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latform for the Information Technology aimed at Getting Opportunities to reduce ICT gap in the Adriatic area (PITAGORA)
Start date: Nov 30, 2010, End date: Nov 29, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

PITAGORA project was born in the effort of answering to the need of the Adriatic area, accelerating ICT penetration, raising awareness among Public Authorities and SMEs about the advantages of ICT services. Digitalisation is a process developed with big disparities in Adriatic regions, where some areas already have defined some good practices and others need a strong transfer of know how, mainly into daily practices. In addition global competition requires an improved use of ICT within enterprises, including good infrastructure networks, the adoption of e-business solutions, and also the enhancement of Public Administrations performances, adopting new ICT applications. Starting with the model-making of some good practices, such as Plonegov, PEOPLE platforms (re-use of e-governmental solutions) and WI-FE infrastructure, PITAGORA aims at adapting it to the partners' frameworks thus transferring it. Moreover the cross border activities will enable the uptake of an Adriatic ICT platform, resulting from the agreed and tested services/methodologies concerning 3 strands of activities: 1)ICT/TLC infrastructures in Adriatic area; 2) Enterprises needs in terms of ICT; 3) ICT applications for Public Administrations. The key aspect is linked to the complementarity of the 3 strands, designed to be a sort of overall "umbrella", called PITAGORA TABLE-Toolkit. The operative character of the Toolkit is given by the elaboration of templates, facsimile of all the documents required as operative steps (e.g. agreements for PA, protocols for the policies implementation, contracts for experts and so on) as well as a training programme for the project staff, based on speed-dating and seminars with ICT experts. In this way the project will enable to educate professional figures within the Institutions involved, therefore keeping in the area the acquired know how. The PITAGORA partnership is made of different stakeholders, representing the whole scenario of partners which might be involved in digitalisation process: Public Authorities (Municipalities,Chambers of Commerce, Regional Authorities,Counties), intermediaries between public and private actors (Development Agencies, Regional technical Board) and private organization. All over Adriatic area several initiatives have been launched to meet EU request in terms of ICT, in view of the accession or potential accession to EU, foreseing funds or identifying information society as a priority. In Italy the regions are working at their own telecommunication Plans, without negleting each territory but giving to each Province the responsability of developing it. In Croatia ICT is growing fast, but the disparities are very strong, as shown by the 3 Croatian partners representing the 3 actors of the process (private, public and intermediary body). Albania is trying to define concrete governmental support to ICT, while Montenegro needs strong transfer of know how and in Bosnia-Herzegovina some areas are defining Regional Strategical Paper, such as Zenica Doboj Canton. Considering ICT as a demanding process, the project deals with it thanks to the participation of nearly all the Adriatic areas, in the effort of being a "gateway" to these territories contributing in general to ICT sensibilization and improving the quality of the services provided. Besides representing a gluing factor, PITAGORA witnesses the will of managing in a coordinated way the ICT development of bordering regions.
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  • 84.1%   1 744 241,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Adriatic IPA CBC (IT-SI-EL-HR-BA-ME-AL-RS)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

11 Partners Participants