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Women Engendering the Finance Network (WEFneT) (WEFneT)
Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The WEFneT project is based on Women's Resource Centres as an instrument for local development with a gender perspective. The main objective of the project is to achieve local development through an increased participation of women in economic, political and social life - both in quantity and in quality. The Women's Resource Centres are a co-ordination service of territorial actions and actors engaged in improving women's skills and access to financial means to set up their own businesses. They also offer counselling services and territorial sensitisation. WEFneT transnational cooperation is particularly focused on: - Enlargement of the Women's Resource Centre Network in the CADSES area in order to intensify the co-operation between business and social infrastructure for regional innovation, - Identification of a common model to favour access to loans for female entrepreneurs in co-operation with the regional governments, financial institutions, public and private organisations, - Set-up and management of an e-community in the territorial area involved in the project for female entrepreneurs, women's associations and all those structures that promote the woman's role in the local development process. Also to train and assist about 200 local administrators in developing new competencies for local development with a gender approach. Achievements: Obtained outcomes so far: - 10 Women's Resource Centres have been established, - The existing Resource Centres were enhanced with new services. A network of Women's Resource Centres in the CADSES area was created. It is capable of offering psychological, managerial and financial support, information, consultancy and technical assistance to women of the involved countries, - About 200 local administrators were trained and assisted in order to develop new competencies with a gender approach, - About 20 Resource Centres Operators were trained in order to develop skills and abilities to set up and manage the structures, - About 10 new enterprises were started up.
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  • 44.7%   1 275 365,82
  • 2000 - 2006 Cadses
  • Project on KEEP Platform

18 Partners Participants