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Mobilität für SchülerInnen und Personal in der Physiotherapieausbildung
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project MobiPhys enables mobilities to Italy for 20 pupils and 6 VET-staffs in vocational training for physio-therapists of UVDS. Our schools want to contribute that our pupils acquire necessary qualifications to participate to the European employment market. The learners will be supported in acquiring professional and intercultural competences and they will improve their awareness for other countries and cultures. The VET-staff will have the chance to use the international networking in order to become acquainted with different methods. They will be enabled to teach their pupils an attitude of European Citizenship. The pupils will be sent to Italy for 30 days in order to absolve a practical training. This practical training is based on German law concerning the vocational training for physio-therapists. The practical training can be absolved either during the regular time of vocational training or after having completed it. Our experienced Italian partners will choose the eligible traineeships in Italy. The VET-staff will travel to Italy for 2 days in order to conduct a job shadowing. The target is an exchange of methods and impacts of the different training systems. The international orientation of our school will be enhanced by this exchange and we will improve our ability to commit ourselves to the needs of learners in Europe. Preparation and monitoring via IKT are brought into special focus of this project: using our learning- and communication-platform ILIAS, all participants can be coached independent from their location. At any time they have the possibility to get every information they need. This project will be conducted for the first time in 2015.
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3 Partners Participants