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Local Equality Agencies Development (LEAD)
Start date: May 31, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Despite their obvious presence as citizens, women in the EU are still under-represented in many decision-making structures. Typically women are key players in local associations such as residential organizations but do not have an equal share in high-impact decision-making forums. In order to help address existing imbalances in the cities and regions, effective policies are needed that ensure participation of women in the decision making processes at these levels of government. Overall objective / Objectif général The operation "Lead - Local Equality Agencies Development" takes a lead in introducing a gender-oriented approach to local and regional decision-making and development policies. The project builds on previous EU-funded projects that supported the creation of Women Resource Centres and associated networking activities. Project partners now aim at designing and implementing so-called "Local Agendas for Equality", a combination of policy documents and action plans. Partners also plan to establish and experiment with Local Agencies for Equality - institutions that support networking of key actors. Expected results / Résultats attendus The operation supports the involvement of women in decision-making processes and promotes gender equality in development policies. It increases the capacity of public administrations to carry out participatory planning processes and to design and apply effective equal opportunities policies. Activities include the development of guidelines for gender sensitive communication and the elaboration of Local Agendas for Equality, policy documents and practical action plans for each of the partner regions to ensure gender mainstreaming in decision making processes. In addition to meetings, workshops and conferences, networking activities of the partners are also supported by Local Agencies of Equality. Partners set up these institutions and test their effectiveness and transferability to other regions.
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  • 64.6%   548 812,26
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC East
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants