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18 European Projects Found

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The project’s target group are Jelgava Crafts Secondary School 18 teachers of cook,waiter,baker and flour confectionery,commerce,hairdressing,make-up,metalworking professions and 36 students,who have completed theoretical and practical training in the school.The project includes students’ learning,vocational education and professional mobility.The first activity of the project is the vocational tr ...
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Our Training center of Apprentices, situated in Saint Michel Mont Mercure, a small village in Vendée, welcomes girls and boys from 15 to 24 years old under a contract of apprenticeship or professionalization. Belonging to the “Maisons Familiales Rurales” movement, it works on an associative mode, law 1901. The administration board, composed of parents and professionals, commits in the management o ...
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Mobility in Europe for Vocational Training

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The project aims to implement a European dimension of learning in the vocational training system and in the business system on the territory of Como, through the implementation of mobility for different targets in the catering and hotel sector and in the wellness industry. Objectives - Increase the chances of employment for young people in the local and European labor market through the enhancemen ...
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MOVIL'APP mobilité européenne et apprentissage

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

Apprenticeships A European priority... To combat youth unemployment and to increase the quality and supply of apprenticeships opportunities across Europe, the European Commission launched in July 2013 the "European Alliance for Apprenticeships". The goal is to secure commitment of stakeholders (public authorities, companies, CCIs and social partners) through concrete pledges to achieving the goals ...
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...tional training of specialists, observation of the professionals’ work and exchange of experience in the professional education center Agenzia per la Formazione, I orientamento e il Lavra della provincia di Como in Italy (2016, April/May), in Nanterre Institute of hairdressing and aesthetics (IFPM) in France (2015, November),in Lycée Professionnel Marie Laurencin in France (February 2016) and in t ...
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The Rural Maison Familiale, Training center of apprentices, an association law 1901, is located in Saint Michel Mont Mercure in Vendée. It welcomes 580 apprentices, from 15 to 25 years in CAP (Vocational Training Qualification), or in Bac Pro (Vocational high school diploma) in catering (cook, waiter, cook for desserts in restaurant) and bakery, pastry and chocolate making. All our apprentices are ...
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... bakery specialties group 6 teachers. The main project activity is the monitoring and exchanges of experience in vocational education centre Agenzia per la Formazione, I Orientamento e il Lavro della provincia di Como in Italy and in Santos Dumont waiters industry and economic management of high school restaurant industry department in France. As a result, new training methods, practical skills an ...
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Start date: Mar 31, 2011, End date: Mar 30, 2014,

The project intends to promote the cross-border territory that extends from the shore West of the lake throughout the Sottoceneri, focusing on some specific aspects that, in their integration, constitute its competitive advantage over other territories the Alps. In the centuries that an economy based on emigration, the artistic phenomenon of breath European Comacini Magistri, the specificity o ...
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Start date: Feb 28, 2011, End date: Feb 27, 2014,

The project, part of the Pit SapAlp, will test a new strategy intervention mechanisms to activate stable cooperation in the implementation of actions useful to support the relaunch of the socio-economic cross-border territory enhancing human capital. Through the use of tools and procedures for management of the flow of information useful to identifying the training needs and Pit SapAlp entire ...
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Le antiche vie di comunicazione tra Italia e Svizzera

Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: May 30, 2013,

The provinces of Lecco and Como, the Mason valley and has a Valchiavenna rich history linked to the trade between the north and south, lines of communication, time abandoning, who over the centuries have allowed men to move goods and ideas despite the borders and political instability. This is the theme around which enhance and promote a pedestrian route along the ridges of the historical exch ...
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Comunicazione Multimediale Integrata per la Filiera del Turismo (COMFIT)

Start date: Oct 31, 2010, End date: Apr 29, 2012,

The project aims to promote communication based on innovative technologies for the area Como / Ticino, with particular attention to the seasonal adjustment of the influx of tourism, with: 1) creation of a cross-border services, the management model for effective and Multimedia communication for the tourism economy; 2) development of innovative communication for the tourism industry, in which t ...
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This project stems from the desire to promote cross-border in promoting social inclusion of disabled people as an instrument of social cohesion expression and music. The project is based on the use of innovative technology: the Soundbeam. Briefly, the present project aims to: - Increase in cross-border network \ 's expressiveness for disability; - Promote research and experimentation technol ...
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The basic idea that supports the system design is that the model of welfare that a society advanced may be such as to enable the citizen to contribute to the definition the manner of satisfying their needs resulting in a better quality of life, since he is not only the user of services but a resource for society. the project then through cooperation processes involved in social and institution ...
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Validare per l'occupabilita (VALID.O)

Start date: Feb 15, 2009, End date: Mar 30, 2011,

The project aims to consolidate and develop experiences during the program Interreg IIIa, in order to test models and processes to ensure transparency insubrian labor market, in sectors characterized by a strong exchange borders. The project aims to innovate the training models, consistent with experiments in Switzerland and in Lombardy, on learning related to the experience work (workplace l ...
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Il progetto ha previsto essenzialmente due fasi di attuazione. La prima fase si e conclusa con l’individuazione del tracciato della dorsale ciclabile di collegamento tra le tre Province e il Canton Ticino. E stato realizzato uno Studio di fattibilita, finalizzato a valorizzare il patrimonio storico, culturale e ambientale attraverso il cicloturismo. Sono stati individuati i collegamenti ciclabili ...
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A lake has ever since influenced in a specific way the history and the social development of its surrounding territory. It constantly affects its economy, for which tourism is, in many cases, the main feature.Promoting tourism of a lake district encloses, even today, complicated aspects related to: the variety of the natural environment, the more and more international changing demands of tour ...
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Il progetto tende a: •• confermare e rafforzare lidentita culturale del territorio insubrico •• mantenere, attraverso una serie coordinata di strategie promozionali, lattenzione sul patrimonio ambientale, artisticoculturale e sulle opportunita di pratiche sportive della Regio Insubrica •• sviluppare nuove iniziative transfrontaliere ed integrare servizi comuni •• potenziare lofferta turistica in p ...
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This project proposal is focused on some relevant common trends emerging at the European level in the building sector:-shortages of qualified workforce, and mismatch between supply and demand;- consequent increasing of mobility and temporary migration phenomena- need to improve transparency in the job market and to implement services aiming at managing mobile human resources -growing importance of ...
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