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Although in Europe and North America health management has evolved together with a greater complexity and higher costs of healthcare services, in LA healthcare management has not developed accordingly. In LA, generally, those who have managerial responsibilities, do not understand that ‘managing’ means that the mission entrusted to said organizations should be fulfilled and that accounts should be ...
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History of Nuclear Energy and Society (HoNESt)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

HoNESt (History of Nuclear Energy and Society) involves an interdisciplinary team with many experienced researchers and 24 high profile research institutions.HoNESt’s goal is to conduct a three-year interdisciplinary analysis of the experience of nuclear developments and its relationship to contemporary society with the aim of improving the understanding of the dynamics over the last 60 years. HoN ...
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This is a project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries. Please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Heads High

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

The project is an after-school Neohumanistic Education programme for children and adolescents of Cottonera Inaugurated in 2006, it presently comprises classes in yoga, creativity, athletics, computer and English. Yoga Shoots, a programme for primary and secondary schools in Malta offering yoga for kids, intercultural awareness and creativity was introduced recently. The methodology focuses on all ...
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European forestry is fast evolving as forests could experience in the near future important changes in climate and also in management, which is moving from timber production to values such as bioenergy, carbon sequestration, biodiversity and others. These factors could change the idoneity of traditional forestry in Scots pine forests (which cover important areas in Europe). The project´s objective ...
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International Volunteer Programme

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

The EVS ‘International Volunteer Programme’ at Carrickfergus YMCA involves participation in our family activities (Parents & Kids Together - PAKT), Youth Centre and Health Hub Information Point. Carrickfergus YMCA has been involved as a hosting organisation in EVS for over 13 years and during this time has hosted three international volunteers on an annual basis. The YMCA is an international Assoc ...
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EVS AKs Noah NoGu 2016

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

Our House in Maria Guggin/Lower-Austria:Address: WG NOGU, Hütersteig 8, 3400 KlosterneuburgMaria Gugging is a little town located in the Viennes forest in the west of Vienna and is about 45 Minutes from the center of Vienna away.Our house is located close to a bus station in the centre of Maria Gugging. The concept behind this house is a very special one, because it is supposed to fill the gap bet ...
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"The objective of BIOCOMES is to develop 11 new biological control agents (BCAs) for key markets in European agriculture and forestry. BCAs were identified through market analysis by six manufactures of biological control products. BCAs will primarily be for use in open field crops of vegetables (3), of which 2 are also for use in protected crops, arable crops (3), fruit crops (3), and three diffe ...
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Security checks at borders are required to be increasingly thorough and fast. There are currently two types of technologies available for this application: those that automatically detect objects concealed on a person, and those that rely on human operator analysis and interpretation in order to classify or identify body-borne threats.The objective of TeraSCREEN is to combine these two capabiliti ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Getting to know

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Project "Getting to know" - European Voluntary Service, aims to accomplish these goals:Main goals:1. improve the level of key competencies and skills of the volunteer, community of young people, young people involved in the project activities, mentor and youth workers in our organization2. to promote intercultural dialogue3. encourage social inclusion and solidarity4. Support active citizenship5. ...
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Physiotherapy E-Training Re-HAbilitation

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The objective of the PETRHA project is to develop a serious game for students in Physiotherapy (the international term for Kinesithérapie), a public which has not benefited from this technology in Europ sofar. The clinical process involves a series of essential steps performed by a physiotherapist in a specific order which makes it possible to plan a rééducation program adapted to the patient, h ...
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This is a project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries. Please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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"Forests in SW Europe could experience in the near future important changes in climate but also in forest management, which is moving from focusing on timber production to consider values such as bioenergy, carbon sequestration, biodiversity and others. These factors could change inter-specific competition in Scots pine/European beech mixedwoods, which cover important areas in SW Europe, altering ...
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International Volunteer Programme

Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The EVS ‘International Volunteer Programme’ at Carrickfergus YMCA involves participation in our family activities (Parents & Kids Together - PAKT), Youth Centre and Health Hub Information Point. Carrickfergus YMCA has been involved as a hosting organisation in EVS for over 12 years and during this time has hosted three international volunteers on an annual basis. The YMCA is an international Asso ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

VIVIfy is born to support European health systems handle the challenges of efficient care provision and system reorganisation, and meet future needs, related to an ageing and frailty society, through the search for formulas that improve quality of life, putting in value the positive effects of sport and exercise programmes. Establishing synergies among sport, health, social care, and education sys ...
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Background Agriculture is responsible for 20% of total greenhouse gas emissions, without even considering associated energy consumption. These emissions originate mainly from the fermentation and oxidation of organic matter and nitrogenised compounds. However, levels can vary significantly depending on the agricultural techniques used. The introduction ...
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The EU wrought aluminium industry is based on the use of primary aluminium. Primary aluminium production is both energy and carbon intensive and EU production is rapidly declining. Secondary aluminium (post-consumer scrap) is either downgraded into low quality cast products, or exported.This scrap could be transformed into a low cost, low carbon feedstock for wrought product and high quality casti ...
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evs volunteers in lower Austria

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

The project includes 5 evs long term project in 4 different hosting organisations in Lower Austria. two volunteers will attend their evs in the youth centre BAGGER in Waidhofen an der Ybbs and ATOLL in Amstetten. The projects will run from september 2015 to june 2016. the main activities are: Talk and support with the youngsters, Inform youngsters about different kind of topics, collect informat ...
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EVS for everybody

Start date: Aug 3, 2015, End date: Jul 2, 2016,

...nts, as well as involvement in activities of VLC for the local communities (planning and organization of celebrations, events, etc.). Spanish Partner in the project is Unidad de Acción Social Universidad Pública de Navarra. Italian partners are Movimentazioni and Centro di servizi pr il della provincia di volontariato Varese.
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I want to be different

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

Project "I want to be different" - European Voluntary Service Main aims: 1. improve the level of key competencies and skills of the volunteer community of young people, young people involved in the project activities, mentor and youth workers in our organization 2. to promote intercultural dialogue 3. to promote social inclusion and solidarity 4. support active citizenship Specific aims: 1. to all ...
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International Volunteer Programme

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The EVS ‘International Volunteer Programme’ programme at Carrickfergus YMCA involves participation in our family programmes (Parents & Kids Together - PAKT), Youth Centre and Health Hub Information Point. The PAKT programmes provide creche, afterschool activities, teenager clubs and adult education opportunities for disadvantaged young people and their families. These programmes operate in loca ...
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The project aimed at promoting an active European citizenship and the empowerment of young people and their ability to participate actively in society. It increased the knowledge of and understanding of different countries, cultures and ways of life, by promoting international mobility. The youngsters experience these by living and “working” in another EU country. By means of this project we worke ...
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BAth YMCA European Volunteer Scheme

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

Our project was based mainly around our children's work in our nurseries, after school clubs and holiday club, however the volunteers did choose to gain some extra experience in our Health & Wellbeing centre and Social Enterprise Cafe in Bristol. Our community gym unfortunately had to close as there was not sufficient resource to continue it, and our volunteers chose not to take the option of spe ...
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PV CROPS addresses 3 key objectives of the call topic:1) Improvement of performance, reliability and lifetime2) Cost reduction of PV systems3) Better integration of PV into gridThe 2 first objectives lead to a lower Levelized Cost of Energy, LCoE. So, the main objectives of PV CROPS are:1- Reduction of 30% of the LCoE of PV to achieve 0.14-0.07 €/kWh by 2020 and 0.20–0.09 €/kWh by 2015 and an incr ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The project KA103 of the Public University of Navarra includes 230 students mobilities for studies, 19 students mobilities for traineeships, 13 staff mobilities for teaching and 5 staff mobilities for training. That is a total of 253 mobilities in the frame of an institution with 8.169 students, 599 teachers (in terms of full time teachers), and 473 administrative staff. It is a wide project,also ...
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SDH-Net’s aim is to build, strengthen and link research capacities for health and its social determinants (SDH) in African and Latin American low- and middle income countries (LMIC) in close collaboration with European partners. The focus on SDH will allow for an in-depth and broad capacity-building approach, including managerial and technical excellence, ethical issues, and research strategies. L ...
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Los antioxidantes son compuestos presentes de forma natural en los alimentos que tienen la función de eliminar el exceso de radicales libres que se producen debido a agresiones externas. La ingestión de estos compuestos es beneficiosa para el ser humano y se pueden utilizar también para alarga la vida de los alimentos. Con esta idea surge este proyecto, en el que se van a seleccionar antioxidantes ...
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La combustion spontanée de résidus de charbon est un phénomène fréquent. La combustion est initiée par des causes extérieures/humaines dans une zone où le charbon est de bonne qualité. Les déchets peuvent s'accumuler pendant l'extraction du charbon, le stockage, l'évacuation des déchets et son transport. L'inquiétude particulière est la combustion de ces déchets de charbon inutilisés, qui peuvent ...
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Legumes are able to enter nitrogen-fixing symbiosis with rhizobial bacteria. The use of legumes in agriculture offers a number of advantages, including improvement of soil quality and the avoidance of chemical nitrogen ferlizers, which makes them a key element in sustainable agricultural systems. The rhizobium-legume symbiosis provides a unique experimental system in which to interrogate a signal ...
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Los Pirineos son especialmente vulnerables al cambio climático y podrían sufrir una degradación de los bienes y servicios ecosistémicos que proveen. FLUXPYR aporta recursos humanos, metodologías y herramientas necesarias para abordar el carácter transfronterizo del cambio climático, fomentando la pluridisciplinaridad, el desarrollo e integración de tecnologías y protocolos innovadores y la producc ...
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El objetivo final del proyecto radica en la implantación de una red, a nivel del SUDOE, de actores de la investigación (Universidades, Centros de Investigación, Institutos de investigación públicos o privados), de Polos de competitividad y de autoridades públicas locales y regionales, con vistas a intercambiar y a capitalizar las prácticas adecuadas en materia de acompañamiento de los investigador ...
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MET-NANO surge tras la realización con éxito del proyecto de creación de una red en nanotecnologías en el eje transpirenaico (NANORET, Interreg IIIA). Supone un nuevo paso en la interrelación entre las instituciones de uno y otro lado de los pirineos y pretende alcanzar nuevos hitos dentro de la cooperación, con nuevos objetivos y elementos de interrelación, apostando por el desarrollo conjunto de ...
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Monitoring and Measurement in the Next Generation Technologies (MOMENT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2010,

Reaching optimising control, management and flexibility of the future network infrastructures requires actions to retrieve a good understanding of network and application behaviour. In previous EU-funded FP6 projects like EVERGROW and LOBSTER, large efforts have been taken to successfully develop and deploy measurement infrastructures (e.g. ETOMIC, DIMES) to gain insight into the operational netwo ...
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Technology Transfer Research Results Atlantic Area (2XTRA)

Start date: Sep 30, 2003, End date: Sep 29, 2006,

De nos jours, l’innovation est vitale pour le développement socio-économique. Le paradoxe européen est que l’on observe des difficultés à mettre l’innovation sur le marché alors que le niveau scientifique et technologique est élevé. Le processus de transfert de technologie en Europe fonctionne par conséquent moins bien qu’aux Etats Unis ou au Japon. 2XTRA est une proposition ambitieuse résultant d ...
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„All innovations are projects, but not all projects are innovations“ (Hauschildt). In projects, innovative solutions are developed. The realisation can be assured by Project Management (planning, organising and controlling the project work). Without Project Management (PM), innovations often fail. The importance of PM is therefore increasing at the workplace. In vocational education PM is rarely t ...
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The project aims to develop a community oriented curriculum for training field practice teachers who provide training for people from excluded social groups. The innovative training design is aimed to improve the target groups' competencies in dealing with the specificities of the different social groups they work with. After an intensive research period the findings will be consolidated and trans ...
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Trois appellations de fromages au lait de brebis (Roncal, Idiazabal et Ossau-Iraty) collaborent a travers des échanges techniques et des participations croisées aux manifestations fromageres. Cette collaboration sera approfondie grace a ce projet de recherche sur les produits sous appellation : description de la flore des laits et fromages Ossau-Iraty, mise au point d’un levain acidifiant spécifiq ...
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The project is addressing the need to cultivate healthy psychological and social skills in both students and teachers in order to support quality learning methods and processes, by introducing Positive Psychology and their applied methods in the school. Positive Psychology is the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive. The project will devel ...
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