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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project involved the mobility of teachers and administrative staff to Institutes of Higher Education from ERASMUS and other countries of mutual exchange. The Institutes of Higher Education benefitting from financial assistance and contributions are Conservatories whose principal purpose is to complete the training of future musicians, both soloists and orchestral, working within the given academic parameters. The opportunity to experience both the cultural and the educational comparison at international/foreign institutes of higher education that have the standards and educational aims shared by the Conservatory of Cosenza is obviously very important, offering as it does a comprehensive vision of the music scene. The main objective was to provide students with the possibility to experience and make new comparisons regarding musical interpretation. Consequently this enables greater competence in terms of didactics and the ability, through a foreign experience, to benefit from teachers with a different technical and interpretative background compared to the reality of their own Institution. This in turn contributes greatly to the formation of musicians with a European dimension. As for the faculty and staff mobility, the main objective was the implementation of a mutual exchange of pedagogical and experienced techniques and of good administrative practice at institutions that were interested in the proposed projects. We did the following by taking: 5 students (a unit more than the previous year 2014/15) of First and Second level academic courses and advanced courses of the former : 10 teachers (four units more than the previous year 2014/15): 8 staff (a unit more than the previous year 2014/15): and we found: Students studied and completed course work in these Institutes of Higher education in Belgium, Hungary , Portugal and Lithuania while teachers and staff completed their mobility in Poland, Norway, Spain, Lithuania, Cyprus, Greece, United Kingdom. The distribution of results throughout the previous years was achieved through the Organization of meetings for students and more contact between the IRC and the relevant staff regarding any mobility abroad (students and staff). This has allowed an increase in the number of units that have played a part in the mobility for study, teaching or training. This registers an increase in mobility of 33% compared to that of 2014/15. The students, upon their return, have reported a noticeable improvement in their musical performances, particularly due to the greater experience gained in studying abroad. This has led them to reflect on the overall general improvement in their studies due to the natural inclination of students to compare and contrast their own institution with others of differing nationalities.

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