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Construisons ensemble l'Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our lycée is a “ polyvalent “ lycée. It is both a senior high school and a vocational school and is located in the Auvergne Region. The lycée proposes 13 vocational "baccalauréats professionnels" which are mainly concerned with the construction and building industries. Our project is called "Let’s build Europe together". Its two fundamental themes are building a new European identity that is accessible to all students following a 3 year -course of vocational studies, as well as the acquisition and the sharing of new “know-how” specific to each trade.Teachers look after the students abroad. They will see to the students’ comfort and needs. Their presence is essential at this stage, as they will make sure that the security rules are understood by the students, and respected. They will also ensure the exchange of professional skills ….The internships will last around 10 days. Through this Erasmus+ project, our team of teachers aims to widen the students’vision towards Europe, help create more enlightened European citizens, increasing the rolls in our vocational sections, training our teachers for mobility projects by offering them internships abroad that are coherent with the professional training within the lycée. One of the aims of our project is to boost the chances of success of underprivileged students.In the short term, this Erasmus+ project is designed to strengthen the motivation for their studies and the self–esteem of participating students, and in the medium term it aims to improve their final examination results, in the National B-Tech. In the long run, the purpose of this project is to help give the students more chances of getting a job. Over 20 students, from all of the vocational sections, will be concerned by this mobility project, including the ones seeking the additional "section Europeéenne" label in the final exam. Teachers will also have the opportunity to take part in this programme. We think the more the team of teachers is involved, the more we’ll benefit from international recognition.)We’ve made the choice to turn to Finland and Croatia, countries we’ve been in touch with for 2 years now. These 2 partners have the same training courses as we have in their respective schools. Throughout this training period, the project participants will learn new skills specific to each partner country. These internships abroad will run from September 2016 to May 2018. Each time, a group of 3 or 4 students will spend 3 weeks abroad. Teachers will look after the students abroad. They will see to the students’ comfort and needs. Their presence is essential at this stage, as they will make sure that the security rules are understood by the students, and respected. They will also ensure the exchange of professional skills .The internships will last around 10 days. The strict implementation and monitoring procedures we employ will efficiently lead the students to success. We also count on these guarantees of the thoroughness and the achievements of this exchange to promote the image of our lycée and the vocational trainings it provides.The objectives of this exchange include optimizing the professional and educational practices on both sides by observing professional classes, visiting companies, attending meetings and working in tandem with the teacher’s partner teams. To ensure the success of the project, a tight schedule of the successive project stages, before, during and after the internships, will be defined. The procedure will also detail how students are selected, the cultural and linguistic preparation, how they are monitored during the internship and how the progress and advantages are measured.The experience and knowledge that they will get from this internship will be a powerful incentive and help them get a job. This is how the Erasmus+ project will add value to their CV, both from a human and technical point of view. In addition, the students will in turn play a part in introducing innovative skills to the companies that will employ them in the future. On a larger scale, this Erasmus+ project will have an impact on the whole Region. In the end, we think that Europe represents a vast territory full of opportunities that can enrich professional practices and widen the cultural background of our students. This Erasmus+ project will above all allow each participant to have a unique experience. It will provide an opportunity for them to become an active part of the Europe of tomorrow that is still under construction, open to multi-cultural exchanges and technology transfers.

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