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Migration et Accueil
Start date: Dec 1, 2010,

Several European countries are already experiencing or will in the future experience migratory flows not only connected with the demand for labour, but also arising from population movements. Over the next few years, Europe will be receiving over 20 million migrants (source OMI [International Migration Office]). The relative failure to integrate populations resulting from migration is only too apparent: recent or long-standing host countries are encountering difficulties in receiving and ‘integrating’ these new citizens; migrants experience levels of unemployment sometimes in excess of 30 % and do jobs which the local population do not want to do (the 3D rule: dirty, difficult and dangerous jobs); and these same populations, even though they are aware that there is a labour shortage, are not favourably disposed towards businesses taking on migrants. Being aware of this situation, the partners in the MIGRA project have set themselves the aim of providing support for these migratory flows by developing and promoting an alternative training system designed to facilitate the integration of migrants into the society and the labour market of the host country. The aim of the project is to help towards building a transcultural, tolerant Europe, capable of creating wealth for all and, to do this, the partners plan to : - Produce a ‘Glossary of mutual cultural understanding’, modules entitled ‘Understanding your host country and your employer’s business’ aimed at migrants and ‘Recruiting and integrating migrant workers’ aimed at businesses and a ‘Guide for the implementation of the alternative training system’ aimed at trainers (in French, German, Italian, Spanish, Slovak, Czech and English).- Implement the alternative training system and assess its impact,- Create the conditions necessary to ensure the system’s sustainability by closely involving the beneficiaries of the project right from its inception through to the deployment stage, and by setting up the MIGRA website.

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6 Partners Participants