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28 European Projects Found

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INTENSSS-PA will support public authorities to integrate the energy theme into spatial planning and regional physical and socioeconomic landscapes. To achieve this objective INTENSS-PA will provide human and institutional capacity building to public authorities and to the wider network of private and public actors related to energy and regional planning by implementing the Living Lab concept, i.e. ...
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This is a project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries. Please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The D.O.I.T project revolves around european mobility in two fields such us Gastronomy and Cooking VET and Restaurant Services VET. It is destinated to a group of 14 young people from 3 different training centres who will be able to enjoy an intership abroad in two hosting countries, Italy and United Kingdom. In this framework it is also considered the possibility that 2 teachers could carry out a ...
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The main goal is to strengthen capacity of public authorities to successfully apply GPP with priority, enhancing their ability and capacity to save energy, reduce CO2 emissions and costs by applying innovative solutions on GPP. By the establishment of “supporting permanent structures”, called G.PP.S. – Green Public Procurement Supporters (Supporting Units) within the participating Energy Agencies, ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Una finestra sull'Europa

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The local context within which the Institute is characterized by: from a varied socio-cultural situation, in continuous development under the human, cultural and socio-economic aspects and composed of professionals, but also characterised by some obvious pockets of "poverty", not only economic, but also values and behavioural consistency which results in different forms of early school leavers;Tra ...
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...Consortium coordinated by Euroform RFS, which arises from the work implemented in the last ten years by the partners continuously involved in transnational mobility. In 2003, Euroform and Province of Cosenza established the International Mobility Desk (SMI), One-Stop for Mobility, which has become the main contact point in the entire province for young people seeking job-experiences abroad. The p ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

...nity to experience both the cultural and the educational comparison at international/foreign institutes of higher education that have the standards and educational aims shared by the Conservatory of Cosenza is obviously very important, offering as it does a comprehensive vision of the music scene. The main objective was to provide students with the possibility to experience and make new compariso ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

The project involved the mobility of teachers and administrative staff to Institutes of Higher Education from ERASMUS and other countries of mutual exchange. The Institutes of Higher Education benefitting from financial assistance and contributions are Conservatories whose principal purpose is to complete the training of future musicians, both soloists and orchestral, working within the given acad ...
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United4Health aims to exploit and further deploy innovative telemedicine services implemented and trialled under the RENEWING HEALTH project. A limited number of interventions have been selected from the basket of those already validated or under validation in RENEWING HEALTH; they will be trialled in 14 regions to guarantee aggregation of data and comparability of results. All service solutions a ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The project has involved students? mobility for traineeship to HEI and entreprise institutions in Partner Countries members or not of ERASMUS+ frame project. The HEI Consortia, beneficiary of the grants, are all music Conservatories whose main purpose is to finalize the future musicians? training, as soloists and/or orchestral musicians. With this aim, it becomes clear the importance of provide a ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

...of comparison and completeness of the educational and professional training at HEI in other countries whose quality standards are appropriate and the training objectives shared by the Conservatory of Cosenza. It is crucial for an outstanding training to have the possibility to offer a 360-degree view of the music scenario also in international contexts throughout the academic year. The main object ...
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Innovative chain for energy recovery from waste in natural parks (RELS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2013,

Background The environmental and health impacts of improperly managed waste are key concerns for our society. If not properly managed, waste can cause a variety of impacts, especially on human health and climate change. Improperly managed waste produces carbon dioxide and methane, both greenhouse gases (GHGs), which when emitted will enhance the natural ...
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Mediterranean implementation of EEA (MEDEEA)

Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: May 30, 2013,

...2 interregional meeting for municipalities were organized in Genoa (Nov. 2010), Murcia (Apr.2011), Heraklion (Nov.2011), Maribor (Feb.2012), Jaen (Apr. 2012), Faro (Sept. 2012), Malta (Nov 2012) and Cosenza (Feb 2013). Partners worked hard for the implementation of energy efficiency in Municipalities and for the adaptation of the eea® tool to MED area and achieved important results: 21 eea® adviso ...
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The main objective of the project is to assist MED-ISOLAE islands to improve their environment and maintain sustainability via: (1) Environmental ISO procedures, (2) Environmental SDI (spatial data infrastructure) technology, (3) ISO & SDI pilot applications, and (4) A dissemination plan that includes a Portal and an ISO Topic Centre. Promoting a sounder & more sustainable evolution (environmental ...
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Start date: May 31, 2006, End date: May 30, 2008,

Lobjectif général du projet est didentifier, et de tester dans le cadre dopérations pilotes locales, des réponses efficaces permettant de dépasser les obstacles qui freinent le développement dun urbanisme durable dans la région MEDOCC et de favoriser la construction de nouveaux quartiers durables (Eco Quartiers) plus conformes aux principes et objectifs du Développement Durable (urbanisme maîtrisé ...
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Discovering Magna Grecia (DIMA)

Start date: May 31, 2006, End date: Apr 29, 2008,

The fundamental study phase is followed by the ensuing operational project phase, which is inserted in the national network of I Parchi Letterari®, managed by the Ippolito Nievo Foundation under the patronage of UNESCO. “DIMA” is a cultural project that, by means of the study, protection and integrated and sustainable management of cultural, natural, landscape and economic resources, contributes t ...
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... Evora (Pt) initiated the audit process. In March 2007 in Tours (Fr), the method and label was introduced to the members of the Alliance of European Cultural Cities. On May, a meeting was held in Cosenza (It) to assess the audit process. The auditor and the Evora team described and discussed the experiment with the other partners. Workshops on organisation of future audits and perpetuation of the ...
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Over a two-year period, the URBANITAS network united eight cities from as many different countries – with a substantial proportion coming from new Member States – around the subject of urban breakdown. From defining the very concept of urban breakdown to recommending possible solutions, the exchanges between the cities highlighted the multi-faceted nature of the notion of urban breakdown. In Krako ...
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The UDIEX thematic network, with the linked qualificationsproject Action Learning Exchange Programme (ALEP),has proved to be one of the most innovative of the URBACTprojects. It was considered that there was not enoughexchange on policies addressing issues of inclusion, diversityand integration and hence the UDIEX ALEP project wascreated to change this.This method of linking the exchange elements ...
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Partecipando set out to exchange experience anddisseminate good practice around the issue of local citizenparticipation. The large number of partners was bothan advantage in the sense that there were lots of goodexperiences to share. However so many partners can alsobe problematic when seeking consensus as Rome realisedwhen producing the final results.The network proposed a phased approach to work ...
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The Citiz@Move network lead by the city of Seville wasthe result of a joining of forces of three potential leadpartners. This ’marriage’ resulted in a network with threedistinct working groups in line with the three sub themes.The first, led by the Danish city of Aarhus, studied the issuessurrounding the empowerment of ethnic minorities.The second, run by Charleroi in Belgium, concentrated onprodu ...
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The city of Bastia in Corsica is the smallest URBACT LeadPartner city in population terms but by no means shouldthis be a judge of the quality of the networking activity. Thisproject which started work in June 2004 with a kick offmeeting in Bastia has held a total of 8 seminars and a finalconference in November 2006 in Naples. The seminarsalways included site visits and case study examples whichar ...
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The EURENERGY project aims at introducing new teaching and organisational learning solutions based upon innovative ICT learning environments, and focussing upon safe and alternative energy. The project will result in specialised training software and a series of ten training modules covering topics such as technical legislation and new technologies in the field of renewable energies, energetic was ...
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The main objective of the project was to increase awareness of environmental protection and the issues leading to the exploitation of the natural environment. A cross-curricular approach was used to create a trilingual herbarium of selected plants. The project gave pupils an opportunity to use English as their main form of communication. During the programme, pupils studied wild plants, visited na ...
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The project ´E-know Net´ focuses on the need to increase the exchange of information and co-operation in mainstream and informal education among the different training, social and public agents across Europe, including national bodies responsible for vocational training policies and programmes, vocational training centres, trade unions, trainers, trainees. Project partners will develop the autonom ...
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The MAGISTHERE project has several objectives: to respond to the growing and currently unmet needs of local authorities across Europe in the field of heritage mediation, to match staffing needs and training, to draw up standard training content among the participating countries (IT, FR, ES, HU, CZ), to enable people involved in heritage mediation to supplement their skills and lastly to contribute ...
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