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Rethinking Entrepreneurship (RethE)
Start date: Feb 1, 2009, End date: Oct 30, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The concept of entrepreneurship is becoming ever more relevant in all areas of economic policy and brings together a disparate number of themes (education, finance, innovation, etc...), the fragmented coverage of which results from professional interests. Accordingly, it is necessary to have a multi-disciplinary approach, combining different (sectoral and territorial) sensibilities to achieve a global approach to the subject. Under this project, six organisations committed to promoting entrepreneurship decided to join forces to find innovative models for this promotion.The project has two overall objectives: the creation of a network of AA organisations involved in promoting entrepreneurship to help reduce the distance between them as happens in more dynamic areas of the EU; and the formulation of a new model of entrepreneurship that will enable new services and tools to support entrepreneurs and start-ups to be provided. Achievements: The work was structured in three phases. The first phase involved thematic analysis of entrepreneurship, by identifying the five main areas of research: entrepreneurship, setting up companies, monitoring methods, financing and physical infrastructure, and promoting entrepreneurship to the target public. The second phase involved an unconventional approach, after identifying initiatives that promote entrepreneurship, even though they had not been initially created for this purpose. Finally, a new model of promoting entrepreneurship was formulated, taking into consideration the innovative experiences of support to investors.A network was created to achieve the first objective, which supported the development and consolidation of start-ups, encouraging consolidated relationships between entrepreneurship promotion agents, with direct benefits for these entrepreneurs, facilitating cooperation between the recently created companies, or those in a process of consolidation, located in the AA countries. This network of organisations, RETHE, was established at the end of 2010 and in the evaluation of the project partners is a very interesting collective effort in approaching entrepreneurship, an effort that surpassed the temporary nature of the project.To achieve the second objective, the project formulated a proposal for a new model of promoting entrepreneurship, in which the fundamental aspects of an entrepreneurship promotion action that will achieve a significant impact were considered.Together with this proposed model, the project contributes to a detailed review of the most relevant programmes of entrepreneurship support in the regions of the AA, as well as in other areas outside the AA, that are outstanding due to their particular entrepreneurial dynamism.
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  • 65%   1 254 790,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Atlantic Area
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

5 Partners Participants