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Regional Networks for Quality in Vocational Mobility
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The REMO project is established in front of a VET policy background covering 4 crucial issues in European VET policy: 1) ET 2020: mobility of learners and staff as well as quality in education are two core issues stipulated in the ET 2020 strategy of the European Commission and huge efforts are required to improve the situation in initial VET mobility on quantitative and qualitative level. On quantitative level, the European Commission has set a benchmark of 6% of all learners in initial VET to be participating in transnational mobility schemes in VET, where whole Europe and especially also the participating countries in the REMO project are quite far away 2) Quality in VET: the Bruges Communique enforces the need of quality education and especially also in VET 3) Co-operation between VET and the world of work: a better and closer co-operation between these two players is in the core interest of the European VET policy and the role of companies in VET should be strengthened which becomes crucially evident during mobility placements in VET 4) Transparency of skills: the possibility to accumulate learning outcomes in different countries in VET and have them recognised for the VET qualification should become possible and real. In front of these four strategic issues in VET policy the REMO project is suggesting a cross-regional network of organisations full dedicated to the improvement of initial VET mobility processes through: a) the development of quality assured process descriptions for the organisation and implementation of initial VET mobility actions (based on the worldwide accepted quality standards of ISO 9001 as well as fully taking into account the requirements and tools of ECVET) b) the development of an online platform for matching needs and demands in initial VET mobility on a cross regional level c) the forming of a sustainable network of quality providers, organisers, hosting / sending organisations in initial VET mobility as trustful basis for quality mobility actions. The REMO project therefore envisages the following objectives: -) Improving mobility in lifelong learning and especially in initial VET to reach the benchmark of 6%, -) Raising the quality and efficiency in VET and especially in mobility in initial VET with appropriate and "down to earth" tools, -) Fostering the co-operation between VET institutions and the world of work especially on a regional and cross regional level and -) Improving transparency of learning outcomes by using European transparency instruments on a broad level The project partnership consists of 7 organisations from 6 neighbouring countries which emphasises a lot the cross-regional dimension of the project and the added value behind. The partner organisations have a complementary structure and represent VET providers, NGOs, mobility hosting /sending and intermediary organisations, public organisations, the world of work, social partner and contains a specialist organisation for the certification of process quality against the standards of ISO 9001:2008. With the consortium we will be able to fully reach the project objectives and core intellectual outputs which are: a) Research study: investiating the needs of hosting7sending organisations, learners and VET institutions about quality in initial VET mobility and defining the structure and content of process descriptions for VET mobility processes b) 10 ISO 9001:2008 and ECVET compliant process desriptions based on the 10 core processes in mobility from the European Quality in Mobilty Charta c) an online platform matching offer and demand in initial VET mobility and linking hosting/sending organisations, VET organisations, learners and stakeholders d) a legal network structure for an association maintaining the results and using them for initial VET mobility beyond the lifetime of the project. The target groups of the REMO project are: 1) VET organisations (VET schools and training centres) invlved in initial VET and organisation and implementation of mobiltiy programmes 2) Potential hosting and sending organisations in initial VET (companies, NGOs, public authorities, associations etc.) 3) VET learners in initial VET interested in learning mobility abroad 4) Political decision makers for VET on local, regional, national and European level 5) Wider stakeholders interested in the promotion and quality assurance of transnational VET mobility The project follows a strong sustainability strategy which will lead into the establishment of a legal network structure at the end of the project process and so forming the basis for the sustainable and long term impact of results on the target group.
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6 Partners Participants