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32 European Projects Found

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Migration - reality and challenges

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

Training course “Migration - reality and challenges ” will take place in spring, 2017 in Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia. Organisation IUVENTA from Serbia is hosting organization, Föreningen Framtidståget from Sweden is applicant and coordinating organisation. Support staff will be consisted of 3 people that will be in charge of providing all the necessary activities such as preparation of workshop rooms, ...
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Inter-Religious dialogue in Youth Work

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 30, 2017,

As we know Europe is facing with a huge emigrant problem. A lot of people are migrating from warzones in Middle East, but also from other of the World where the fleeing from poverty. Most of this people come from different cultures and religion. Unfortunately because of this, there is a lot of tension in most European countries. Racism, xenophobia and intolerance are rising among the European peo ...
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Start date: Aug 15, 2015, End date: Feb 14, 2016,

Training course “Religius diversity and religious understanding” will take place from the 06nd till 13in December 2015, in Berlin, Germany. The project will involve 32 youth workers who coming from Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, France, Greece, Croatia, Israel, Kosovo, Macedonia, Slovakia, Spain, Serbia, Sweden, Turkey and Germany. NGO „LULE ALBANIA“, from Berlin as hosting ...
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Youth takes the Stage: Theatre and Campaigning

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

This is an Erasmus+ (Mobility of youth workers) project aimed at developing youth workers’ competences in facilitating youth-led campaigns using theatre methods. The project is composed of a series of three eight-day training courses to be held in three regions: Eastern Europe (Tbilisi, Georgia, November 2014), South-East Europe (Tirana, Albania, January 2015) and the EU (Stroud, United Kingdom, ...
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 FINISHED will be done with anti-discrimination measures – we will analyse how the YiA “important feature” of anti-discrimination was addressed in project activities. This in turn will help us to work better with inclusion and anti-discrimination with the new Erasmus+ Programme. The project - will last seven days and will be held at the ASHA Centre, Forest of Dean, UK, in December 2014. It will bring to ...
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Act for Europe: Theatre for Active Citizenship

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

...tretched over a year, and as such it will have a long-term impact on all partners in terms of increased capacity to work with theatre and citizenship issues, increased staff competences and better understanding of the Erasmus+/Youth Programme.
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Ideas into Action

Start date: Jul 17, 2014, End date: Mar 16, 2015,

Ideas into Action is a training course for youth workers and youth leaders in project management and facilitation of European youth projects within the Erasmus+ framework. The eight-day course will be held in Tirana, Albania, in October 2014. The project idea originates from Praxis Europe’s expertise in European project management and its 2015 work plan that includes expanding PE’s activities to n ...
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Learn from Experience break into the Future

Start date: Aug 20, 2014, End date: Feb 20, 2015,

The youth exchange "Learn from Experience, break into the Future", it was held in Iglesias a town in the province of Iglesias. The idea for this exchange stems from output developed during various international projects to which some members of our association took part. The starting point was the analysis of the serious situation of economic hardship faced by our region and our region in particul ...
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We speak out loud!!!

Start date: Mar 1, 2012,

Project Action 3.1, YE "We speak out loud" will bring together 61 persons (50 participants and 11 youth leaders) from Slovenia, Italy, Greece, Romania, Bosnia&Herzegovina, Kosovo, Serbia, Macedonia, Turkey and Albania. Project will be held on 02-11 June 2012 in Vlora, Albania. Main aim of YE: To equip participants with new skills in reporting youth activities and using media tools to promote volun ...
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Bridges for Inclusion

Start date: Dec 1, 2010,

Seminar will bring together 34 youth workers, activists, disabled youngsters in Albania from three different regions of Europe. (ED, SEE western Europe and Caucasus) who are willing to set up new partnerships within YiA programme.Aim of seminar: To build strong partnerships and cooperation developing different projects in Action 3.1 and Action 2 supporting projects among experienced organisations ...
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Safety Net

Start date: Mar 1, 2012,

...r communities. Furthermore,participants will work in teams and elaborate applications of new youth exchange projects. Detailed planning process of the project will help the participants to understand better non-formal learning and educational project management stages and process, as well as to create opportunities for their further learning and professional development. Program is based in experi ...
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Environmental Watchdog

Start date: Mar 1, 2012,

The project "Environmental watchdog" is a training course that will gather together, 24 youth workers and youth leaders from Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo, Italy, Hungary and Germany. This project aims to develop a range of skills to the youth to be effective in watchdogging, with a capability to require account to persons whose activities have an impact on social and environmental issues. These sk ...
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Don't panic! Solving conflict is not impossible! is a Training Course under Action 3.1 of the YiA Program to be hosted from the Albanian Association "Centre for Social Development". The TC will welcome 9 partner promoters from EU, SEE and Turkey, with a number of 27 participants. The theme of this training is conflict management, exploring ways how to intervene in solving conflict, how to mange ...
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“Yes I Am: Immigrant in EU- YIA”

Start date: Jan 15, 2012,

...tion in Macedonia towards the immigrational process. This project will strongly support the possible ways of promoting the voluntary work as a tool for improving and exploring the benefits for better life in your own country.
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The training course Don`t risk - Human trafficking exists will take place in Ilidza, Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina. from 19 to 28 February 2012. Participation in this project will take 30 youth workers from 15 countries. The host organization of this training course is an NGO R.Y.I. "Be my Friend".The main aim of the training course is to provide a chance to young leaders and workers working ...
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The Training Course “Youth for a Common Future – Creativity in Conflict Transformation” will be organized for 33 youth workers from YiA Programme countries and Partner Countries from South East Europe (SEE). The training is aimed to deal with conflict and conflict transformation in general terms, to provide basic education on roots of conflicts and conflict management strategies. A second major el ...
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“Gender Equality for Youth Participation” - 19-25 March 2012; Durrës, Tirana, AlbaniaThe AIM of this training is to provide information, perspectives and resources for deepening and focusing the emphasis of youth and educational activities which address issues related to gender and their impact in youth work. This 7 days training, through applying the non-formal education working methods, will str ...
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T4T "Youth Lense"

Start date: Aug 15, 2011,

The project T4T "Youth Lense" is a Training Course directed to youth leaders, youth workers and young people involved in the youth work, willing to acquire new skills and competence to work with youngsters and to be able to organize good quality projects in the frame of the Youth in Action Programme. The Training Course will take place in city of Subotica in Serbia, from 22 to 30 October 2011 and ...
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27 young people, half from SEE and half from EU country, for 7 days they will participate on the TC in Kosovo. The main idea behind this Training Course is to equip youth workers, as well as those who wish to work directly with youth, with necessary competences with respect to trainers' and youth workers' ethic.The Training Course will introduce a scheme of ethical conduct in international youth w ...
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The aim of the project is to improve the competencies of youth leaders which work with children education and promote Comapasitto manual. The training will gather 24 participants from Programme Countries and South - East Europe and will take place in Durres, Albania from 10-l"March2011.The idea of our members in local level was presented during a training course titled Equal Participation in Diffe ...
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Activating the Inactive young Volunteer will be a 7 day training course for international youth workers which support them in developing the skills to recruit, train and manage young people as volunteers within their own organizations; and to support those volunteers in developing their creative and entrepreneurial skills. The training will focus on volunteers from all social and cultural backgrou ...
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...(22/10/2012-29/10/2012). Partner promoter countries: Kosovo, Estonia, FYROM, Albania, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, United Kingdom. Total number of participants: 27. The applicant, Better Life in Kosova (BLINK) is also the hosting organisation for the project. The training course addresses the place and role of Islam in contemporary Europe with particular reference to Islamic cu ...
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Training course, Action 3.1 “Leaders of Future: Developing Leadership Skills” will be implemented from Together for life association from 12 October 2012 in Albania and will bring together 26 participants from different organisation from EU and SEE. This activity is a seven day training programme focused on providing youth leaders, peer leaders and youth workers with skills concerning leadership, ...
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People coming from minority backgrounds are facing many prejudices, stereotypes. The source of this behavior we can find in fact that the society is not aware of minority issues and has no information about the lives of people coming from minority backgrounds. Lack of information can very easily lead to misunderstandings and potential conflicts.To change the perception of majority as life conditio ...
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TOPography of IDEAS

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

The project TOPography of IDEAS is a Training Course directed at young people who are at the beginning of their carriers and they are willing to acquire new skills and competence in idea mapping and implementing process. The Training Course will take place in the town of Kovacica in Serbia, from 12th to 20th of September 2012 and it will involve 30 participants coming from 15 different countries ...
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Mens sana in corpore sano

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

NGO „IUVENTA“, as hosting organization, will coordinate a 9-days YE, taking place in Vrnjacka Banja (Serbia) on the theme of Sport and healthy lifestyle. Exchange will take place in October 2012 and will bring together 47 young people from 9 European countriesThe idea of the project: sport belongs to everybody, not just the bestGuiding principle - put on your white shirt as a symbol of peace, frie ...
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Common Values for Common Actions

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

The idea “Common Values for Common Actions” arose from the success of the three previous youth exchanges “Meting of Cultures-2009”, “Meeting of Cultures-Meeting of Values 2010” and “Diversity our Value-2011”. The achieved results and outcomes invited the young people towards a continuation and further development of this vision. The 8 days activity, hosted by Youth Alliance Krusevo, will take plac ...
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Start date: Aug 4, 2012,

... from Programme countries and South East Europe Region . This diversity of backgrounds will enhance the mixture of ideas and experiences in the multi-cultural / multi-religious environment, for a better learning process of both the participants as well as the trainers. This course will give the participants the possibility to improve and increase their understanding and knowledge of the diversity ...
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All the colours of the rainbow

Start date: Aug 1, 2013, different kinds of poverty and social difficulties;- fostering mutual understanding and respect between minority and majority groups;- learning about aspects of poverty and marginalisation to better understand the complexity;- to provide opportunity for young people to stand up for their right and speak up about poverty and marginalisation- allow participants to self reflect on personal, nati ...
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The dance of the future

Start date: Aug 5, 2013,

The YE "The dance of the future" is a project dealing with dance choreography as a tool for expression of one’s opinion on a given matter.Participants would use dances from national popular cultures as ICL methods to present the gravity of how people in poverty and in excluded social groups live in their countries and how they understand poverty and social excluded groups through dance. Using danc ...
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Start it

Start date: Dec 20, 2013,

The youth exchange "Start it" will bring to Prijepolje, Serbia for 7 days 39 young people from the 7 counties: Serbia, Romania, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Turkey, Spain and Poland. The theme of the project is youth entrepreneurship. The youth exchange "Start it" will enable these young people to reflect about what it means to be an entrepreneur and how they themselves might become an entrepreneur. We ...
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"Peer to Peer Education for Healthy Life Style" is going to be an YE hosted by Youth4Society organization, which will take place in Tirana, Albania and will gather 35 youth workers and youth leaders motivated to work on health issues from EU, SEE and Turkey. Participants from Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, Kosovo, Turkey and Albania will work during 8 days on health issues related to the pr ...
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