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Démarche académique d'échange d'expertises éducatives européennes
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

DA4E (« Démarche académique d’échange d’expertises éducatives européennes » - « Regional approach based on the exchange of European educational expertises”) is a collective project with a regional dimension, spread out over two school years (2016-2017 and 2017-2018) and whose main purpose is to grasp the international dimension of education in order to enrich the knowledge andknow-how of our staff and to create a dynamics and a shared culture fed by international relations: a project by which the international comparison will become a formative tool in itself that will help enrich and improve our staff skills, ultimately for the benefit of our students.It is based on three themes:a/ Early school leaving / combating failure in education;b/ EU citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy;c/ Rural development and urbanisation.These themes are correlated with the three priorities of our academic strategic planning 2016-2018:Axis 1 - building pathways to success for our pupils ;Axis 2 - human assets and the well-being of our staff ;Axis 3 - territories and partnerships.It is will consist in 5-day observation periods - travel included.The objective of DA4E is to turn each of our staff members who will receive a training delivered by one of our European partners into the spokesperson of what he/she will have observed, according to methods of redistribution which will be individually elaborated, so that the redistribution is carried out within a formal framework of trainings (trainings from our annual « Academic Training Plan »,local trainings, trainings provided by our Faculty of Education, conferences, other professionalmeetings, etc) and within a dematerialized framework, with our digital tools.It sets a goal: to work out a synthetic reference frame, usable by all of our staff members, related to the three themes of the project, and to ensure the actualization of this reference frame beyond the two years of realization of the project.The material from which the reference frame will be created through what will be produced by the exchanges of expertises which the trainings will induce, and also through the exchanges which will take place between our staff members about the European educational expertises they will have been exposed to.
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9 Partners Participants