courses... with the intent to get a job according to your expectations. The difficulties of the market have lengthened the student life of young people to neglect the Nonformal Education, ignoring the voice of human resources techn ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

The project SAND is a seminar lasting 6 days, which is held in Pesaro (IT) from the 13th to the 18th of April 2015 . The seminar involves 21 organizations from 15 European countries and is organized by Rete Italiana Volontariato Europeo (RIVE). The project stems from the need to improve the quality of the preparation and monitoring of the volunteers, with a special emphasis on the skills and the ...
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Training course “Empowering European Youth Workers: Portraying Migration through Cartoon Drawings” organized by Mostar Friedensprojekt e.V. will take place in Potsdam (Germany), from 5th until 14th of December 2014. 36 participants from 15 countries will take part in this training course. The main topic of the training course is the phenomenon of migration, its significance and meaning for our Eu ...
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Contemporary old city: Enhancing cultural tourism across the border

Start date: May 31, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

Activities of the project are aimed at increasing tourist attractiveness and promotion of historical and cultural centers and activities in Petrozavodsk and Joensuu, and in the respective regions. The inventory of territories’ cultural and historical offers, existing information sources, needs and future potential will be carried out. Thereafter, strategy for tourist development will be elaborated ...
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Cooperación Europea para la Empleabilidad Juvenil

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Nov 1, 2014,

EUROPEAN COOPERATION AND YOUTH EMPLOYABILITY is an international project of study visit involving programme countries and countries associated ones. The six project will be held in the month of September of 2014 in the city of Novoe Devyatkino (Russian Federation), which belongs to the Leningrad oblast. The study visit participants profile is youth workers, youth facilitators, studental leader, e ...
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Euregio Karelia: Museum Hypertext

Start date: Feb 7, 2013, End date: Oct 6, 2014,

Objective of the projectThe aim of the project was to encourage the development of the Euregio Karelia cross-border cultural space based on new common vision, identification and museum interpretation of historical and cultural features, internal and outer interconnections and links, in the context of actualization of the new communication technologies.Main activities• Creation of an open museum in ...
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Craft & Design Business Incubator

Start date: Apr 2, 2011, End date: Apr 1, 2013,

...development of the creative sector. • Technology-based design of the competitive design product line for the selected consumer markets.• Creation and technical equipment of the Design Center, the Craft Business Incubator and handicraft points/branches of the Business Incubator. • Establishing a system of re-skilling, additional education and professional development for project beneficiaries.• Mar ...
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The project "Opportunities for all? Mainstreaming gender equality in European youth projects" is aimed to shareexperiences and knowledge on how gender equality can be promoted and mainstreamed in youth projects aswell as how to ensure gender equality in youth work with young people. The objectives of the planned TCtherefore are: to identify challenges young people face in relation to gender equali ...
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Peace - Volunteering & Creativity

Start date: May 1, 2012,

International youth exchange project - “Peace – Volunteering & Creativity” takes place in one of the most popular sea resort of Georgia _ Kobuleti, during of 14 - 21 june, 2012. The project will last during 8 days (including arrival and departure). It will bring together 40 young people from 8 different countries, from EU and EECA: Estonia, Latvia, Spain, Poland, Armenia, Georgia, Russia and Azerb ...
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Start date: May 1, 2014,

The SCHOOL STILL PLAYS project aims to prevent and reduce school dropout with a specific focus on enhancing the life skills of the students and with the involvement of policy-makers and policy-implementers. The main activities of the project involve: • transfer of methodologies and effective tools to bring out recommendations useful to combat the phenomenon of school dropout; • experimentation and ...
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Capacity Building Stage XIII

Start date: Aug 1, 2009,

...ties, and improve cooperation and networking among NGOs.Many of the projects take place in remote regions and directly involve people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Volunteers are going to assist in centers for socially disadvantaged and/or disabled children, youth or elderly people, others are going to support NGOs in their work in the field of non-formal learning, promotion of volunteering and ...
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Training course "Innovations in management of local volunteering services through European cooperation" isorganized in cooperation between Youth Cultural Center Bitola, SEEYN and 33 other partner organizations from24 Programme and SEE countries. Training will take place in Bitola, FYR Macedonia and it will last for 7 workingdays during November 2009. Training will gather 35 participants, mainly yo ...
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The South Eastern European Youth Network (SEEYN) ¡s a network organisation involving 15 member NGOs, it is an attempt of overcoming differences among societies that have recent tradition of conflicts through bringing young people from the entire South Eastern Europe region to work together.The aim of this training course is to provide learning opportunity in an intercultural setting for young peop ...
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" Let's Be Active! Tools to be effective in our local community" aims at increasing the organizations' management capacity in projects between EU and SEE countries by offering the participants advanced tools and new contacts. We want to increase the cooperation between youth organizations from EU countries and youth organizations from SEE countries augmenting their capability of managing projects. ...
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Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Start date: Mar 1, 2011,

Finding good players is easy. Getting them to play as a team is another story... 8-days training course for youth leaders and non-formal education facilitators TEAMWORK MAKES the DREAM WORK focuses on team building and cooperation as one' of the techniques for preventing and resolving conflict in groups of young people with diverse ethnical and social backgrounds. Main aims of the training course ...
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Trash 4 Cash

Start date: Feb 3, 2014,

Ecological problems have no borders and they are affecting everyone. Some of the biggest problems are: waste treatment, air land and water pollution, climate change etc. Beside the ecological problems all societies are facing huge unemployment problem. In some countries unemployment rate among young people is more than 50%. European states must solve these problems together. The Youth Exchange Tra ...
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Youth work depends on the support of the local community where it takes places in order to achieve it aims. But unfortunately there is in most communities a lack of knowledge using the potentials and resources offered through the cooperation between youth NGOs and public institutions as municipality institutions and to influence political decision making e.g. in the field of youth sustainably. To ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2011,

Active Citizenship through participation? Societies are based on its citizens. If we want to build a Europe that citizens can relate to, we need to think of creating a culture of participation. Europe starts with the people in the local communities. Therefore active participation of young people in our societies is first of all an learning process where equality of opportunities has to be ensured, ...
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Creative Youth Self Initiative

Start date: Mar 1, 2012,

Training course “Creative Youth Self Initiative“ from 1-9 of April 2012 is about using creative methods and art for promoting the access of unemployed young people to the new ways of self employment.Venue: Sremski Karlovci, SerbiaThe type of project: Training Course, Sub - Action 3.1The theme is promoting the access of unemployed young people to the new ways of self employment through creative lea ...
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Sharing common understanding

Start date: Mar 1, 2012,

The seminar "Sharing common understanding – debating diverse practices: Put to test European Citizenship Education" and Youth Participationis aimed to bring together project leaders and coordinators, trainers and youth workers from programme countries and neighbouring partner countries to discuss working experiences and strategies of NGOs in their work with youth within the field of European Citiz ...
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The TC “Facing Europe 2020: Key Competences for Youth Workers in Non-formal Education” is aimed to support the development of competences of youth workers in non-formal education for increasing the quality of youth projects on a larger scale, enabling them to develop and to run certain local activities in order to translate the learning outcomes of the TC into practice on local level. The activiti ...
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One of the main challenges of European youth work is the recognition of the value of youth work as non-formal learning among public and private institutions as well as among the general population on one hand and the recognition of learning outcomes of youth participating in youth work activities on the other hand. Facing the challenges of the new EU program “Erasmus for all” the requested project ...
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Volunteers for Change!

Start date: Dec 1, 2013,

The short-term EVS project involves 10 volunteers from France, Poland, Italy and Romania and and is the result of cooperation between six organizations - HO/CO organization from Ukraine and SOs from France, Poland, Italy and Romania. Project activities will take place in the city of Sumy over a period of 2 months - (01/02/14 - 31/03/14). Objectives: the project is aimed at promotion and enhancing ...
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