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Adriatic action plan 2020 (Aap2020)
Start date: Apr 30, 2003, End date: Apr 29, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

How to reconcile development with sustainability and integrate sustainability policies into the political and management practices of public authorities is a major concern for regions and cities along the Adriatic coast. They are faced with conflicting trends: on the one hand, there is wide recognition of the importance of environmental action; and on the other hand, sustainability policies are often implemented at random, without coordination, limited in time and space and frequently confined to conservation actions. "AAP 2020 - Adriatic Action Plan 2020" wants to address this problem. The operation is based on an existing network, the "Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Cities & Towns", whose goal it is to promote the sustainable development of the Adriatic region through co-operation between cities and towns along the Adriatic coast. Overall objective / Objectif général The operation's overall objective is to exchange experiences on policies and instruments, benchmark and standardize methods and administrative procedures, identify and disseminate best practices, and jointly implement improved policies for local sustainable development. This should be achieved through systematically integrating sustainability into public sector policies and raising the awareness of private sector operators on sustainability as an innovation factor. Final results will be formalized in an Adriatic action plan that contains common strategies, objectives, actions and commitments in respect of implementation. The Adriatic action plan will be promoted widely across Adriatic and Ionian cities. Expected results / Résultats attendus The project will provide and implement a set of tools to public sector institutions for local sustainable development. For use by private sector operators it will create a Sustainable Innovation Market (SIM) to help disseminate and exchange good practices and procedures. This set of tools includes environmental and social reporting, environmental management systems and integrated sustainability accounting. Each local authority, starting from already-implemented tools, chooses the appropriate tools and sets its own implementation agenda, using common methodologies. In a number of pilot sites the full range of methods will be applied and tested.
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  • 48.5%   418 982,89
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC East
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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28 Partners Participants