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33 European Projects Found

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Background: Influenza viruses cause annual epidemic and occasional pandemics, both of which induce significant morbidity and mortality. Influenza infections affect all age groups but children and adults over the age of 65 are at most risk of developing severe disease.Vaccination is the most effective approach to reduce the impact of annual influenza outbreaks and potential pandemics, however, the ...
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Franco Macedonian Cultural Team

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018, starting in September 2016. The volunteers will be actively involved in developing the new service “Franco-Macedonian Cultural Team” within the Youth Information and Counseling center INFO SEGA. The YIC INFO SEGA is a project from Coalition SEGA and it is devoted to inform, educate and counsel young people about various possibilities available for youth (studying abroad, scholarships, volunteer ...
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European Water School

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The project will take place at “The Aquascole” at St Pierre de Coutances. We propose an individual EVS as we have one place for a project with a duration of 11 months. The participants can have origin from any country as long as they are eligible to participate in the “Erasmus +” program. In the case of our project, the participating countries are Macedonia and France. We are going to host a young ...
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Advanced Immunization Technologies (ADITEC)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

Vaccines so far have been developed mostly by following an empiric approach. To prevent and possibly cure unresolved and emerging infectious diseases we need to fully exploit the potential of the human immune system. Progress in science and technology makes it possible to achieve what was previously deemed impossible. The scope of this project is to produce knowledge necessary to develop novel and ...
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Start date: Sep 20, 2016, End date: May 19, 2017,

The Informal Youth Group, “SHARP MINDS”, inside the frame of the European Program “Erasmus+”, organizes a Mobility Program of Youth Workers – Programme Countries” KA1, in Athens, Greece during the period 22-29 of March, 2016 (7 days), under the title “Lost myself on Internet”It’s a multilateral action in which will take part organizations form the following countries, Greece, Italy, Belgium, Nethe ...
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“Upper limit or universal human right? How European democracies deal with the refugee crisis.“ is a project implemented through three activities: two YEs and one APV in Prague, Czech Republic, and Potsdam, Germany, as well as subsequent Training Course (TC) in Potsdam, Germany. The overall duration of the project is 6 months, from 1 September 2016 to 31 December 2016. First YE will take place bet ...
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Youth employment through sport and tourism activity

Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: Mar 1, 2017,

The project “Youth employment through sport and tourism activity” that represents a Learning Mobility of Individuals, Training Course will take place in Antalya from 24th to 31st October 2016 and will be 22 participants from, Italy, Romania, Greece, Bulgaria, Slovakia and the host country Turkey. Among the project participants there will be managers or youth workers of partner associations and dis ...
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Towards a Nonviolent World 2016

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

Background and participants. The applicant organisation (SVAG, The Netherlands) and the trainers involved in this proposal work in the Nonviolence and Conflict Resolution fields: their experiences made them realise the great need to promote a culture of peace among youth to help society to shift from a tradition of violence to new habits of understanding and inclusion. For these reason we are orga ...
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Description User InterACTION Aware Content Generation and Distribution for Next Generation Social TeleVisionACTION-TV proposes an innovative mode of user interaction for broadcasting to relax the rigid and passive nature of present broadcasting ecosystems. It has two key aims: (i) a group of users can take part in TV shows providing a sen ...
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Current communication standards and systems are not optimally prepared for their application in unpredictable environments which occur for example in serious disaster scenarios such as earthquakes or tsunamis. Cellular communications systems are planned using accurate/strict link budget allocation mechanisms, in order to keep the probability of outage in an acceptable range. The whole communicatio ...
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Future Internet - Core (FI-Core)

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

FI-WARE has started to materialize as a powerful foundation for the Future Internet. FI-WARE is an innovative, open cloud-based infrastructure for cost-effective creation and delivery of services, at a scale not seen before. FI-WARE is now well under way to successfully achieve its goals of boosting the effectiveness of creating new services of high economic and societal value, reinforcing EU comp ...
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Cross Border

Start date: Sep 16, 2014, End date: Sep 15, 2016,

Cross Border project aims to develop and enhance the process of search for a job or career of youth from urban and rural areas in difficulty in order to make their EVS a springboard for their future. Quality support (training courses, tutoring, follow-ups, individual interview, tripartite maintenance, linguistic workshops, workshop on youth pass, CV workshop...) with key partners (receiving and s ...
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„Let’s use tradition and modernity for social inclusion”

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

...enship, increasing the ability to address the needs of the disadvantaged. The project is initiated by the Romanian Branart Assotiation and has as parteners the organizations Help from Poland, Sega Association from Bulgaria, NGO Prosvasi from Cyprus and Active Youth Association from Turkey. It will be coordinated by Mrs. Manea Ana Cristina from the host organisation and includes 39 young participan ...
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Mostar Friedensprojekt is organizing two training courses: “Theater of the Oppressed: Implementation of forum theater methods in the youth work to fight youth unemployment“ (11.12.2015-20.12.2015) and “Theater of the Oppressed: Implementation of forum theater methods in the youth work for dealing with the phenomenon of migration“ (25.09.2015-04.10.2015) for participants, who are active as youth w ...
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One Step Ahead

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

One Step Ahead was a training course for youth workers (group leaders and project managers) from partner organisations around Europe. The training theme was professionalism in international youth work; the objective was to share our experience and develop best practice and high professional standards for leading groups of young people on international exchanges, by training the "next generation" o ...
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No Borders More Ideas

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

MPTLL organises this training course with the association AVRIL. These two associations experimented in the international work with the young people and the youth actors are also head of regional network as regards the international mobility. This training course "No borders more ideas" will take place in Siouville Hague in France from 6th till 13th of December 2015. This action is a part of a g ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

"Milestones" was a European partner meeting with a difference. It was designed to deliver significant and sustainable practical benefits to ourselves and our partners from other Programme countries, in terms of evaluation, process review, knowledge sharing, and forward planning. At the same time it aimed to set an example of good practice in youth participation, empowerment and equal opportunity. ...
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The beginning of the third millennium goes together not only with the dawn of digitalized media technologies, internet, websites, computer multimedia, video games, augmented reality, etc. but also with a social revolution initiated by the interconnectibiliy of users throughout the planet. From an industrial revolution over a commercial revolution the creation of social media has made it possible t ...
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European Youth Environmental Sentinels

Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

EYES – European Youth Environmental Sentinels’ main aim was to promote sustainable environment and health protection, on the basis of Art. 191 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. The project involved youth workers and young leaders interested or having a personal experience in environment and health issues, who acted as “multipliers” at the local and international levels. The p ...
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Partners for Inclusion

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

Partners for Inclusion was a training course for 22 youth workers from 8 countries (UK, Austria, Finland, Greece, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Turkey). An additional 3 countries in the original project application (Bulgaria, Germany and Poland) were unable to send participants. The theme of the project was inclusion, and how international projects and exchanges can make a tangible impact on the lives ...
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Training course „Learning by moving”

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Oct 1, 2015,

The general idea of this training course “Learning by Moving” is to provide a chance for people that work with youth (youth workers, youth leaders, educators that work with young people outside formal education settings) to experience and discover elements of various movement exercises and contemporary dance that could be used as a valuable tool for providing new non-formal learning opportunities ...
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Open Discovery Space aims to serve as an accelerator of the sharing, adoption, usage, and re-purposing of the already rich existing educational content base. First of all, it will demonstrate ways to involve school communities in innovative teaching and learning practices through the effective use of eLearning resources. It will promote community building between numerous schools of Europe and emp ...
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Our common identity; European Citizenship

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Aug 1, 2015,

This KA-1 Mobility of Individuals, Mobility Project for Young People and Youth Workers, Training Course was a project which was hosted in Çanakkale TURKEY. The aim of the project was to promote the awareness of European citizenship while fighting against discrimination. This project provided the inclusion of disadvantaged, disabled and marginal groups. This training aimed at developing the feeling ...
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Work on Social Cooperation

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015,

WOSOCOOP – Work on Social Cooperation, is a project focused on youth unemployment, promoting participation and inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities. The project is in line with the Action KA1 Learning Mobility of Individuals of the new ERASMUS + programme, which comprises, among the other activities, the mobility for young people and youth workers. The project was centred on a Traini ...
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Enterprise goes green

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

This is a Training Course, that will be organized by Association for International Mobility, as applicant and a host, held in Berkovitsa - Bulgaria, aimed to gather 36 young people from Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Kosovo*, FYR Macedonia, Turkey, Poland, Hungary and Italy in order to provide in depth tackling of employment, sub-focusing on green jobs and sustainable development and ways & mechanism ...
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Open windows

Start date: Jun 18, 2014, End date: Feb 17, 2015,

The training course "Open Windows" took place in Italy, from 1 to 8 November 2014. The training course involved 33 youth workers from 9 different countries: Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Croatia, Romania, Slovakia and Bulgaria. The participants were volunteers, trainers and youth workers, representing a mixed group of youth workers and youth with fewer opportunities, that met to learn ...
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Youth education and (un)employment are a driving political issues in Europe. While several European economies are experiencing even higher rates of youth unemployment, the pools of young qualified workforce in other countries are drying up. Underemployed youth leads to shrinking economies, while uneducated youth deprives societies of desperately needed innovation. The European Union has therefor t ...
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The "Our common identity - the future of Europe" is a youth exchange, conceived and realized with the efforts of young people from 6 countries - Czech Republic, Romania, Italy, Spain, Turkey and Bulgaria. The theme of the project, discussed and chosen by all groups of participants is "National Identity and Cultural Diversity - priceless treasure of the United Europe." Other topics will be also dis ...
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Over the past decade, most EU Member States have identified food and health as key priorities. This is in response to increases in obesity and diet-related chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases amongst their populations. Also an insufficient nutrient supply in subgroups of the populations and special demands in ageing societies are identified as abiding challenges. Attempts ...
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EU spring school 2014

Start date: Mar 1, 2014,

EU Spring School 2014 is 7 days long Youth Exchange that will be hosted by CET platform in Belgrade, Serbia from 6th till 13th of April 2014. Project will gather 60 young people from Netherlands, France, Slovenia, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Turkey, Serbia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Bulgaria. Youth Exchange EUSS will give participants opportunity to learn about structure and decision making pr ...
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Let's make the change

Start date: Mar 1, 2014,

...olunteers from different countries will continue their activities from November 2014. The volunteers will be actively involved in daily work services in Youth Information and Counseling centre INFO SEGA working on different tasks, activities and projects and partly in Coalition SEGA in Prilep, Macedonia.The volunteers will be involved into these services and themes:INFOrmation right NOW (Youth lei ...
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The aim of the project is to share knowledge, get to know different scenarios and define a common vision to develop the formats of Youth Information and Counselling through a seminar. It is planned to take place in Malta between 26-30 January 2014 and contribute to the operation and maintenance of high quality youth information and counselling services in the project partner countries and beyond.A ...
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The "2nd International Youth Meeting: European Citizen - Where are you?" will bring together young people and people active in youth work from more than 20 different European countries (EU programme countries and neighbouring partner countries from SEE) in order to offer them a platform to discuss basic issues concerning participation and European citizenship, share experiences and additionally le ...
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