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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our three vocational schools have made International Openness a key priority in their school project. Working together in a consortium for the second year,all three schools want ,with the 'ALLIER MOBILITY PLUS'project,to improve students' employability chances through work placements in European companies and to enhance the European dimension of their schools by receiving young people from European partner schools for work placements in French companies and by staff training in European countries. Our schools are located in a region ( Allier) where employment is limited and (high youth unemployment rate). Our students,because of the location of our region are seldom in contact with other European young people. Besides,as they lack information and self-confidence,they are not likely to leave our area even if they can't find a job here. The positive impact former projects have had on the students in terms of linguistic benefits,professional skills and above all personal skills ( self- esteem,adaptability,independence,self-confidence)but also the interest and desire to work abroad born from the communication on past work experiences abroad and the dissemination of the results of these experiences lead us to consider enlarging the training and work placements funded by the Erasmus + programme to all our students whatever their level of qualification.Considering the fact that past mobilities limited the possibility to go on work placements abroad to students preparing for an industrial NVQ level 3 certificate and even for one school to the sole Euro -Electrotechnics CLIL class,we come to think that enlarging the possibility to all our classes requires 81 training grants (about 13 per year per school). This enlargement would give the possibility to maximize the training of all the students whatever their academic results ( this is not a selection criterion) and to boys and girls alike without discrimination. The development of the European dimension involves receiving students from our partners and sending 26 of our teachers on professional training periods abroad. The students ( sent and received) will be placed in companies in strict compliance with the training framework as work placements are an integral part of the training ,are assessed and taken into account for the Diploma.The work placements will be adapted to the students' skills ,in particular their language skills. They will be carefully selected in order to avoid the risk of a failed mobility but make the experience a complete success. The teachers selected for a mobility will be received by our partner schools abroad for observing activities,mostly but not only as the final objective is the enrichment of their practice ,other activities can be considered (team teaching). In each school mobilities will be managed by the steering committee and the teachers concerned by the mobility in close and regular relationship with the inter-schools steering committee. The steering committees will see to the regular assessment of the project within their school as well as within the consortium and with their European intermediary or host partners. The dissemination of the project will be made before,after and during the mobility abroad. We expect this project will allow us to send all the motivated and selected students and teachers on training and work placements abroad, that they will improve their language skills,acquire new skills which for students will result in better results at their examination and in the long run better employability. We expect students will gain confidence and awareness that it is possible and necessary to be mobile to find a job and that mobility can be a driving force for ambition. Concerning staff mobility we expect the dissemination of their experience and new pratices acquired or observed. Receiving young Europeans will allow the students who haven't been on work placement abroad to benefit from the exchange. As far as our schools are concerned we hope to increase the number of students who want to attend the CLIL class and /or apply for a mobility. In the long term ,we expect our schools will gain in reputation so that it will be students' choice to enroll in our school and not the result of a lack of possibilities. Thanks to the European dimension, our schools will be better recognised by French and European companies and stronger ties will be forged with them.
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