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The Citiz@Move network lead by the city of Seville wasthe result of a joining of forces of three potential leadpartners. This ’marriage’ resulted in a network with threedistinct working groups in line with the three sub themes.The first, led by the Danish city of Aarhus, studied the issuessurrounding the empowerment of ethnic minorities.The second, run by Charleroi in Belgium, concentrated onproducing guidelines on citizen participation and city projectmanagement. The third and final group, managed bythe network’s lead partner, Seville, looked at how newtechnology can help encourage citizen participation.The network carried out individual working group meetingswith Seville acting as the link between these groups. Theexchange of experience was carried out on three levels:1. Local workshops in each participating city2. Seminars to exchange experiences – 3 or 4 meetings pertopic3. General Assemblies with all network cities – 3 overthe lifetime of the projectThe network used a wide variety of best practices to illustratehow citizens can be included in local life, from the EverydayHouse in the industrial part of Turin to the inter-religiousdiscussion forums in Gera, not forgetting the efforts madeby the city of Graz to promote citizen participation throughICT. All these best practice case studies are presented withinthe network final report. Achievements: Please refer to the 'Description' field, which also includes the achievements of this project.

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  • 49.6%   518 872,00
  • 2000 - 2006 URBACT I
  • Project on KEEP Platform

7 Partners Participants