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37 European Projects Found

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Basic skills (literacy, numeracy, science, technology, English as a second language) are the foundation for further learning and are a gateway to employment and social inclusion, according Europe 2020 - the EU's strategic growth strategy. A key factor for achieving smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth is to implement policies, programmes and projects aimed at raising attainment levels and imp ...
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Next Station: Improving Professional Skills in Galicia

Start date: Jul 4, 2016, End date: Jul 3, 2018,

General Management of Education, Vocational Training and Educational Innovation in Council of Culture and Education in Galicia is in Santiago de Compostela and manages 205 schools with Vocational Training and 1204 schools in Galicia.Educational adviser and international program coordinator promotes and coordinates european projects with 19 Vocational Training schools with their international coor ...
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Vers un nouvel horizon européen pour les MFR

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The Fédération Régionale des MFR de Midi-Pyrénées is an association working the12 MFR in Midi-Pyrénées. It is applying for its 5th VET Erasmus + program 5. The FRMFR coordinates the regional network and supports each association in the developement of the "sandwich course"pedagogy, the associative life, their projects. The consortium is composed of the 12 MFR from the Midi-Pyrénées region together ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The MFR (associations) has two unique features: a training system based on reality and experience through an alternation between company and MFR, allowing families to take their place in the education of their children. This organization promotes the mobilization of parents, tutors and learning, former students, elected from the territory, employees to work together on the development and success ...
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General objectives:In the past 5 years Friesland College managed to increase the number of teachers and students going abroad. We actively support these international mobilities, not only in Europe but also in developing countries. The objective is to create more awareness of the growing globalisation and the impact it has on our lifestyle and the economic development in Europe and beyond. We w ...
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European Initial Vocational Placements 2016

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

Context:The Departament d'Ensenyament (Ministry of Education of Catalonia), considering (1) the experience gained in 16 years in VET mobility projects, (2) the launch of the Erasmus+ program and (3) aware of the remaining barriers to the promotion of mobility, launched during the last academic year 2014-2015 the “Program for training mobility and international cooperation in VET institutions” to g ...
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3SP: Special Sports for Special People

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

3SP: SPECIAL SPORTS FOR SPECIAL PEOPLE aims to:• Promote, between the YOUNG PEOPLE aged 14-18 involved in VET, voluntary activities in sport. • Develop EDUCATIONAL KITS (OeR) and common methodologies on:1) Education to Sport and Physical activities for the improvement of Health and prevention of diseases connected to sedentary lifestyle, obesity, stress or to the use of doping, awareness raising ...
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Mobility (+) III

Start date: Sep 5, 2016, End date: Nov 4, 2017,

The Agency for Local Development and Employment of the municipality of Cartagena, in their interest to further promote quality vocational training bet again by + Erasmus program. Aimed to give added value to the training, we would like to supplement the training programs with the completion of internships abroad. The beneficiaries of the mobility program are: 1.- Students of the MIXED PROGRAM FOR ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

1.- CONTEXT: The National Mobility Consortium, that promotes the Mobility Project “BRIGDE TO EUROPE”, consists of five VET Schools from four municipalities of the “Campiña de Sevilla”, a rural and agricultural region.- “López de Arenas” VET School (Shipping Company- Marchena)- “Alarifes Ruiz Florindo” VET School (Shipping Company - Fuentes de Andalucía)- “Al Andalus” VET School (Shipping Company – ...
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An aliment travels in average 1500km before arriving in the plate of the European citizen. Facing this fact, a global and deep movement raise around food and agriculture to foster sustainable production and consumption of goods of quality. Nonetheless, - those initiatives are numerous but remain often isolated - the sector represent a strong potential growth, but lacks structuration - it can gener ...
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The project is centered on tourism and catering - agribusiness and aims at enhancing the agro-food product and typical gastronomic culture as areas of business development and job growth. The project works on entrepreneurial skills (creativity, spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship) and technical-vocational competences in the agri-food sector. This promoting the qualification of food micro-pro ...
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Researches demonstrate that ESL is caused by a mix of individual circumstances, educational factors and socio-economic conditions. It often starts already in primary education and increases during transitions between schools or different educational levels; also mismatches between education / training curricula and labor market needs increases the risk of educational failure as pupils lack prospec ...
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ICT Challenges in Learning Mobility

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The project ICT Challenges in Learning Mobility wants to realize 82 learning mobilities addressed to professionals in Vocational Education and Training in 6 EU countries: UK, Spain, Holland, Germany, Finland and Ireland. The staff training mobilities have a strong common denominator consisting in the acquisition of innovative methods and effective use of technologies for teaching, for an innova ...
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Mobility Coach

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

“MobiCoach“ aims at enhancing the quality and quantity of mobility of our learners in Europe. We would like to improve the international vocational competence of both – learners (IVT and dual system) and teachers. Due to the installation of so-called “European Classes” in our IT and Design departments we integrate work placements abroad within the curricula of these IVT full time training courses ...
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Fun InterNational Learning And kNow-how Development opportunities IV

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Background Hyria Education (Hyria) is a multidisciplinary educational institution offering vocational education and training. Hyria was established in August 2009 by merging seven vocational education institutions and adult education centers. Hyria operates in the rapidly growing Hyvinkää – Riihimäki region which has nearly 90 000 residents, 34 000 jobs, and 5000 companies of which many operate in ...
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European Initial Vocational Placements 2015

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Context: The Departament d'Ensenyament (Ministry of Education of Catalonia), considering (1) the experience gained in 15 years in VET mobility projects, (2) the launch of the Erasmus+ program and (3) aware of the remaining barriers to the promotion of mobility, has launched during this academic year 2014-2015 the “Program for training mobility and international cooperation in VET institutions” to ...
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Construyendo puentes entre la formación y el empleo en Europa

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017,

This mobility project enables expand integration into the European and national labor market, both students who are completing their training and recent graduates, due to the difficult labor market situation in Spain, with a high rate of youth unemployment, that difficult them to find their first job.The project is to provide students the opportunity to expand and improve the quality of their trai ...
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The project MobiPhys enables mobilities to Italy for 20 pupils and 6 VET-staffs in vocational training for physio-therapists of UVDS. Our schools want to contribute that our pupils acquire necessary qualifications to participate to the European employment market. The learners will be supported in acquiring professional and intercultural competences and they will improve their awareness for other ...
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Kwaliteitsborging met ECVET : de docenten aan zet!

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

General objectives : The project is focused on Quality Assurance and validation if Learning Outcomes n the framework of EQF en ECVET. The teachers play a crucial role in this proces. In order to get a good description of Learning Outcomes and Learning units for students, it will be necessary the communicatie intensively with the partner institutions for sharing and exchanging information on curr ...
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Mobile Learning in VET towards 2020

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

...UK, France, Spain, Italy and Turkey) representing education, vocational training, further education, higher education, industry, and VET professionals. Project consortium members are: Scuola Centrale Formazione, Formatech srl and the University of Milan-Bicocca (Italy), Dirección Xeral de Educación, FP e Innovación Educativa (Spain), Coleg Cambria (the UK), Innovative Educators Association (Yenili ...
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Dinamizando Galicia

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The General Directorate of Youth, Participation and Volunteerism, integrated in the Ministry of Social Policy of the Xunta de Galicia, has proposed to launch the project of transnational mobility ERASMUS +, Dinamizando Galicia (DiGaL), for 56 young people, aged between 18 and 30, recently graduated in vocational training Intermediate level and Certificates of professionalism. The main project acti ...
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This project was developed with the purpose to enhance the professional skills of social enterprises, in order to increase their ability to meet the new challenges for labor inclusion of disadvantaged groups. Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) face persistent challenges integrating disadvantaged groups of the population into the labour market and facilitating their access to decent work o ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

"Friendly Europe" promotes VET Staff Mobilities for VET project managers, department directors, experts. The proposal is applied by Fondazione Casa di Carità Arti e Mestieri onlus in partnership with 8 partners that are members of CONFAP (Confederazione Nazionale Formazione Aggiornamento Professionale), an association that joints 36 VET Organization, with a total amount of 285 VET centers, where ...
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Let's Go! Mobilità Trasnazionali e Formative per i Giovani

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The project Let's Go inserts in the wide context of the objectives of Europe 2020 with the aim of integrating policies for education and training in the Strategy, the mandate that the European Union has given to all operators in the sector. Two key aspects of the Strategy: 1) the promotion of a "sustainable, smart and inclusive" economic growth; 2) the reduction of early dropout in charge of young ...
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préparer les métiers de demain en milieu rural

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

...tnership : Fédération Régionale des Maisons familiales Rurales (FR MFR) from Midi-Pyrénées (Mipy), Leader Center for Leader Programme and Agricultural Training Methodology (PLZMMC) in Lithuania, Scuola Centrale Formazione (SCF) in Italy, Salford City College in UK, Greek Scientific Association of Therapeutic Riding and Hippotherapy (GSATRH) in Greece and Union Nationale des Maisons Familiales Rura ...
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Building Bridges between education and employment

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

The difficult labour market situation in Spain, with a high rate of youth unemployment, hampers the access of newly qualified young people to the labour market. This project contributed to extend the opportunities to enter both national and European labour market for students who are about to complete their education as well as for those who are recent graduated. The project provided the students ...
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Europa.Next Station: Vocational Training Network

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

General Management of Education, Vocational Training and Educational Innovation in Council of Culture and Education in Galicia is in Santiago de Compostela and manages 205 schools in Galicia.Educational adviser and international program coordinator promotes and coordinates european projects with 19 Vocational Training schools with their international coordinators. We want to extend european cultur ...
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In the training of economically vulnerable people, the skills-based approach has served to match training courses more closely to the realities of the job market and to connect them with other levels of training or skill certification.It is evident, however, that the accumulation of technical and general skills is not enough when it comes to guaranteeing the lasting social integration of the most ...
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In the context of the European Year of Active Citizenship, the participants in the ACTing for Dependent People project have set themselves the aim of designing and distributing on a European scale an awareness-raising and training kit to promote and reinforce citizens’ initiatives in favour of vulnerable groups within society. This kit, which is intended for active and amenable European citizens w ...
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Migration et Accueil

Start date: Dec 1, 2010,

Several European countries are already experiencing or will in the future experience migratory flows not only connected with the demand for labour, but also arising from population movements. Over the next few years, Europe will be receiving over 20 million migrants (source OMI [International Migration Office]). The relative failure to integrate populations resulting from migration is only too ap ...
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This project specifically targets managers of professional training: it aims to enhancing both their managerial and relationship qualities through the development of a system of qualification and professional development in the context of Life Long Learning. Target group are managers at the level of directors and heads of firms, and support managers (i.e. those dealing with staff). The primary aim ...
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The SiQuCAE project was carried by a group of public and private partners active in the fields of vocational training and employment services in Italy, Belgium, France, Ireland and Spain. The project involved the testing of quality assurance systems of validation of formal and informal learning devices, on the basis of what implemented by the Walloon Region and the Brussels Government. The project ...
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 FINISHED developed a methodology in this field, which is quite innovative. And we suggest to adapt and implement this methodology in different countries through transnational partners organizations: Italy (Scuola Centrale Formazione), Spain (Fondacion Trinijove), Belgium (AID and CSC) and Great Britain (HITC). All partners belong to the same network, the European Coordinating Committee, which includes s ...
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The major issue and the COSEFAMIE-Family carers project main objective are to formalize a common professional accreditation across the European Union to enhance the Family carers’ experience and facilitate their employability.
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As technological innovation and globalization modified the economic and productive systems of European countries in the last years, a closer collaboration is nowadays needed between the school/vet systems and the labour market.This collaboration can be fostered through:- integration of formal and non formal learning to induce a reciprocal contamination and valorization of the training capacities ...
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The aim of the Leonardo TOI project KEYFORA was to transfer an innovative method for the identification of key competences, especially on the basis of European standards and the acquisition of complementary skills by the target public of the project, that is to say, caregivers and home care services employees, including people from a migrant background, in order to promote their employability.
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The overall objective of the project consisted to test in each country of the projects partners (Belgium, France, Italy, Romania) a training program opened to managers of third sector: companies with social benefit, mutualist organizations, cooperatives, associations, social integration companies, etc. This program has a European dimension because these “national” trainings are built from a single ...
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