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Project management as an instrument with reference to workenvironment for development and assurance of education quality in the vocational education

„All innovations are projects, but not all projects are innovations“ (Hauschildt). In projects, innovative solutions are developed. The realisation can be assured by Project Management (planning, organising and controlling the project work). Without Project Management (PM), innovations often fail. The importance of PM is therefore increasing at the workplace. In vocational education PM is rarely taught even though first initiatives exists: Since 2005 teaching concepts for vocational education have been developed and implemented in Bremen in coorperation with the GPM (German PM Association); a core curriculum, a training concept for teachers and teaching materials have been developed and already more than 200 teachers have been qualified. Learning takes place in our concept at two levels: On the one hand, Project Management is a content (to be learned) and on the other hand, it is a form, a design, to assure the quality of project teaching and learning. The labor market in this regard is set up twice: The students work on real project orders and therewith get qualified for project work in their future.

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