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Youth employment through sport and tourism activity
Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: Mar 1, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “Youth employment through sport and tourism activity” that represents a Learning Mobility of Individuals, Training Course will take place in Antalya from 24th to 31st October 2016 and will be 22 participants from, Italy, Romania, Greece, Bulgaria, Slovakia and the host country Turkey. Among the project participants there will be managers or youth workers of partner associations and disadvantaged youth especially young refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants. The main targets of the project are to increase the employment of educated young comprised of disadvantaged young in tourism field and improve the social and educational qualifications of the young people working in this field. We aim at promoting the adaptation of refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants towards the culture of their region and the social and economic structure of there. We also desire to contribute to the employment of talented youngsters in tourism area among these groups. Furthermore we want to develop solidarity feelings of local communities with refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants and accelerate the mutual social harmony. Disadvantaged young people forming one part of project participant group will be from 18 to 30, youth workers or the people in the position of managers of partner organizations will form the other participant group. From each partners 3 participants will take place in main activities 2 of whom are disadvantaged youth and youth workers. Female-male balance will be enabled in the participation. Except these 18 people from 6 different countries, there will be 4 more participants from Romania, Greece and Turkey as facilitators and support staff.The participants and project partners will deal with presentations supporting project activities, researches and cultural preparations doing local studies. During the activities all the participants will actively take roles in the project and management. Also in dissemination and exploitation activities, the practice of the qualifications gained during the project and the suggestions offered will be done. The participants will also actively take part in these dissemination activities. After the project, the partners will form local cooperation in the project issues and will be included to European web of the project. A group named “follow-up and coordination team” consists of volunteers will coordinate and improve the local cooperation and the activities in the European web. After the project, as a result of the cooperation planned by the partners, employment opportunities for the ultimate target group and international youth mobility are aimed at.Non-formal training techniques will be used during the activities and facilitator and expert support will be provided. The activities create unity with preparatory and dissemination work. As a part of this unity, main activities will gain the participation skills with employment and social competences. Participants will also get ready for the roles to be formed to reach the final target. The main activities of the Project are presentations and debates, workshops, analysis and discussion activities, planning activities and intercultural learning activities. The presentations prepared by the participants and experts appropriately for the project needs analyzes and diversifying and reinforcing debates on these presentations will be held. After these presentations and debates, group workshops with which planning, organization and non-formal education skills will be gained are going to be carried out. Synthesizes reached by the presentations will be embodied with workshops and will be turned into skills. In the workshops to be implemented with facilitators, 4 working groups will be formed from mixed countries. During the analysis and discussion activities, the practices in the places they live and the results of the preliminary researches will be discussed. Analyzes and determinations will be performed with the facilitators’ supports and suggestions will be offered. Opinions and experiences will be written down and these notes will be used in the planning and follow-up parts.With the planning activities, not only planning skills and entrepreneurship of the participants will be improved but identifying their roles themselves in the activities to be done after the project will be provided as well. Furthermore the activities during which the qualifications gained in the project will be reinforced, learning skills of the participants will be improved, social and personal capacities will be enhanced, intercultural learning will be provided, European topics and Erasmus + awareness will be increased are going to be implemented.Evaluation and Youth Pass awareness activities in order to understand, verify and recognize the information, competence and qualifications to be gained during the project will be realized with the participants, their certificates will be handed out at the end of the project.

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