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Développer durablement le projet de l'apprenti européen des produits des terroirs, source d'ouverture européenne.
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Rural Maison Familiale, Training center of apprentices, an association law 1901, is located in Saint Michel Mont Mercure in Vendée. It welcomes 580 apprentices, from 15 to 25 years in CAP (Vocational Training Qualification), or in Bac Pro (Vocational high school diploma) in catering (cook, waiter, cook for desserts in restaurant) and bakery, pastry and chocolate making. All our apprentices are working under a contract of apprenticeship or professionalization. The Board of administration, composed of parents and professional, defines the big educational and European orientations. Turned toward Europe for 30 years, the CFA (Vocational Training Centre) built a network of solid partners and wishes to perpetuate this European opening by defining itself as a European CFA. The project concerns 125 apprentices CAP in 1 year (Vocational training qualification), and the 1ere Bac pro. (Vocational high school diploma) for a period of 19 days and 8 persons from the 54 employees, for a period of 5 days. The young people who committed themselves in the apprenticeship, left school at the end of the secondary cycle. They turned to these jobs by passion and to be active and recognized. In this spirit, the young people put a lot into the training by alternation to fulfill themselves and learn differently. The European mobility for this public is an integral part of the training program. The internships are done in one of the 85 companies in our 26 European partner countries. The staff of the CFA (Vocational training Centre) realizes its mobility in one of the 14 European partner schools or in a company. The European mobility of the apprentices ideally enters the training aims, because it gives them the necessary tools for their professional and self-fulfillment and favors a successful and opened on Europe insertion. The mobility of the apprentices aims at several objectives: gaining in self confidence, in autonomy, getting a linguistic, cultural, citizen and professional opening. The project also concerns all the teaching and administrative staff. The objectives are to discover another system of training, to compare the practices of teaching, to inquire on the European actions and to value the project of " the European apprentice of the local products ". Teachers can also realize a mobility of training in a partner company. They compare the practices, the know-how and discover the recipes of the country. A Europe committee fixes the big European orientations. The educational director oversees the European projects. She is supported by a person in charge of the implementation and of the quality of the actions. The teachers, called action Europe monitors lead the teachers team and make Europe live in the CFA. Every monitor is a referent of one or several European countries. He assures the placement, the accompaniment and the exploitation of the European training courses. He is the privileged interlocutor of the companies and schools of this European country. The accountant assures the financial part and the Europe secretary the following-up of the administrative files. The project "European apprentice of local produces " is turned around the valuation of the products of the French and European countries. It aims at getting closer the local and European actors. Every apprentice is commissioned to take with him a local product to realize a recipe in his host company. In return, he brings back a European local product to value it in his French company. The European mobility extends over the main actors of the concerned branch of industry. The producers, masters of apprenticeship and the AIPPV (association inter consular for the promotion of the products from Vendée) support the project. The charter of European cooperation will be signed again by schools, European companies and socioeconomic partners during the European Round Tables of November 2014. The mobility of the apprentices and the staff opens the doors on Europe of apprenticeship and the discovery of the "local products". Following this experience, some apprentices leave in Europe or all over the world. Back in France, they answered a request of the profession to have a qualified, polyglot and competent labour. We welcome this year a young Portuguese apprentice in cooking and a young Hungarian in September, 2014. The staff acquires a better knowledge of the partners and develops a positive image of the European training courses. At the local level, our commitment impacts on the companies of apprenticeship of the young people and more widely, on all the branch of catering and food industry. The apprentices, the professionals of tomorrow, show themselves more adaptable, more open, more competent. The CFA welcomes every year European trainees to realize a company internship. Europe enters the business world and the families. The mentalities change, techniques and specialities are exchanged, human links weave making Europe a reality!
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