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19 European Projects Found

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Description (EN): Services of general interest (SGI) are in the competence of authorities at different levels. Up to now, authorities and the service providers tend to have a strictly sectorial approach to SGI which leads to isolated solutions, neither taking benefit of potential synergies nor optimizing the expense of public money. Therefore there is a need for a better horizontal ...
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Construisons ensemble l'Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Our lycée is a “ polyvalent “ lycée. It is both a senior high school and a vocational school and is located in the Auvergne Region. The lycée proposes 13 vocational "baccalauréats professionnels" which are mainly concerned with the construction and building industries. Our project is called "Let’s build Europe together". Its two fundamental themes are building a new European identity that is acc ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

This new project aims to make mobility one of the main strategies of our school development. The team that drives it and who is in charge of the preparation and organization process is now familiar with the mobility projects and is getting more and more accurate from a professional point of view, with the different actions conducted . The opening of a European class in September 2015 is a new guar ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

...rofessional VAT Management Administration, electrical engineering, plastics and Composites, CAP polyvalent staff catering, carpentry and metalwork) and a European professional class. It is located in Auvergne, Thiers, city of 12,500 inhabitants. The school has 350 students and 43 teachers and a boarding school. The students originated from very disadvantaged families (65%). They are girls and boys ...
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Se former en Europe

Start date: Jun 30, 2016, End date: Jun 29, 2018,

The project « Training in Europe » which was created at Pierre Boulanger secondary school for vocational training is our first application for the Erasmus + program.The pupils involved in this project are from the second and third year of baccalauréat professionnel of mechanics, driving, logistics and transport. The pupils will be placed into companies in accordance with the text of reference of ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The 'ALLIER MOBILITE PLUS 3' application enables to root our actions of mobility plan between our three Schools which have made international co-operation a priority in each School Policy.This project also strengthens the link between our three vocational colleges which face the same issues which are economical -youth unemployment-geographical – enclosure-, and are addressing the same school popul ...
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Démarche académique d'échange d'expertises éducatives européennes

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

DA4E (« Démarche académique d’échange d’expertises éducatives européennes » - « Regional approach based on the exchange of European educational expertises”) is a collective project with a regional dimension, spread out over two school years (2016-2017 and 2017-2018) and whose main purpose is to grasp the international dimension of education in order to enrich the knowledge andknow-how of our staff ...
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...Cluster3: Label designing and implementation of EAS label – UNISER • IO4 – Label toolbox (Compendium about labelling processes and label items) Regional Council Auvergne and GENCAT will produce IO5 Videos (testimonies about labelling process) IO5. Implementation The project undergoes 4 different phases (PREPARATION, IMPLEMENTATION (production), DIFFUSION (test) and FOLLOW-UP (sustainability) d ...
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European Initial Vocational Placements 2015

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Context: The Departament d'Ensenyament (Ministry of Education of Catalonia), considering (1) the experience gained in 15 years in VET mobility projects, (2) the launch of the Erasmus+ program and (3) aware of the remaining barriers to the promotion of mobility, has launched during this academic year 2014-2015 the “Program for training mobility and international cooperation in VET institutions” to ...
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South Ostrobothnia Works

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

South Ostrobothnia is a region in progress what comes to internationalisation. Promotig entrepreneurship and new partnerships between educational institutions ane industry are keys to success. This project is to support this process by offereing international learning environments for students and teachers from six South-Ostrobothnian VET providers to develop their knowledge, skills and compete ...
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AUvergne: Développer et Acquérir des Compétences avec l'Europe +

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

“AUDACE+ is a mobility project led by a consortium, coordinated by the Auvergne Regional Council, the sending partners being the 14 “Missions Locales” of the Auvergne region and Pôle Emploi International. The consortium wishes to offer work placements in European companies for VET learners that experience difficulties in entering the job market, and also short job-shadowing/observation periods for ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016, and their managerial practices, in order to maximize their smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The AURASME project is a subset of the COSME EURORAA consortium, based in the Rhône-Alpes and Auvergne regions in France. An integrated coordination within the existing activities in the work program of the EURORAA consortium is ensured. The partners involved are: Partner 1 (coordinator) CCIR R ...
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La Mobilite des Actifs de l'Apprentissage en Auvergne

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

... to optimize the training of the young apprentices, also future leaders of companies, and actors of the learning. The European mobility allows to improve the European visibility of the territory from Auvergne which is enclosed. The CRMAA, which represents the sector of craft jobs at the regional level, decided to answer the call for projects « Erasmus ». This project represents Scholarships mobi ...
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Réseau Viva-Bois II.

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

...enable post-high school diploma students to go for a six months’ internship abroad just after passing of their final examination, thanks to a specific partnership with the Conseil Régional of Auvergne. Finally, the organization of mobilities, the follow-up of trainees, their support during internship periods and the meetings with the foreign partners are meant to be an opportunity for exchanging ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

Our three vocational schools have made International Openness a key priority in their school project. Working together in a consortium for the second year,all three schools want ,with the 'ALLIER MOBILITY PLUS'project,to improve students' employability chances through work placements in European companies and to enhance the European dimension of their schools by receiving young people from Europea ...
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The French Vocational High School Marie Laurencin is situated in Riom in Auvergne. Our Erasmus+ project concerned 25 students from our school. There were training periods for the students from the initial vocational training (vocational A level and DTMS). The participants, men and women from 17 to 32, were in training for the Commerce vocational A level (European class), Management and administrat ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

Our mobility project, which highlights the European and international dimension in our school has been renewed annually since 2001. At first, his project was aimed exclusively at Terminales students in the European section English class, whether they study sales, commerce, reception or office administration. Now it is also open to all other students willing to train abroad. The 2014 ERASMUS + proj ...
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This first grouped project of 5 MFR from Auvergne aimed at the 5th mission of the agricultural education of cooperation, on the orientations of the institution of the MFR regarding the opening to the world and to the others. It aimed at developing new professional skills for these people, at structuring mobility in the territorial environment and allowed the acknowledgement of the network. The obj ...
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The scope of this proposal is to develop and implement new services in enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs and Key Account Management services for beneficiaries of SME Instruments in Rhône-Alpes Auvergne France.
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