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PositivitiES: Applied Positive Psychology for the European Schools
Start date: Nov 1, 2012,

The project is addressing the need to cultivate healthy psychological and social skills in both students and teachers in order to support quality learning methods and processes, by introducing Positive Psychology and their applied methods in the school. Positive Psychology is the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive. The project will develop an on-line programme with an innovative combined methodology consisting on a European training course on Positive Psychology for teachers, together with a specific coaching programme to help teachers to experiment themselves the positive psychology methods in their personal and professional lives, and a pedagogical resources database to integrate them in the classroom. The training/coaching/practice PositiviES programme will focus on aspects of optimal experience, positive emotions, optimism, mindfulness, and the nurturing of the strengths and virtues, such as the capacity for love and work, courage, compassion, resilience, creativity, curiosity, integrity, self-knowledge, moderation, self-control, gratefulness and wisdom. Testing of the programme will be performed in 6 schools and an extensive exploitation will be performed involving more than 20 schools, 150 teachers and 3000 students. The project results will contribute in the future to the creation of the European Network of Positive Psychology in the Schools (ENPPS). A multilingual website will be created for dissemination, as well social networking tools to help exchanging of experiences and stimulating cooperation between research groups, schools and education institutions. The on-line database of Positive Psychology pedagogical resources will be freely available and open to incorporate additional material. The project will have a very positive impact by promoting healthy psychological habits in the classroom, and by contributing to develop a common European framework for wellbeing promotion in the school.
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