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19 European Projects Found

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LOC PRO II project is the continuation of the successful LOC PRO I project, which was completed under the previous GR-IT INTERREG program. The main objective concerns the support of entrepreneurs & enterprises producing local typical quality products, in such a manner that achieves a high degree of ICT integration in the everyday work and the use of modern marketing tools & techniques. This aim wi ...
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Sustainable coast MOBility in the ADRIatic area (ADRIMOB)

Start date: Jan 31, 2011, End date: Jan 30, 2014,

ADRIMOB involves the main ports of Adriatic cross-border area. Venice, Ravenna, Rimini, Cesenatico, Pesaro-Urbino, Pescara, Brindisi, Bari, Rovinj, Rab, Spalit, Durres, Bar, Igoumenitsa and the main ports of Slovenian area. The involved partners gathered their efforts with the purpose of defining a project generating concrete solutions to real problems: improvement and upgrade the accessibility in ...
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The project promotes the utilization of existing cultural values and tourist potential of target territories creating local identities having as references both promotion and tourism management based on the appeal factor of historical villages, walled cities, castles and cultural sites comprised in the these territories. These factors contribute to the development of the economic potentials of the ...
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...ion to EU, foreseing funds or identifying information society as a priority. In Italy the regions are working at their own telecommunication Plans, without negleting each territory but giving to each Province the responsability of developing it. In Croatia ICT is growing fast, but the disparities are very strong, as shown by the 3 Croatian partners representing the 3 actors of the process (private ...
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The programme area is crossed by relevant freight traffic flows, originated and directed in- and outside it. This traffic is mainly supported by road infrastructures, that were not planned for these flows. This involves a negative impact on the territorial competitiveness and environment, due to air pollution, noise and reduced mobility. The project objective is to promote the coordination between ...
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Local Equality Agencies Development (LEAD)

Start date: May 31, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

Despite their obvious presence as citizens, women in the EU are still under-represented in many decision-making structures. Typically women are key players in local associations such as residential organizations but do not have an equal share in high-impact decision-making forums. In order to help address existing imbalances in the cities and regions, effective policies are needed that ensure part ...
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Women Engendering the Finance Network (WEFneT) (WEFneT)

Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2006,

The WEFneT project is based on Women's Resource Centres as an instrument for local development with a gender perspective. The main objective of the project is to achieve local development through an increased participation of women in economic, political and social life - both in quantity and in quality. The Women's Resource Centres are a co-ordination service of territorial actions and actors eng ...
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Adriatic action plan 2020 (Aap2020)

Start date: Apr 30, 2003, End date: Apr 29, 2006,

How to reconcile development with sustainability and integrate sustainability policies into the political and management practices of public authorities is a major concern for regions and cities along the Adriatic coast. They are faced with conflicting trends: on the one hand, there is wide recognition of the importance of environmental action; and on the other hand, sustainability policies are of ...
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... The project proposes an integrated approach to the environmental protection and management problems presented by the coastal strip (sea and land) of nearly 445 km long spanning the three Apulian provinces of Taranto, Brindisi and Lecce. In these areas the presence of heavy urbanisation and industrialisation raises the risk of exposure of the coast to the combined effects of pollution and coas ...
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EPA supports the strengthening and promotion of the protected areas involved in the project through their sustainable use. The long-term goal is the seasonal adjustment of tourism in the territories that is not connected only to the sea and to the summer. The specific objectives of the project are:o to promote sustainable mobility within and between protected areas (Parks, Reserves, Marines Protec ...
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The overall objective is to strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs through innovation transfer for the valorization and the recovery of typical and traditional products (fruit and vegetables, food grain, oil and legumes) within Mediterranean sustainable diets.Sub-objectives are:• identification of agro-food biodiversity and traditional food within Mediterranean Sustainable Diets (WP3). Involved te ...
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The project identifies 27 hubs among ports, airports, bus and railway stations and merge the different existing services or optimize the ones in order to establish a unique interface able to give information, data, tickets and transit times in real time. The project achieves its objectives in the following ways:• Creating a step-change in existing infrastructures, trying to exploit all the mobilit ...
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The objective of the proposed BioGAIA project is to increase the biogas productivity in AD plants that normally treat mixtures of wastewaters based on their seasonal availability and thus operate for periods with mono-substrates, e.g. cheese whey in Italy or cow manure in Greece during summer, to co-digest other agroindustrial wastes or agro-residues available in the area in order not only to oper ...
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• BIG general objective is to improve governance, management and sustainable valorization of coastal and rural protected areas and contributing to the implementation of the Natura 2000 provisions in Greece and Italy. The sub-objectives are:• Strengthening and improving cooperation among regional administrations to further monitor Natura 2000 species and habitats and to set environmental measures f ...
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The project deals with the topic of social inclusion proposing the improvement of tourist easy access in the participating territories. NO BARRIER aims at carrying out an organic set of interventions in order to reduce barriers, which do not allow the full use of territories to disabled persons. Moreover it consists of the following: • Elaborating methods and tools for certifying the accessible pl ...
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The main objective of the project is to build a fire danger prevention infrastructure that advances the ability of regional stakeholders across the eligible area to detect and fight forest wildfires. The specific goals are:• to increase the operational capability to detect and fight forest wildfires both in terms of fire prevention and fire propagation.• to enhance the operational infrastructure i ...
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The project stems from the observation of the massive use of plastic materials in agriculture, whose disposal is a high cost for companies, besides being a serious environmental problem. The general aim of the project is, therefore, to enhance competitiveness for the agricultural companies by reducing the costs of collection and disposal of plastic wastes. The specific objectives are: - to introdu ...
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Water Saving for Development (WaS4D)

Start date: Mar 18, 2012,

The general objective of the project is to promote drinking water saving culture & behaviour . Its principal activities are: • on line geo-referred maps regarding existing water resources/quality and water needs, for Puglia and Achaia • a Sustainable cross border Water Management Plan • a water saving Local Action Plan - 2015-2020 • Water Houses with scenic design selected via public competition • ...
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Facing the various challenges generated by the technological, economical and regulatory changes, the Port Authorities are becoming an active and cohesive part of the superior level institutions trying to be pioneers in the Euro-Mediterranean area as regards the implementation of the Community directives. Specifically the objectives of ARGES are:• Enhancing accessibility and mobility of passengers ...
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