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ICT Challenges in Learning Mobility
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project ICT Challenges in Learning Mobility wants to realize 82 learning mobilities addressed to professionals in Vocational Education and Training in 6 EU countries: UK, Spain, Holland, Germany, Finland and Ireland. The staff training mobilities have a strong common denominator consisting in the acquisition of innovative methods and effective use of technologies for teaching, for an innovative implementation of the processes of teaching / learning, able to contrast phenomena still very frequent in Italy as early school leaving and cyber-bullying in favor of a conscious use of technological tools and the integration of young students in the contexts of education and employment (according to the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy). The mobility of the training packages are of short duration (3 days excluding travel) for the thematic areas: multimedia technologies, mobile technologies, video technologies. These mobilities include the creation of 70% of training activities (training of trainers) and the remaining 30% of job shadowing (direct observation). Short mobilities are 72 and will be implemented in the 6 countries mentioned above. The project also provides training packages of longer duration, two weeks, for the staff who will acquire language skills and in particular the use of technology in teaching of foreign languages and skills and knowledge of the CLIL method for teachers NOT of foreign language. These 10 mobilities will be realized in Spain and in the United Kingdom with host partners specialized in the provision of foreign language courses and CLIL method. Even in this second case the mobilities will be constituted by a part of training of trainers (about 70% of the duration of mobility) and a part of job shadowing (the remaining 30% of the duration). The mobilities provide in both cases, a survey of the knowledge and skills acquired in the course of mobility by the participant; more realistically participants will realize the acquisition of small parts of very specific learning outcomes, that the beneficiaries may transfer in their job context to address concrete problems of their daily work, and that will allow them to contribute to the methodological changes within their organizations. The detection will be done through specific monitoring tools (GRIDS) aimed to the external evaluation and to self-assessment of learning outcomes. The use of certification Europass Mobility will regard the 10 mobilities of 2 weeks. The project ICT Challenges answers not only to the training needs of the participants (direct beneficiaries) but also to the emergencies in teaching about the motivation and integration of students of Vocational Education and Training (indirect beneficiaries). The project is characterized by the creation of a sending consortium, capable of representing 17 regions from north to south of Italy. The geographical scope of the Consortium will realize a significant impact on the results of the project at the national level; The project also has an "integrated" character in relationship with the initiatives already undertaken by the promoter and by the Consortium in terms of technology investments, of actions aimed at limiting early school leaving and attitudes of bullying, including the sensitization of teachers to the promotion of intercultural education aimed at integrating young foreigners. The project will last two years (June 1, 2015 - June 1, 2017), involves the realization of a final dissemination event organized by SCF promoter in the cycle "DoYourMOB" to be held in November 2016, aimed to return part of the results. The project finally has a core of partnership constituted by the hosting educational agencies that have implemented or are implementing practices of excellence within the themes promoted by the proposal, and with which SCF and the Consortium have already consolidated or are consolidating a relationship of "mutual trust “ which can ensure sustainability policies and reciprocity of learning mobility.

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11 Partners Participants