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Background Spain is one of those EU countries subject to serious water scarcity and subsequent water quality problems. It also has a large fish canning industry that consumes large amounts of water during its production phases, including boiling, canning and cleaning. It moreover generates large amounts of wastewater that contain especially high levels of ...
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Public FLOOD Emergency and Awareness SERVice (FLOOD-serv)

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2019,

Floods are an increasingly acute problem. Floods endanger lives and cause human tragedy as well as heavy economic losses. In addition to economic and social damage, floods can have severe environmental consequences, for example when installations holding large quantities of toxic chemicals are inundated or wetland areas destroyed. Intense precipitation has become more frequent and more intense, gr ...
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Community as Opportunity - Creative archives' and users' network

Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

All activities and undertakings within this project are tailored to specifically meet the Programmes’ targets of audience development and professionalization of players in the cultural sector. The core purpose of given project is to facilitate the mutual relationship between archives and archivists and the general public across the population stratum. This connecting and equating of archival insti ...
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Climate Resilient Cities and Infrastructures (RESIN)

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

With most of its population and capital goods concentrated in urban areas, cities are key to the European economy. One of the major challenges cities face are more frequent extreme weather events due to climate change.The current diversity of approaches and methods available for cities developing an adaptation strategy limits the comparability between cities of vulnerabilities, adaptation option ...
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SusPIRE project assimilates in its conception the sustainable energy use challenge described in the European SETPLAN and in SPIRE road map. It addresses its efforts to energy intensive industries and within this segment market to energy recovery from residual heat streams. To achieve this goal a two clearly differentiated working areas will be key aspects of this project. Technology area will in ...
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Although important figures in Pedagogy (i.e., Dewey, Montessori, Illich, etc.) proposed new ways of understanding education more than one century ago, the majority of EU educational systems are based on methodologies strongly focused on curriculum contents. In recent years, taking advantage of the popularization of educational technology in schools, many teachers are opting for other ways to teach ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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...ich manages personal information, with the Decision Engine, which matchmakes user preferences, profile and context against available public services. Two-phase pilots will be conducted in 3 cities (Bilbao, Novi Sad and Trento) and 1 region (Helsinki- Uusimaa) across Europe. Further, the business feasibility and commercial potential of the WeLive Framework, including its individual assets, will be ...
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empoWering prIvacy and securiTy in non-trusteD envirOnMents (WITDOM)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The advent of the Future Internet prompts fundamental transformations in whole ICT ecosystems, while bringing new opportunities to stakeholders in the availability and rational use of physical resources with large-scale savings in IT investments. It will also pose new security challenges especially for ensuring robust protection of privacy and integrity of personal information, which are a fundame ...
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Start date: Dec 3, 2016, End date: Dec 2, 2017,

The EPARMOVE 3 is an international mobility project promoted by EPAR.The EPARMOVE project creates opportunities of training and personal development, as well as appears as an element thatstrengthens the exchange of experiences, know-how and international cooperation networks, whether by way of students'experiences, either by enrichment in the management of EPAR training team involved in all the pr ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

...versity in all areas of life.- Increase their chances of employment.The mobility actions will be reinforced with language training both before and during the stay (online).EUROCIP Consortium members, BILBAO EKINTZA, ESCUELA PROFESIONAL OTXARKOAGA, FUNDACIÓN ADSIS and PEÑASCAL, manage since 2012 Professional Qualification Programmes (PCPI). CDJ MAXIMILIANSAU, has collaborated with the Basque Govern ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The project involves the participation in training activities:* Training activity 1 (Structured Study Visit to Schools / Institutes & training seminar in Finland)* Training activity 2 (CLIL for secondary teachers- sciences and maths in Portsmouth)* Training activity 3 (SCHOOL REVOLUTION, Innovative didactic methodologies and flipped classroom in Italy)in order to solve the needs detected in the in ...
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...sustainable multidisciplinary clusters. Partners are 4 organisations that manage innovative clusters – Association Les Darwiniens for Darwin Eco-system (Bordeaux, France), hACERIA Ateak for ZAWP (Bilbao, Spain), LX Factory for LX Factory (Lisbon, Portugal), Rojc Alliance for Social Centre Rojc (Pula, Croatia) The London Borough of Lewisham and Capture Art and Creative projects Ltd. 2 partners th ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Erziehung und Bildung im europäischen Kontext

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The Pädagogische Akademie Elisabethenstift (PAE) offers students in their second and third year of vocational training the opportunity to do their internships in other EU member states. Annually we carry out mobility projects for students (with a duration of six weeks to twelve month) and teachers. Over the last years the project was enlarged continuously. Currently we hold cooperation with partne ...
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COoperative loGISTICS for sustainable mobility of goods (CO-GISTICS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

Key logistics stakeholders from seven European cities/logistics hubs (Bordeaux, Frankfurt, Thessaloniki, Trieste, Arad, Bilbao and Vigo) have joined forces to deploy, validate and set-up after project life of five piloted cooperative logistics services combining cooperative mobility services and intelligent cargo with real-life logistical aspects. CO-GISTICS services will increase energy efficienc ...
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Across the EU28 last year, some 21.6 million SMEs in the non‐financial business sector employed 88.8 million people and generated €3,666 trillion in value added. Expressed another way, 99 out of every 100 businesses are SMEs, as are 2 in every 3 employees and 58 cents in every euro of value added. It is important to note that while the prospects for SME success are tied with macro‐ economic develo ...
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Traditionally, the European manufacturing industry is characterized by innovative technology, quality processes and robust products which have leveraged Europe's industrialization. However, globalization has exposed Europe's industry to new emerging and industrialized manufacturing markets and the current economic challenges have decelerated the internal boost and investment, respectively. Hence, ...
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Das Berufsbild der Erzieherin/ des Erziehers im europäischen Vergleich

Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016,

The co-ordinating institution of this project is the BBS III Celle – certified European school. Up to now this vocational college has also co-ordinated the mobility for a further sending institution. At the moment this is the Katholische Fachschule Elisabeth-von-Ratzau-Schule in Hildesheim. Both schools would like to allow thirty students of the Fachschule Sozialpädagogik (vocational training cour ...
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Start date: Jan 20, 2016, End date: Oct 19, 2016,

GAZTETALK is a project promoted by Bilbao City Council and, specifically, its Youth Department. The project is aimed at debating about youth policies from a cross point of view that enables policy makers, young people and other stakeholders to the decision making process.The project is part of a wider workplan in order to strengthen and innovate in this field from a double approach; on the one ha ...
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...nd slower uptake of innovations has been witnessed along with the fragmentation of publ demand.. PE represents a fundamental driver of innovation and competitiveness.Urban regeneration conducted by Bilbao confirms that the development of mixed formulas publ-priv for projects of mutual interest entails higher quality, effectiveness+efficiency in the management of publ services. Innovation procureme ...
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Make World: learning Science through Computational Thinking

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Despite we are living in an increasingly technological world, the decline in scientific vocations in the last decade is inexorable. The EC warned of this fact, and Fensham stated that the two main problems have to solve science education in the long term would be negative attitudes and lack of interest around it. Other reports (Rocard, PISA, ROSE) provide evidence of the loss of youth interest in ...
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For the first time, more than 50% of the world's population live in urban areas. By 2050, c. 70% of people are likely to be city dwellers, compared with less than 30% in 1950. This trend brings with it increased security and safety threats in urban areas, not least to urban built infrastructure. The central aim of HARMONISE (A Holistic Approach to Resilience and Systematic ActiOns to Make Large Sc ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

Students practice in nursery schools in Bologna (Italy) The practices of these students are part of their curriculum.
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Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

...supplement their competence profile and training. - Assume and apply the principle of equality and diversity in all areas of life. - Increase their chances of employment. Consortium members EUROCIP, BILBAO EKINTZA EPEL, EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL Otxarkoaga PEÑASCAL, SDAD. COOP., manage since 2012 Professional Qualification Programmes (PCPI), having a whole offering 1,500 seats for the academic y ...
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Erdi Heziketa 2014

Start date: Sep 30, 2014, End date: Sep 29, 2015,

...tional training, we are able to recognize each day the best development of this educational module with the synergy of the education and business worlds. The event will be held on December 3, 2015 in Bilbao, Spain, and will be inaugurated by the President of Confebask, Roberto Larrañaga and closed by Jorge Arevalo, Deputy Minister for Vocational Training, Education, Linguistic Policy and Culture o ...
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The RapidHeat project utilises emerging materials science applied in the power electronics industry and an efficient heat management system to develop a modular, high flow rate, on demand, in line water heater for flexible and rapid response to hot water demand. Its low cost, light weight and small size will enable flexibility in the design of hot water systems minimising cost and energy consumpti ...
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Quiet areas definition and management in action plans (QUADMAP)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

Background A range of studies have demonstrated that noise influences our sense of our social surrounding. EU Directive 49/2002/CE on Environmental Noise (END) defines a “Quiet Area” (QA) as an area that is delimited by a competent authority and is not exposed to a noise above a certain threshold (set by the Member State), from any noise source. This ...
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ICE-WISH will install mature ICT-based innovative energy and water monitoring system, including non-invasive and utilise smart metering, wireless communication, 'cloud' computing, and standard low cost Set-top box (STB) that will be connected to standard home TVs.ICE-WISH will monitor simultaneously 300 social houses in ten European countries - acknowledging the climatic diversity and statistical ...
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Secured Urban Transportation - European Demonstration (SECUR-ED)

Start date: Apr 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2014,

"SECUR-ED Project federates, with a delegated management and in a balanced manner, major operators and top industrial integrators to enhance the security of urban public transportation in medium and large cities, through live demonstrations.Based on the best practices, in a very diverse societal and legacy environment, SECUR-ED will aggregate a consistent and interoperable mix of technologies and ...
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Background Hydrogen offers a clean alternative to fossil fuels. The energy efficiency of hydrogen-based systems is between 50-60% for fuel cell applications and up to 80% for co-generation systems based on fuel cells, affording considerable energy savings. Fuel cells are noiseless, they do not produce pollutant emissions (only steam) and can be designed t ...
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"Legionella outbreaks have great sanitary, economic and social implications. Diagnostic method use to prevent and control Legionella is bacteria culture. Available detection kits are based on DNA technology, unable to discriminate between viable and non-viable bacteria. On the contrary, RNA is widely used as a viable bacteria indicator. Although molecular based techniques, as PCR and qPCR, have be ...
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Urban Freight Energy Efficiency Pilot (FREILOT)

Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: Sep 30, 2012,

Transportation of goods is a key enabler for European economy to maintain its competitiveness. However, the same transportation brings other, less positive effects, such as CO2 emissions, contributing to the global gas house effect. Therefore, reduction of fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and emissions of other pollutants is one of the biggest challenges for the road transport today.The specific en ...
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Start date: May 31, 2009, End date: May 31, 2012,

Rehabitat es un proyecto diseñado en el campo de la revitalización urbana transfronteriza, la mejora de los espacios comunes y la integración social basada en la participación social. Cuenta con cuatro ejes principales de desarrollo: establecimiento de una metodología de actuación en revitalización urbana, creación de una red de conocimiento de profesionales, perdurabilidad temporal y el desarroll ...
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Rethinking Entrepreneurship (RethE)

Start date: Feb 1, 2009, End date: Oct 30, 2011,

The concept of entrepreneurship is becoming ever more relevant in all areas of economic policy and brings together a disparate number of themes (education, finance, innovation, etc...), the fragmented coverage of which results from professional interests. Accordingly, it is necessary to have a multi-disciplinary approach, combining different (sectoral and territorial) sensibilities to achieve a gl ...
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Openness and Competitive advantage of diversity (Open Cities)

Start date: Dec 23, 2008, End date: Jul 18, 2011,

Opening cities to build-up, attract and retain human capital (identifying factors of "openness" and their impact on city attractiveness; increasing and promoting city openness to attract international migrants, etc.) Achievements: Documents/reports:Integration and Inclu ...
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Cruise Atlantic Europe (CruiseAtlanticEuro)

Start date: Jan 30, 2008, End date: Jun 29, 2011,

... growing potential that should be promoted.CruiseAtlanticEurope (CAE) is a transnational cooperation project, an initiative of a group of ports on the Atlantic seaboard - Lisbon, Leixões, La Coruna, Bilbao, Dover, Lorient and Cork - and aims to promote cruise tourism in the AA. Its main objective is to strengthen the position of the Atlantic Coast in European cruise tourism through the creation an ...
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NEWing Economic prosperity for POrt Cities (NEW EPOC)

Start date: Jun 30, 2003, End date: Sep 29, 2007,

NEW EPOCs goal is to provide port cities with a set of tools developed from effective policies and strategies, good practice and comparative analyses. These tools will help in the development of new ideas and methods for successfully managing the process of economic diversification and consolidation in maritime cities taking full account of social and ecological considerations. ...
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O projecto EURROREG pretende acompanhar os pedidos das empresas que iniciaram ou que desejem iniciar o seu processo de europeização e que visem consolidar a sua posição através da participação em novos mercados e regiões europeias. Os parceiros pretendem, igualmente, ajudar as empresas na aquisição de processos e/ou produtos inovadores, ou também, através do estabelecimento de alianças estratégica ...
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motion of the Short Sea Shipping in the Atlantic Space (SSSAA)

Start date: Apr 30, 2003, End date: Apr 28, 2005,

The free circulation of goods has led to a significant increase in intra-European commercial exchanges, notably in the centre of the European Union. This concentration has led to an imbalance with the congestion of the great road axes of European on the one hand, and the pushing aside of the peripheral regions, such as the Atlantic Area, on the other hand. In this context, SSSAA proposes to create ...
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