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Valorization of Traditional Food Products for Competiveness and Innovation of Italian and Greek SMEs (FOODING)
Start date: Dec 26, 2013,

The overall objective is to strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs through innovation transfer for the valorization and the recovery of typical and traditional products (fruit and vegetables, food grain, oil and legumes) within Mediterranean sustainable diets.Sub-objectives are:• identification of agro-food biodiversity and traditional food within Mediterranean Sustainable Diets (WP3). Involved territories have high number of traditional food products with healthy and organoleptic properties that should be better analysed and promoted.• identification and innovation transfer in typical, traditional and local agro-food chain (WP4). Innovative technologies can improve the quantity or the quality of food products bringing out or preserve their healthy characteristics during the primary production or the industrial process. It can make local SMEs more competitive.• valorization of traditional food products within Mediterranean Sustainable Diets (WP 5). traditional food products and their nutritional, nutraceutical and organoleptic characteristics will be valorized through a virtual mall and a Customer Relationship Management.• improving connections between SMEs producing traditional food products and tourism (WP6). Traditional food products are strictly linked with natural resources and cultural heritage of involved territories; these factors can be valorized by strengthening the tourism chain from farm to hospitality sector.• strategies and politics establishment to valorize Italian and Greek territorial marks on traditional food within Mediterranean Sustainable Diets (WP 5). This objective aims at identifying actions and measures that should be developed within European Programme 2014-20. Expected Results: The final result of the project is to increase innovation of SMEs operating in the sector of traditional food products favouring the increasing of the 20% of the traditional products market sales. Target groups are Apulian and Greek SMEs operating in the sector of traditional food products, innovators, research centers, public administrations. Main results that will be achieved by activities of the project are: • Improving knowledge of consumers on healthy (antimicrobial, antioxidant activity), nutritional, nutraceutical and organoleptic properties of traditional food products that are part of the Mediterranean Sustainable Diet (almost 60 products characterized and included in the cross-border basket on traditional food products within Mediterranean sustainable diets, 2 equipped laboratories);• Favouring innovation transfer to SMEs (4 Technology Startup Incubators; a marketplace on the innovation; 8 road tour to inform and collect innovation in traditional products ; 8 local events on innovation in food sector addressed to youth with food-sector operators and innovators). The project favor the meeting between 40SMEs and research centers, innovators, entrepreneurial and training centers. It supports the startup of 60 new innovation actions capitalizing the experience of the project Noble Ideas where young innovators’ ideas are selected and promoted;• Increasing the role and cooperation between public institutions on valorization of traditional food products within Mediterranean sustainable diets (n. 1 strategic agenda to carry out the new European Programme 2014-20 and 1 Greek-Italian territorial mark);• Strengthening relationship among actors of traditional agro-food chain and stakeholders operators of touristic sector (4 showrooms of Food Experience, 12 thematic workshops and conversations with food chain operators, 6 show cooking, 4 brainstorming meetings) and at least 20 business agreements between farms and touristic SMEs

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