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Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the years until 2020, the EU youth generation will diminish from 90 to 81 million. This will have a profound impact on education, the economy and society in the future. Technological changes will be even more pervasive and global competition will increase, not least the competition for talented people. Thus, there is an urgent need to strengthen policies to make EU ready for this competition and to give young Europeans opportunities to learn and to develop their capacities. There is a need to improve mobility both in quantity and quality at the EU level, and consequently a strong concern on the part of EU institutions to reach this goal. The overall percentage of young people which actually engages in transnational mobility activities remains low and compares unfavourably with higher education. Nevertheless, it appears with clarity that this training component is largely underdeveloped compared with other subjects in the VET-curricula. Some main barriers must be addressed if learning mobility is to be extended. The project seeks to address the above-mentioned needs and intends to respond to the Erasmus + priorities by setting the aim to improve the quality and quantity of mobility experiences adopting an integrated approach that involves both students and VET teaching staff. SKILLS + will be articulated into 2 different phases: during preliminary phase, 52 teachers will have an experience abroad and they'll jointly define with peers the contents of work placement, and the formalisation of MoU setting out the general framework of cooperation and networking between the partner institutions as well as establishing a climate of mutual trust. The second core phase of the project will be focused on the mobility experiences of 185 students from nine schools located in Vicenza its province, one located in Padua and in Verona. Learners will stay abroad for a period of 4 weeks of high quality work placement and 2 days of preparation/induction provided by partner abroad. The project proposal intends to foster KSC, of young learners in line with training needs of the local and global labour market. The multi- sectorial project is aimed at students who are completing the course of study and has the purpose to develop professional and soft skills, to improve the learning of foreign language and intercultural awareness. The schools involved encompass a range of professional pathways: Tourism\Catering, Administration, Finance and Marketing, International Relations and Trade, Agriculture and Food Industry,ICT, Mechanics\Mechatronics\ Electronics, Transport and Logistics, Social Services and Healthcare. These sectors can be recognized as key drivers of the EU economic recovery in supporting growth and employment also for labour markets entrants. The partnership brings together 29 partners from ten different countries (IT, DE, NL, SLO,IE,UK,FI,DK,ES, FR) and is constructed with a view into achieving the highest synergies among the different partners. The methodological framework of the project builds on existing methods and practices which are already in use in the partners’ countries or developed in other EU-funded projects (VQTS matrix, ECMO, TRIF, etc.) where CPV and other partner organisations are involved. In designing and implementing the mobility schemes the project will built on the assumption that modern work processes involve many similar tasks despite national differences in the manners of offering and organising training. The project proposal will be implemented through following stages: BEFORE MOBILITY mainly focused on preparation of participants, IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MOBILITY ACTIVITIES and FOLLOW UP/DISSEMINATION activities. The project intends to have a significant impact on public and private key actors of the partners’ countries and the respective national, regional, local. The project contributes to enhance partners’ national VET systems through: - the promotion of internationalisation and mobility strategies, linked with the quality assurance systems for placements, monitoring contents and recognition of skills acquired abroad; - the improvement of the quality in VET also significantly contributing to the further development of the competence of staff organising mobility as well as teachers, trainers and tutors involved. The EU added value of the project is, furthermore, the support provided to the implementation of common EU tools and methods for mobility quality assurance. for the implementation of an effective ECVET system for comparability and portability of VET qualifications in full compliance with EQF principles. Young beneficiaries who will participate in SKILLS + will have the motivation to act as mobility promoters, being natural and approachable ambassadors as they are able to speak the same language and use social media to share their experiences with friends who are not directly affiliated to mobility programmes.
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31 Partners Participants