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Jelgavas Amatu vidusskolas skolotāju profesionālā pilnveide un audzēkņu prakse Eiropā
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project’s target group are Jelgava Crafts Secondary School 18 teachers of cook,waiter,baker and flour confectionery,commerce,hairdressing,make-up,metalworking professions and 36 students,who have completed theoretical and practical training in the school.The project includes students’ learning,vocational education and professional mobility.The first activity of the project is the vocational training of specialists, observation of the professionals’ work and experience exchange in the enterprises and organizations IBD Solutions Limited in the United Kingdom (February,2017),in Nanterre Institute of hairdressing and aesthetics,in Lycée Professionnel Marie Laurencin,in Lycée Santa Dumon in France (Marth,2017),in the professional education center Agenzia per la Formazione,Fondazione Gabriele Castellini School in Italy (2017,April),in Vitalis Betreuungsgesellschaft für Modellprojekte mbH in Germany.As a result - acquired new teaching methods, practical skills and different working methods interpretation,work environment based organization of educational process in order to ensure the qualitative learning process as well as the teachers’ acquaintance with the students’ practice sites in France, Italy,Germany,the United Kingdom.The second project activity is the students mobility,where students will have a 2-week practice in the above-mentioned partner organizations.The project objectives are:1.To promote vocational education and the attractiveness of vocational education;2.To improve professional subjects teachers' professional proficiency, pedagogical skills and competence that would contribute to the improvement of the quality of vocational education in the School (increased level of knowledge,skills,higher training process quality level,obtained skills for the development of new education programmes)3.To acquaint School teachers with the students’ practice sites in France,Italy,Germany,the United Kingdom.4.To teacher broad understanding of different and innovative teaching methods,organization of workshops,professional development of educational programmes,training in food and restaurant service,bakery,commerce,hairdressing,metalworking,beauty services,sewn products manufacturing .5.To gain understanding of the work environment based educational process organization in France at the Nanterre Institute of hairdressing and aesthetics.6.To support and increase School cooks, waiters, confectioners,bakers and pastry products specialists,costume style and hairdressing,metalworking,commerce specialties students’ opportunities to acquire the skills,abilities,competences, which will contribute to their personal growth,employment and the opportunities for access to Latvian and European labor market in competitive environment.7.To obtain experience in catering services in France,Italy,Germany and the United Kingdom,hairdressing,beauty industry,sewn products manufacturing in France, metalworking manufacturing in Germany.8.To improve teachers and students professional English,Italian,German,French language skills and promoted cross-cultural competence.9.To improve School cooks,waiters,confectioners,bakers and pastry products specialist,hairdressing,metalworking,commerce,dress style specialist,make-up artists specialties teachers and students intellectual level,to broaden their horizons.10.To encourage the mobility of teachers and students.11.To establishing and improve the contacts with the local authorities,French,Italian,Germany,British catering and restaurant service, confectionery,metalworking,hairdressing,clothes manufacturing.Mobility of students is intended to help vocational education students better learn the chosen profession by developing their professional knowledge,skills and competences,providing an opportunity to become acquainted with the new working methods and techniques and technologies used in France,Italy,Germany, the United Kingdom.This will increase the understanding of their profession.The resulting work experience will give students a significant contribution to the growth of their personalities.Vocational education specialists and practice managers will improve their methodological knowledge in the development of educational programmes,workshops management, teaching organization and will gain an understanding of the work environment based educational process,organization of education systems in Europe.School is planning to complement the food service and sewn products technology areas and this mobility within the teachers will get acquainted with the equipment and facilities used in foreign countries,which are necessary for the organization of a successful and high-quality learning process for cook,waiter,bread and and pastry specialist,hairdressing,dress style specialist and make-up,commerce,metalworking specialties,will learn what facilities and equipment should be purchased to complement the existing Jelgava Crafts Secondary School material and technical base.
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