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In the construction sector, there are special features that characterize it: high mobility of workforce among EU countries due to higher salaries and better working conditions across EU, the employers' need for highly skilled sectoral staff profiles, and project based employment. Proper awareness of sectoral skills being acquired through different VET systems in EU countries on 4th EQF level and c...
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As construction workers progress through their career through promotion their managerial responsibility tends to increase, without the necessary skills to manage and lead workers. they tend to therefore rely on the management experience they have personally received. The SSHH project aims to develop construction workers initial managerial skills through on-line ‘scenarios’ by focusing on transfera...
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Capacity Building for Intermediary Organisations through e-learning

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

In many countries of the Southern and Eastern Europe, current legislative reform is moving the apprenticeship system from a 100% school-based system towards a company based system. However, neither the intermediary organisations nor the companies are ready in order to cope with this change. The E-APPREN project is aiming to build the capacity of the intermediary organisations to support apprentice...
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Work process orientation (in German: "Handlungsorientierung") is one of the key factors in construction VET, which among others decides upon the success of an individual in the labour market. The better entire (holistic) work processes are understood by skilled workers, the better worker and company fit together. The degree of work process orientation (or action orientation) as a pedagogic-didacti...
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We are facing very important and long-term changes that go further than the crisis we are undergoing and that have impact in all economic and social changes. These geo-political, economic and social changes are forcing our companies to change their “ways of doing”, to make things better or differently, transforming their value proposals, their international presence and their organisation and mana...
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Without no doubt has the current situation of migration and refugee flows brought completely new challenges to the European societies which they never had to deal before in any similar way. At the same time we have to acknowledge that the group of migrants currently entering the European Union as asylum seekers are a very diverse group concerning their education and qualification background. OECD ...
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22 million persons in the EU-28 were unemployed in November 2015, and more than 12 million people who have been unemployed for over a year. The unemployment rates among the youngsters were also very high in 2014, being it 22.2 %. This has social consequences for the persons concerned, a negative impact on growth and public finances and in poverty rates (Eurostat).Self-employment (SE) and entrepren...
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PURPOSEVocational education and training systems in origin countries of refugees are often not comparable to those systems that are spread all over Europe. Thus a recognition of the profession refugees might have is often not possible. Additionally, this target group can often not provide any evidence supporting the existing professional skills and abilities. Therefore entering the labour market a...
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International Trade Mobility for You

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

This project was born within the context of the sending organization development plans and internationalization strategy (with over 20 years of investment/activity in R&D and Innovation, Cooperation and Partnership national and international projects) as well as a result of the specific needs of the project direct beneficiaries.The project involves 70 participants, trainees from an International T...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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New Models in Work-Based Learning

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

The aim of our project is to: - increase public awareness of work based learning models. - strengthen relationships among and within all sector stakeholders' groups. - fortify links between all actors working and interacting cohesively and collaboratively to create greater effectiveness of work based learning. - reinforce a dynamic and effective communications network. These goals we will achieve...
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The project originates from a careful analysis of the most recent developments and trends characterizing two of the leading sectors of regional economy: Tourism/Hospitality and Agriculture/Biotechnology. Discussions among teachers on issues concerning emerging new job profiles, new forms of work organization which affect training and educational needs and provision represent the main rationale of...
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Food business is the first sector in terms of employment in Europe, 90% of food companies being SMEs (majority of them being micro enterprises). Though innovation is the main leverage to improve competitiveness, there is neither high enough innovation and entrepreneurship spirit nor innovation transfer from High Education Institutes (HEI) to business. The partners of this consortium, involved for ...
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Skills in metal and electro industry

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

Never ending progress and development of manufacturing procedures demand continuous and up-to-date training which needs to be a response to industry's needs and has to enable the mobility of trainees and workers. Challenges of skill gaps, raising employment and employability rate, quality and efficiency of education and training and improving synergy between the worlds of education and work as pre...
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"At the moment ECVET is too conceptual and far from easy to implement. Moreover there is a huge gap between companies and the education sector in relation to timescales." (ECVET Magazine, 11/2013 as consequence of the annual ECVET forum 2013). This statement of the workshop held with representatives of all European countries on the involvement of companies into the ECVET and whole transparency ins...
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Greening the Business: Green Business Management Trainings

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Systematic and integral training and tools towards green business management excellence and best practice are among priorities of EU strategy for sustainable growth and jobs which puts innovation and green growth at the heart of its blueprint for competitiveness. The training needs analysis will ensure insight into needed knowledge, skills and attitudes of the target group and the most suitable ...
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Process VET from Chemi to Pharma

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

For improving competitiveness and to maintain high standards of health and safety and to promote the contribution of the European chemical industry to the economic, social and environmental life, it is critical to ensure a high competence level of all workers at all levels in the sector. Demographic change has become one of the most pressing challenges Europe is currently facing. Ensuring best pos...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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The continuation of family businesses offers to young unemployed people great opportunitis for their inclusion in the job market. However, this formula is not exploited enough because of the special difficulties it involves. The reason why the transfer is normally difficult is because the transition of a family business involves a transfer of ownership but also a transfer of management and in many...
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Regional Networks for Quality in Vocational Mobility

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The REMO project is established in front of a VET policy background covering 4 crucial issues in European VET policy: 1) ET 2020: mobility of learners and staff as well as quality in education are two core issues stipulated in the ET 2020 strategy of the European Commission and huge efforts are required to improve the situation in initial VET mobility on quantitative and qualitative level. On qua...
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"The EC has within its Survey of 2011, carried out on request of DG Enterprise and Industry (DG EI), realized that the main barriers of innovation in the eyes of the SMEs, are lack of financial resources and inability to manage innovation process.Since different understandings of the term "Innovation Management System" (IMS) have been noted the EC has supported European Committee for Standardizati...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

In the years until 2020, the EU youth generation will diminish from 90 to 81 million. This will have a profound impact on education, the economy and society in the future. Technological changes will be even more pervasive and global competition will increase, not least the competition for talented people. Thus, there is an urgent need to strengthen policies to make EU ready for this competition an...
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The main strategic references of the EU suggest and address the structuring of initiatives to foster entrepreneurial mindsets through education, learning and the development of synergies between education, vocational training and the labour market. In some contexts, such as that of the upper secondary education, we are witnessing a formal take-over of these guidelines. In fact, the curriculum of t...
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Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship is one of the four core objectives of the ET2020 strategy and all member states are asked to emphasise the equal opportunities in access to the education systems. The reduction of drop outs and low performers in the education systems and especially in the initial VET systems is a core indicatore for this objective. The benchmark for the drop...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

Institute of Business Education (CPU) has developed successful international cooperation with number of partners in EU and other countries. With Erasmus + Mobility project we want to raise quality teaching, training and research of our staff and help students to prepare professionally and socially for entering into business world. We have implemented one Staff mobility for training between Program...
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Technology and Innovation for Smart Publishing (TISP)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The TISP network aims at creating a platform for publishers and technology providers to promote wider collaboration so to make available expertise and tools on innovation and technology to publishing industry in a mutual exchange of ideas and experience between the two sectors.TISP results from the merging of two pre-existing networks, lead by the two European federations of publishing and ICT ind...
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The project is intended to improve cross-border cooperation of companies operating in the industry processed high-precision mechanical components. Expected Results: Made the map or collection inovativnostnih technological skil...
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"The EC has within its Survey of 2011, carried out on request of DG Enterprise and Industry (DG EI), realized that the main barriers of innovation in the eyes of the SMEs, are lack of financial resources and inability to manage innovation process.Since different understandings of the term "Innovation Management System" (IMS) have been noted the EC has supported European Committee for Standardizati...
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In 2008 a WHO report on microbial safety in fresh produce prioritised leafy green vegetables as the highest priority in terms of fresh produce safety from a global perspective. It is critical that effective decontamination steps are in place to ensure consumer protection and confidence in fresh produce. There is thus a requirement to ensure microbiological safety during production of minimally pro...
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Skill development organizational models, tools, and networking between the world of scientific research and local economic stakeholders in the web of cross-border regions. Expected Results: Establish an effective and sustainab...
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PROCEED focuses on the communication and dissemination of environmental research results and practices originating in Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) towards industry, policy makers and public and private research centres (including Academia),with the aim to enhance the uptake of research results and foster the participation of CEEC in EU-funded research projects through S&T cooperat...
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The ICON project aims to strengthening the competitiveness of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the border area between Slovenia and Italy. Expected Results: The main purpose of the project is the integration of ent...
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The main objective of the project is improving economic relationships and competition ability of Slovene-Austria cross-border areas through the strengthening of the cooperation between small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), with emphasis on the opportunities which are provided by the introduction of the new ICT.PROMT-ICT would also improve the professionalism of SME in the development of ICT so...
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The driving idea of REG CON is the advancement of the concept of “R&D based clustering” across regions of Europe with a thematic focus on construction. This sector is both dynamic in creation of growth and employment [~7% of national employment/GDP, ~14% when add design and materials], but relatively backward in absorbing innovation. The Strategic Research Agenda prepared by European Construction ...
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The goal of the From past to future project carried out in cooperation with the Municipality of Velika Polana was to revive local crafts for the population of the region, unemployed with reduced working capacity, to benefit from the acquired skills and knowledge. Basket weaving courses were held for the unemployed, and a summer camp was organized for pupils and students. Trainings were held for th...
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The main goal of the project is to assist tourism development on both sides of the border and to support joint presentation on the domestic and international markets. The objective of the cooperation was to use joint marketing in presenting the tourism offering of the two border regions as a complex product. As part of the project, tourism catalogues in Hungarian /Slovenian and German /English wer...
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1.The participants of the project will become more prepared for and responsive to the use of European Union aid schemes. 2.Cooperation between the border regions will become closer as a result of which joint projects shall arise and new investments launched. 3.Competitiveness of small and medium businesses will increase and new jobs will be created. " ...
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The goal of the project is to register and add to a joint list of the potential offered as natural beauty and fishing spots in the region along the Croatian-Hungarian border and organizing various events (an international fishing contest or a contest for the best paprikash spicy fish stew) to stimulate the development of tourism in the region. ...
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The main project objective was as follows: improving the conditions needed to start a business in the local area by establishing and launching an incubator in Lendava, setting up services to assist micro, small and medium enterprises from both sides of the border, organising joint cross-border activities and fairs to encourage entrepreneurship, and developing support and information infrastructur...
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In the 1990ties during the transition process, many Eastern European countries adapted a policy of early retirement to avoid mass redundancies and large-scale unemployment. Although most early-retirement programmes have been abandoned, the mindset of employees and employers has not changed so quickly and adequately: carrier planning for employees with 50 years of age or with 25-30 years of employm...
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