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Erdi Heziketa 2014
Start date: Sep 30, 2014, End date: Sep 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This proposal ?Erdi Heziketa 2014? is aimed at 20 young students, of VET of any professional training center located in the Basque Country. This new proposal includes the following partners: -Confebask as proposal's coordinator. -Vocational training schools included on the consortium, belonging to the Training Network of Centres of the Basque Country, as sending institutions. - The Department of Education of the Basque Government, Provincial Councils as Institutional and co-financiers partners. - Intermediary partners and Host organizations in Italy, Portugal and the UK. The objectives and expected results are the achievement of meeting the following needs of the participants covered by this proposal: - Improvement of practical training, in addition to theoretical training gained during their training period in their centers. Provide participants with practical training through the 3 months-stay in businesses in Italy, Portugal or the UK, thus enabling the Technician qualification through recognition of the stay by the form of Training at Work or FCT. These stays will be developed between March and June 2015. - Improvement of their language skills: Learning and/or improvement of one or more languages (Italian / Portuguese / English): general knowledge and technical information relating to their professional field. - Improvement of Professional Skills: Participants acquire skills and abilities terminals set in the training program placement module, which enable them to carry out their profession. Development of a set of capabilities or skills necessary for incorporation into the workforce. - Improvement of Cultural and Personal Skills: It is, in many cases, the first experience and stay abroad, which implies personal maturity. To live in a multicultural environment, involves the acquisition of a spirit of adaptation to different social-cultural as well as a huge cultural enrichment. Confebask has been participating for over 15 years in European mobility projects, with a baggage accumulated over 1500 participants so that vocational students are concerned. It uses a process management through a methodology of continuous improvement (PDCA) managed directly by Confebask, and applied to all our projects. The Webpage "Professional Training Erasmus+ Grants? is established, as the fundamental axis in the management, being the main channel of communication between partners. Through this website, the training centers send to Confebask their students-candidates. It is performed the selection of participants, and especially, becomes the key to monitoring and mentoring of the stages, once started stays abroad. Also, this tool is essential for economic management of the project itself led by the coordinator. Confebask as project coordinator, supported in its initial phase (October 2014 - February 2015) including supporting sending partners and their tutors, selecting participants and identifying skills to be developed in host companies. During the stay in the country of destination (March-June 2015) the participants have been monitored and supported by an intermediary partner/ host organisation, who manageed the participants? accommodation and arrival support, and who performed direct follow-up work through a methodology defined by Confebask as ?Learning to Learn?. In the final phase (July - October 2015) Confebask proceed to the global evaluation of the project and the participants carried out by the instructor (host partner) and tutor (Professional Training sending centre). Regarding global dissemination of the project, highlighting the Awarding of diplomas to the students of VET during the course 2014/2015 have participated in the FCT in Europe through the Erasmus + program. With the presence of students who have developed the FCT in companies in the Community or in Europe, representatives of centers-whether tutors, coordinators or directors-practices, and the members of companies and different institutions and people related to vocational training, we are able to recognize each day the best development of this educational module with the synergy of the education and business worlds. The event will be held on December 3, 2015 in Bilbao, Spain, and will be inaugurated by the President of Confebask, Roberto Larrañaga and closed by Jorge Arevalo, Deputy Minister for Vocational Training, Education, Linguistic Policy and Culture of the Basque Government.

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