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Start date: Dec 3, 2016, End date: Dec 2, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The EPARMOVE 3 is an international mobility project promoted by EPAR.The EPARMOVE project creates opportunities of training and personal development, as well as appears as an element thatstrengthens the exchange of experiences, know-how and international cooperation networks, whether by way of students'experiences, either by enrichment in the management of EPAR training team involved in all the programme.GENERAL OBJECTIVES-Create opportunities for training and personal development of the students and former students of EPAR at an European level,aiming to their employability and their affirmation and integration-Strengthen the educational project of EPAR in the creation of active networks aiming the training of professionals and citizens withequal opportunities, regardless of ethnicity, nationality, age, nationality, gender or geographical origin-Establish the groundwork for networking at European level for a greater dialogue and relationship between the Vocational Trainingand the Labour MarketThis project has planned the following mobility activities:(.) 8 former young trainees (diploma obtained in the school year 2016/2017)(.) 8 students of 2nd year of EPAR vocational courses(.) 4 graduates of the 2nd cycle of studies of the Learning coursesThe hosting countries are the United Kingdom, Spain and Slovenia.In addition to the students and recent graduates, the project foresees the participation of 8 staff members doing job shadowingactivities in partner schools in the following countries: Spain, United King and FinlandThe expected impacts and results for each target audience are the following:STUDENTS AND FORMER STUDENTS:-Professionals consolidated CVs with practical working components-Higher level of employability after completion of the Vocational Training-Fluency in foreign languages-Domain at the advanced level of the new ICT and of specific software-New behaviors on how to be in a social and working context-Autonomy and ability to submit project proposals and / or services and products (entrepreneurship)-Adherence to continuous training strategies for lifelong learning-Feelings of belonging to Europe and defence of its humanitarian values-Creation of social and professional networks, which are a source of opportunities and continuous update-Adoption of habits and behaviors that support mental and physical integrity and social integrationSTAFF- Control of new teaching and learning methodologies- Better ability of team management of teachers in a vocational training context- New skills at the management and innovative teaching practices level, taking into account the educational reality- Professional and personal appreciation feeling- Adoption of new methodologies of relationship between school-company and family- Experimenting with different methodologies to those applied in Portugal, especially at the level of working with students withhigher rates of school failure.EPAR AND SCHOOL COMMUNITY (part of the target group):-Creation of communication and interexchange flows with various international partners- Strengthening of the sense of training mission in the teaching and non-teaching staff- Reduction of the failure and dropout school rates- Increase the motivation of students to study and of the expectations for the future- More drive in the extracurricular activities of EPAR- Adoption of new, improved or adapted working methods in the organization of the educational project- Interruption and weakening of social exclusion cycles and routes- Participation in the policies of best practices in education and training at European level- Rooting of ICT as a working tool and relationship between partners and working communitiesNATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL NETWORK OF PARTNERS:- Adoption of new, improved or adapted working methods in the organization of the educational project- Strengthening and consolidating of its network of work and intervention- Enlargement of the partners' network- Identification and access to good practices in the management of internships and of mobility and of relationship with the labormarket- Appearance of new mobility projects and other types of partnerships- Participation in the building of a Europe based on competitiveness, sustainable development and social cohesionHOSTING PARTNERS- Enlargement of the contacts network and knowledge/access to new markets/cultures- Contact with other ways of thinking and doing- Interexchange of techniques and working methods- Interexchange of good teaching practices and of school management- Contact with other ways of training and curricula management

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